Understanding Irrational Numbers: Is it Possible to Exact Measure?

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of measuring irrational numbers and the limitations of measurement. It is argued that while integers and rational numbers can be measured exactly, irrational numbers cannot due to their infinite nature. However, there is a debate over what is considered a "ruler" and whether certain constructions can be done with just a straightedge and compasses or if a marked ruler is needed. Ultimately, it is concluded that while it may be possible to measure irrational numbers with a marked ruler, it is still not possible to obtain an exact measurement due to the infinite nature of these numbers.
  • #1
Okay, I was thinking about irrational numbers, and I came to this conclusion: It is impossible exactly measure an irrational number.I am probably wrong, and that's why I posted this thread to check the validity of that statement.
Here is my proof:

If you wanted to cut a piece of paper exactly 1.284736 cm, you would probably measure it to the tenths place (1.3) or the hundreths place (1.28). If you wanted to be even more exact, you could keep on going until the ten millionth place.
Now, suppose you wanted to cut this piece of paper exactly the square root of two.
As we all know, the sqrt(2) is approximately 1.414213562. I say "approximately" since this number goes on forever. Therefore, you can never get an EXACT measurement since you always have another number in the decimal that you haven't taken into account.
As I said before, I am probably very wrong about this statement.
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  • #2
All measurements have some error; we can measure 1 no more exactly than we can measure √2.

Let's live in hypothetical land for a moment; suppose there are measurements we can do exactly, and that measuring integer lengths are among them.

Well, it's trivial to construct any number that can be made from integers, +, -, *, /, and square roots, using a straightedge and compass. With origami or a ruler and compass, I think you can do cube roots as well. You can construct a circle, and then pi by rolling the circle.

I would be entirely unsurprised if you could construct a lot more.
  • #3
Just using ruler and compass you cannot obtain cube roots. The extensions you construct are all degree 2^r over Q, and in particular one cannot square the cube.

If you have a marked ruler, which is how I understand it that we can 'measure' the integers, I'll swing with you being able to obtain cube roots - you can certainly trisect and angle (which is impossible in ordinary ruler and compass construction).

As to the original question, if you can 'measure' any rational accurately, you can 'measure' any irrational to any arbitrary degree of precision, ie you give me ANY e>0, and no matter how small I can produce something no more than e in error from what you want. But as 'measuring' rationals is equally as hard
  • #4
Matt, what do you mean by "ruler"?

Hurkyl first said that you can get square roots by using a straightedge and compasses. He then referred to getting a cube root by using a ruler and compasses. Certainly, you can get cube roots by using compasses and a marked straightedge (I believe it was Archimedes who showed that) which is what most people mean by "ruler"- we are allowed to mark a length on the straightedge and transfer that length to a different line.
  • #5
Yeah, it is all a bit vague. The standard in Galois theory is to take a 'ruler' to be an unmarked straightedge, at least this tallies with what the greeks did, it appears (as in what they thought to be constructible or not, eg see Stewart's Galois Theory, 3rd edition). This, it is alleged, is Euclid's strategy becuase it was 'purer' in spirit. In particular the greeks could not trisect the angle using ruler and compasses, which is possible with a marked ruler, and which was known to them.

I didn't notice the switch from straightedge to ruler in Hurkyl's post, to be honest.

There is also the added consideration of what one means by marked (where are the marks, are they uniformly distributed..). You can also argue that the compasses construe a form of measuring device.

FAQ: Understanding Irrational Numbers: Is it Possible to Exact Measure?

1. What are irrational numbers?

Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers, meaning they cannot be written as a fraction. They have decimal representations that neither terminate nor repeat.

2. Can irrational numbers be measured exactly?

No, irrational numbers cannot be measured exactly because they do not have a finite decimal representation. They are infinitely precise and cannot be represented by a finite number of digits.

3. How do irrational numbers differ from rational numbers?

Rational numbers can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, while irrational numbers cannot. Rational numbers also have a finite or repeating decimal representation, while irrational numbers have an infinite and non-repeating decimal representation.

4. What are some examples of irrational numbers?

Some examples of irrational numbers include pi (π), the square root of 2 (√2), and Euler's number (e). These numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction and have decimal representations that do not terminate or repeat.

5. Why are irrational numbers important to understand?

Irrational numbers are important in mathematics because they help us describe and understand the world around us. They are used in many real-life applications, such as in geometry, physics, and finance. Without an understanding of irrational numbers, we would not be able to accurately measure certain quantities or make precise calculations.

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