Charge moving through electric and magnetic field

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of an electron moving through an electric and magnetic field between two concentric cylinders. The first part of the conversation involves determining the speed needed for the electron to maintain a circular orbit, while ignoring the effects of Earth's magnetic field. The second part involves including the effect of Earth's magnetic field and determining the speed needed for the electron to maintain the same orbit. The conversation includes equations and a discussion of a negative discriminant, which was later resolved by taking into account the sign of the electron's charge.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Charge moving through electric and magnetic field

Homework Statement

I'm pretty sure my answer for part (a) was correct, but I'll include it just for kicks. Also, I'm sorry if it's wordy, this is my first post and not exactly sure what protocol is, so I'm just copying from the book.

An electron moves in a circular path with radius r=4.00 cm in the space between two concentric cylinders. The inner cylinder is a positively charged wire with radius a = 1.00 mm and the outer cylinder is a negatively charge hollow cylinder with radius b = 5.00 cm. The potential difference between the inner and outer cylinders is [tex]V_a_b[/tex] = 120 V, with the wire being at the higher potential. The electric field in the region between the cylinders is radially outward and has magnitude [tex] E = \frac{V_a_b}{r \ln(\frac{b}{a})}[/tex].
a) Determine the speed the electron needs to maintain its circular orbit. You can ignore bother the gravitational and magnetic fields of the earth.
b) Now include the effect of the Earth's magnetic field. If the axis of symmetry of the cylinders is positioned parallel to the magnetic field of the earth, at what speed must the electron move to maintain the same circular orbit? Assume that the magnetic field of the Earth has magnitude 1.30 X 10^-4 T and that its direction is out of the plane of the page in the figure.


Homework Equations

For part (a), I used [tex]\sum F = m a[/tex], giving me [tex]q E = \frac{m v^2}{r}[/tex], which becomes [tex]v = \sqrt{\frac{r q E}{m}}[/tex]. This gave me 5.39 x 10^12 m/s.

For part (b).
[tex]F_b = q v \times B[/tex].
Obviously Newton's second law will come into play again, so [tex]\sum F = F_B + F_E = q(E + v \times B = m a = \frac{m v^2}{r}[/tex].

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm basically stumped here. I tried [tex]\frac{m v^2}{r} = q v B + q E [/tex] with the quadratic formula but I'm getting a negative discriminant. Dimensional analysis works out, but my numbers don't. (I just put e in for q since we're talking about an electron.)
I got [tex] v = \frac{r(-e B \pm \sqrt{B^2 e^2 - 4 \frac{m e E}{r}}}{2m}[/tex].


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  • #2
Earth's magnetic field cannot 1.3x10^4 T. Probably it may be 1.3x10^-4. Taking this value try it again.
  • #3
rl.bhat said:
Earth's magnetic field cannot 1.3x10^4 T. Probably it may be 1.3x10^-4. Taking this value try it again.

Sorry, that was a typo. I calculated using 1.3 G originally and got a negative discriminant. Actually, greater magnetic field should only make it more negative if my equation is correct.
  • #4
While deciding the electron's direction in the electric and magnetic field you have taken into account its sign. Now the equation is mv^2 - reBv- rqE = 0 In this put the magnitude of charge of the electron.Now the discriminant becomes positive.
  • #5
Of course. I knew I did something stupid like that. Thanks a bunch.

FAQ: Charge moving through electric and magnetic field

1. How does charge move through an electric field?

When a charged particle is placed in an electric field, it will experience a force in the direction of the field if the charge is positive, or in the opposite direction if the charge is negative. This force causes the particle to accelerate, and it will continue to move until it reaches equilibrium with the electric field or encounters another force.

2. What factors affect the motion of a charged particle in an electric field?

The motion of a charged particle in an electric field is affected by the strength of the electric field, the magnitude of the charge on the particle, and the mass of the particle. The direction of the electric field also plays a role, as it determines the direction of the force acting on the particle.

3. How does the motion of a charged particle change when it enters a magnetic field?

When a charged particle enters a magnetic field, it will experience a force perpendicular to both its velocity and the magnetic field. This force causes the particle to move in a circular or helical path, depending on the strength of the magnetic field and the velocity of the particle.

4. Can a charged particle move through both an electric and magnetic field simultaneously?

Yes, a charged particle can move through both an electric and magnetic field simultaneously. The forces caused by the electric and magnetic fields will act on the particle simultaneously, resulting in a complex motion that is a combination of the two forces.

5. How do electric and magnetic fields interact with each other?

Electric and magnetic fields are closely related and can interact with each other. When an electric field is changing, it creates a magnetic field, and vice versa. This phenomenon is known as electromagnetic induction and is the basis for many technologies, such as generators and transformers.
