What is the proof of the proposition for non-abelian group of order 27?

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In summary, an example in my book on character theory gives an arbitrary non-abelian group G of order 27 and claims that |G'| = 3 (order of the commutator subgroup equals 3) and that there are 11 conjugation-classes. I really don't know why. I only manage to deduce that |Z(G)| = 3 (the order of the center of the group equals 3).I don't know exactly (haven't really given it deep thought) but...- The commutator subgroup is a subgroup, so, it has to have order 1, 3, 9 or 27 (divides |G| = 27)- It cannot be 1. Then the comm
  • #1
An example in my book on character theory gives an arbitrary non-abelian group G of order 27 and claims that |G'| = 3 (order of the commutator subgroup equals 3) and that there are 11 conjugation-classes. I really don't know why. I only manage to deduce that |Z(G)| = 3 (the order of the center of the group equals 3).
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  • #2
I don't know exactly (haven't really given it deep thought) but...
- The commutator subgroup is a subgroup, so, it has to have order 1, 3, 9 or 27 (divides |G| = 27)
- It cannot be 1. Then the commutator subgroup would be trivial (every commutator is unity) and the group would be abelian.
- You already deduced that |Z(G)| = 3, so there are three elements commuting with everything. Therefore, it cannot be 27 either.
- So you still have to exclude the case 9.

Probably there is some property (or Sylow theorem :)) that can give you that. Hope that gives you a nudge in the right direction (and I'm not putting you on a wrong track here)
  • #3
The commutator subgroup has the property that it is the smallest normal subgroup H such that the quotient G/H is abelian, in the sense that any other subgroup K with G/K abelian has H<K. Now just use the fact you've shown about the center (which, remember, is normal).
  • #4
|Z(G)| = 3 therefore |G/Z(G)| = 9 therefore (groups of order p2 are abelian) G/Z(G) is abelian therefore Z(G) > G' therefore Z(G) = G' therefore |G'| = 3.
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  • #5
I still do not know why there are 11 conj-classes. :frown:

Im afraid I just do not know enough small tiny theorems to prove it. I only know

  1. The identity element is in a conj-classs of its own.
  2. The order of a conj-class devides the group order.

So if I could prove there are no conj-class or order 9 then I am done. But I do not know how to prove that.
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  • #6
The Class equation for G is:
[tex]|G|=|Z(G)| + \sum_{k=s+1}^n |Gx_k| [/tex]
The orbits [tex]|Gx_k|>1[/tex] and are divisors of |G|=27.
So [tex]|Gx_k|[/tex] are either 3 or 9.

Now it cant be 11 cojugate classes.
Because even in the smallest possible case where [tex]|Gx_k|=3[/tex] we end up with,
27 = 3 + (3+3+..+3)
Now the number of 3's is 9.
So the most number of conjugate classes possible is 9.
  • #7
Kummer said:
The Class equation for G is:
[tex]|G|=|Z(G)| + \sum_{k=s+1}^n |Gx_k| [/tex]
The orbits [tex]|Gx_k|>1[/tex] and are divisors of |G|=27.
So [tex]|Gx_k|[/tex] are either 3 or 9.

Now it cant be 11 cojugate classes.
Because even in the smallest possible case where [tex]|Gx_k|=3[/tex] we end up with,
27 = 3 + (3+3+..+3)
Now the number of 3's is 9.
So the most number of conjugate classes possible is 9.

That's almost right. The 3 elements in the center each form their own conjugacy classes, so in fact the maximum number of conjugacy classes is 11.

The class equation is the way to go, if you're familiar with it. Note that if an element g is not in the center, its centralizer C_G(g) is a proper subgroup which contains both g and the center, therefore Z<C_G(g)<G, where both inclusions are proper.
  • #8
there is only one elementary principle in group theory, namely the group acts on its elements, subgroups, cosets, subsets, etc...

and the kernel of such an action is a normal subgroup.

more precisely there are two such actions, translation, and conjugation. playing with these gives everything else, like the "class" formulas above.

well there is also a more elementary principle, namely counting elements.
  • #9
I made a mistake in adding, the class equation gives:
27 = (1 + 1 + 1) + (3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3)

So there are 11 conjugacy classes.
  • #10
ok here we go

Take arbitrary g in G. We define the subgroup C(g) = {x in G : xg = gx}. We got

Z(G) < C(g) < G.

So |C(g)| = 3, 9, 27. Now assume g not in Z(G). We make case distinction

  • order 3 is impossible cause g in C(g) but g was not in Z(G).
  • order 9, we leave this one empty.
  • order 27. That would mean C(g) = G but g was not in Z(G) so impossible

We conclude |C(g)| = 9. So there exists x and y in G such that

G = C(g) U xC(g) U yC(g).

Take an arbitrary element c in C(g). Than cgc-1 = g. (by definition)
Take an arbitrary element xc in C(g). Than (xc)g(xc)-1 = xcgc-1x-1 = xgx-1.
Take an arbitrary element yc in C(g). Than (yc)g(yc)-1 = ycgc-1y-1 = ygy-1.

So the conjugacy class of g consist of just 3 elements.

We now make our final conclusion. Because the order of a conjugacy class devides |G| there are 3 conjugacy classes of order 1 (|Z(G)| = 3) and 8 of order 3:

1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 27.

So a total of 11 conjugacy classes.
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  • #11
Thanks for the help guys. Now try wetter I can do this for a non-abelian group of order 48. Because that is the real exercise. This was just a example in the book (but they did not explained why they got this all)
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  • #12
I suspect the following proposition holds

proposition: Given arbitrary g in G. Then the order of the conjugacy class which contains g equals [G : C(g)].

edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugacy_class says I am right. :-)

Now I am happy cause I do have some structure for that non-abelian group of order 48.
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  • #13
proof of proposition:
Given arbitrary g in G. Given x and y in G such that xC(g) != yC(g). So C(g) != x-1yC(g) so x-1y not in C(g). Now assume

xgx-1 = ygy-1.

We easily derive from this

g = (x-1y)g(x-1y)-1.

So x-1y in C(g). Contradiction so

xgx-1 != ygy-1.

so the order of the conjugacy class of g equals [G : C(g)].
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FAQ: What is the proof of the proposition for non-abelian group of order 27?

1. What is a non-abelian group of order 27?

A non-abelian group of order 27 is a group with 27 elements that does not follow the commutative property, meaning that the order in which the elements are multiplied matters. In other words, the group is not abelian.

2. How is the order of a group determined?

The order of a group is determined by the number of elements it contains. In the case of a non-abelian group of order 27, there are 27 elements in the group.

3. What are some examples of non-abelian groups of order 27?

One example of a non-abelian group of order 27 is the general linear group GL(3,3), which consists of all invertible 3x3 matrices with entries from the finite field of order 3. Another example is the symmetric group S3, which is the group of all permutations of 3 elements.

4. How is a non-abelian group different from an abelian group?

A non-abelian group does not follow the commutative property, while an abelian group does. This means that in a non-abelian group, the order in which the elements are multiplied matters, while in an abelian group, it does not. Additionally, the structure and properties of non-abelian groups are more complex than those of abelian groups.

5. What are some applications of non-abelian groups of order 27?

Non-abelian groups of order 27 have various applications in fields such as abstract algebra, physics, and cryptography. They can be used to model certain physical systems, such as crystals, and to create secure encryption algorithms. Additionally, the study of non-abelian groups of various orders helps to better understand the properties and structures of groups in general.

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