How Do You Reverse a Vector Transformation?

In summary, The conversation is about transforming a vector from one coordinate system to another using the formula Aj' = aij Ai. The inverse of the matrix aij can be used to transform the vector back to the original coordinates. An example is given using a set of coordinates and a vector in both coordinate systems. The formula a'_{i} = A_{ij}a_{j} is mentioned as a way to get rid of the matrix on the right hand side, and the matrix version of b=ka is also discussed.
  • #1
If we want to transform vector A from cooedinate ei to ei',
then this formula occur:
Aj' = aij Ai
But I have a question, if I have found all components of Aj', then I want to transform it back to Ai, what should I do?
I have tried Ai = aij Aj'
but it won't give me the same number.
Physics news on
  • #2
If, for example, your space is n-dimensional, then, given a particular coordinate system, each point can be written as an array of n numbers (a "vector"). The set of numbers aij, changing from one coordinate system to another can be written as a vector (and, assuming both are "valid" coordinates systems so they have the same dimension as the space, the matrix is non-singular). Then the transformation back the opposite way is just the inverse of that matrix.
  • #3
I am still confused.
Can you give me an example please?
Let's say e1' = (2 e1 + 2 e2 + e3) /3
e2' = 1.4142 (e2 + e2)
e3' = 0.4714 (e1 + e2 + 4 e3)
and I have a vectro t = 10 e1 + 10 e2 - 20 e3
Can you transform it to e1', e2', and e3'?
I have done that, but when I rewrite it back to the original coordinate, it won't be like that.
  • #4
By the way, I found that t' = 6.667 e1 + 47.14 e3
Is that OK?
  • #5
You know that [tex]a'_{i} = A_{ij}a_{j}[/tex]. You want [tex]a_{i} = \ldots[/tex]. How can you get rid of the [tex]A_{ij}[/tex] matrix on the right hand side using other matrices?

If you were working with just numbers and had b=ka, how would you work out a in terms of b? What's the matrix version of this?

FAQ: How Do You Reverse a Vector Transformation?

What is Coordinate Transformation?

Coordinate Transformation is the process of converting coordinates from one reference system to another. It is commonly used in geospatial data analysis, surveying, and navigation.

Why is Coordinate Transformation important?

Coordinate Transformation is important because different reference systems have different ways of representing locations on the Earth's surface. By transforming coordinates, we can accurately integrate data from different sources and make meaningful comparisons.

What are the different types of Coordinate Transformation?

The different types of Coordinate Transformation include translation, rotation, scaling, projection, and datum transformation. Translation moves coordinates to a new origin, rotation changes the orientation, scaling changes the size, projection converts from a 3D to a 2D representation, and datum transformation adjusts for differences in the Earth's shape and size.

How is Coordinate Transformation performed?

Coordinate Transformation is performed using mathematical formulas and algorithms. The specific method used depends on the type of transformation and the reference systems being converted. Computer software and GPS devices also have built-in functions for performing Coordinate Transformation.

What are some real-life applications of Coordinate Transformation?

Coordinate Transformation has many real-life applications such as mapping, navigation, and surveying. It is also used in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to combine and analyze data from different sources. Other applications include satellite imagery, geodesy, and military operations.
