Is Canada wasting money on unnecessary military expenses?

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  • Thread starter Dagenais
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In summary, the Canadian government has decided to spend $3.2 billion on new helicopters. The helicopters will be used to replace the Sea Kings and improve Canada's military capabilities.
  • #1

Stephen Harper wanted to invest lots of money on the military. Most people disagreed with him

I'm a bit surprised that Graham decided to drop 3.2 billion.

Good move for Canada?
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  • #2
I think we shouldn't mess with Canada any more after this move. This puts their military right up there with Panama's.

To Canada, $3.2 billion spent on the military is probably a huge chunk of change. Must be nice having Daddy Yankee protecting you.
  • #3
That just isn't nice.
  • #4
what are we going to use these things for? I am told that they are to replace the sea kings but i don't recall why the sea kings are the most important part of the Canadian armed forces.

3.2 billion is a lot of money to be spent and i wonder if it couldn't have been spent on something better.

maybe they want to support our allied armed forces with transportation but not offend the enemys of the allies by not shooting at them?
  • #5
devil-fire said:
what are we going to use these things for? I am told that they are to replace the sea kings but i don't recall why the sea kings are the most important part of the Canadian armed forces.

3.2 billion is a lot of money to be spent and i wonder if it couldn't have been spent on something better.

maybe they want to support our allied armed forces with transportation but not offend the enemys of the allies by not shooting at them?

Lol, maybe they're planning to use them to protect their border. :surprise:
  • #6
  • #7
devil-fire said:
what are we going to use these things for? I am told that they are to replace the sea kings but i don't recall why the sea kings are the most important part of the Canadian armed forces.

3.2 billion is a lot of money to be spent and i wonder if it couldn't have been spent on something better.

maybe they want to support our allied armed forces with transportation but not offend the enemys of the allies by not shooting at them?

"The [helicopter] will enhance our national security by strengthening the Canadian Forces' ability to respond to emerging threats in Canada's maritime areas of jurisdiction," he added. "It will also help to ensure Canada maintains a meaningful capacity to contribute militarily to collective efforts to safeguard international peace and security."

Also interesting:

In 1992, the Brian Mulroney government had decided to buy 50, EH-101 helicopters to replace the Sea Kings, but the $5.8 billion contract was ripped up by the Liberals when they came to power in 1993, calling the helicopters, "Cadillacs" the nation couldn't afford.

The Liberal government paid $500 million in penalties for backing out of that deal.

The 1960s-era Sea Kings require an enormous amount of maintenance to keep them flying. There have been four fatal crashes since they were brought into service.

  • #8
sounds like a general statement that could be used for almost any spending project. if the money was spent on personael i would support that because i can understand how Canada could put People to use but i don't see how these are going to help.

bad move for Canada.
  • #9
Expensive helicoptor, but the Sea King is a donosaur and must be replaced.
  • #10
russ_watters said:
Expensive helicoptor, but the Sea King is a donosaur and must be replaced.

It should have been done awhile ago. Some have died in those things.

The new choppers won't come until 2006 though. The Seakings will still be around for awhile (2012). :rolleyes:
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  • #11
Is this one of those confusing/ambiguous uses of the word "billion"? As in a British "billion" ain't a Yankee "billion" --- and, no one knows what a Canadian "billion" is? $100M civilian eggbeaters? I don't think so.
  • #12
russ_watters said:
Expensive helicoptor, but the Sea King is a donosaur and must be replaced.

why not decommissioned?

anyone know common examples of when they were used?

as far as i know the only thing these are used for is representing a deep problem with Canadian armed forces. i would like understand how these new pieces of equipment are addressing that problem
  • #13
devil-fire said:
why not decommissioned?

anyone know common examples of when they were used?

as far as i know the only thing these are used for is representing a deep problem with Canadian armed forces. i would like understand how these new pieces of equipment are addressing that problem
One main purpose - the Canadian Navy. Its a seaborne helicopter. It does anti-ship, anti-sub, search and rescue, transport, pretty much everything a helicopter does.

I suppose you could decommission them - and the rest of the Canadian military, but Canada has chosen to have a military. And because of their versatility, they'd actually be about the last thing you'd want to get rid of entirely.
Is this one of those confusing/ambiguous uses of the word "billion"? As in a British "billion" ain't a Yankee "billion" --- and, no one knows what a Canadian "billion" is? $100M civilian eggbeaters? I don't think so.
I can't believe I missed that. Yeah, its not quite as much money as I thought. Also, with high maintenance costs for the Sea King, I'm sure a lot of that will be made up.
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  • #14
I can't believe I missed that. Yeah, its not quite as much money as I thought. Also


that's pissing all over the Canadian dollar...
  • #15
It's about time! It's a damn shame to see the Canadian military so poorly funded. They are a great trained gruop of people, but are held down by aging equipment and government PC garbage (bilingual manuals for everything, even in units that are not bilingual)
  • #16
Dagenais said:

that's pissing all over the Canadian dollar...
That wasn't meant as an insult. To put a finer point on it, that's roughly 76% as much money as I thought it was.
  • #17
It isn't such a bad thing spending money on choppers actually. Helicopters nowadays are the new tanks. They are changing warfare like tanks did in WW1. In fact the British government is scrapping around 80 Challenger tanks and quite a few Jaguar fighter planes. The money will probably go on Helicopters because they are so worth it.
  • #18
It's about time! It's a damn shame to see the Canadian military so poorly funded. They are a great trained gruop of people, but are held down by aging equipment and government PC garbage (bilingual manuals for everything, even in units that are not bilingual)

Canada is a bilingual country...

And one of the claims of Stephen Harper was to properly fund the military (which I agree with).

The money will probably go on Helicopters because they are so worth it.

Yes, extremely versatile. These helicopters are examples, they are civilian models but can be used for the military.
  • #19
Dagenais said:
1>Canada is a bilingual country...

Irrelevant. Sending hundreds of copies of the same manual to a base to sit in the closet is a waste of funds. The manuals should obviously be available, but when you have so many units that are English speaking only, but you spend TWICE as much on overhead...well, the inefficiency is obvious.

But then again, this doesn't adress the real point of the idiocy behind trying to force feed a minority language down the rest of a country to save 'heritage' because a liberal PM wants to impress is french voting base.

FAQ: Is Canada wasting money on unnecessary military expenses?

What is the significance of spending $3.2 billion on choppers?

The $3.2 billion spent on choppers refers to the amount of money allocated by the United States Department of Defense for the purchase of new helicopters. This amount is significant because it represents a major investment in military equipment and technology.

Which department or agency is responsible for the $3.2 billion chopper budget?

The $3.2 billion chopper budget is part of the overall budget for the United States Department of Defense. Specifically, it falls under the purview of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, who are responsible for their respective helicopter fleets.

What types of helicopters are included in the $3.2 billion budget?

The $3.2 billion budget includes a variety of helicopters, including attack helicopters, transport helicopters, and search and rescue helicopters. The specific types of helicopters purchased will vary depending on the needs and priorities of each branch of the military.

Why is the government spending such a large amount on choppers?

The government spends a significant amount on choppers to ensure the safety and effectiveness of our military operations. Helicopters play a crucial role in a variety of missions, from combat operations to humanitarian aid, and investing in new and advanced technology helps to maintain our military's capabilities.

How does the $3.2 billion chopper budget compare to previous years?

The $3.2 billion chopper budget is a significant increase compared to previous years. In recent years, the budget for new helicopters has ranged from $1-2 billion. This increase in spending reflects the government's commitment to modernizing and upgrading our military equipment.

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