Competition between friends/allies in zero-sum games : Ethical?

In summary: Is it ethical for (A) to ask/scheme to get someone on his team even though they might not have the best interests of the team at heart?Yes, it would be unethical for (A) to ask someone to join his team if they did not have the best interests of the team at heart.
  • #1
Competition between friends/allies in zero-sum "games": Ethical?

Hey all,

In the context of friendships and alliances between countries; will the competition between friends/allies in zero-sum games be unethical? e.g. applying for a one-spot job at some company, two allied countries compete for a rare natural resource at one tiny place in Antarctica..etc, or two young kids compete for what TV channel to be viewed at the only TV in their house. (perhaps these are not perfectly zero-sum situations, but they can be in some cases and/or contexts)

What are the deciding factors in such similar cases between what is ethical and what is not?
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  • #2

The simple answer is that there are infinitely many factors affecting the winner of the zero sum. One of them being ethical viewpoints. For example, when I want to hire a secretary. In choosing from the candidates I can base my choice in utilitarian principles. What is best for me and the candidates. But from there, how do I know what is best for the candidates? Well, then I can be deterministic and say - you are hired! Now, by being deterministic, did I just define a new level of well-being for all the candidates and myself? Did that make my day? So on.
  • #3

In my opinion, the important elements of ethicality in a competitive situation is that the participants all
- know that they are competing
- know there is a common set of rules (even if the only rule is: there are no rules)
  • #4

It depends on how you define ethical and the exact situations and potential consequences of competing as apposed to not competing (so it also depends on the scenario).

Perhaps maximizing utility among all participants as defined by a publicly agreed criteria (of what constitutes utility maximization) will be what you're attempting to achieve?
  • #5

Uku said:
The simple answer is that there are infinitely many factors affecting the winner of the zero sum. One of them being ethical viewpoints. For example, when I want to hire a secretary. In choosing from the candidates I can base my choice in utilitarian principles. What is best for me and the candidates. But from there, how do I know what is best for the candidates? Well, then I can be deterministic and say - you are hired! Now, by being deterministic, did I just define a new level of well-being for all the candidates and myself? Did that make my day? So on.

Yep I agree that there are many factors affecting the outcome of zero-sum games/competitions. In the example you have provided: If someone finds a job ad about the secretary positions in your example, and that person applied to it and a couple of days after their friends also applied to it (there is only one spot) before the interviews started: Will the friend act be considered ethical?

DaveC426913 said:
In my opinion, the important elements of ethicality in a competitive situation is that the participants all
- know that they are competing
- know there is a common set of rules (even if the only rule is: there are no rules)

imiyakawa said:
It depends on how you define ethical and the exact situations and potential consequences of competing as apposed to not competing (so it also depends on the scenario).

Perhaps maximizing utility among all participants as defined by a publicly agreed criteria (of what constitutes utility maximization) will be what you're attempting to achieve?

If there are already-agreed upon rules, then I totally agree with you. But is there an ethical 'rules of thumb' about competitions between friends or allied countries/entities ..etc that differ from the competition rules with other 'neutral' people?

Let me illustrate with this scenario which did happen to me in real life:

A couple of years ago, a friend of mine (let's call him A) was applying for a grant to start a students' project. He asked me to look for people to form a team so we can collaborate in planning and writing it in the best way. I invited someone (B) who did share with us in the grant process. Later on I figured out that (B) was at least involved with 3-4 other teams (or perhaps as far as 6-7) who were also writing to get the same grant. For a philosophical stand-point: is (B) action ethical, even though in some way he was working 'against' all the teams he was involved in?

The grant was suppose to be given to a tiny number of projects, while competition was intense: some teams will take all and others will lose all.

FAQ: Competition between friends/allies in zero-sum games : Ethical?

1. What is a zero-sum game?

A zero-sum game is a type of competition in which the total gains and losses of the players involved are equal. This means that for one player to gain, another player must lose. In other words, the gains and losses in a zero-sum game always add up to zero.

2. Is competition between friends/allies in zero-sum games ethical?

This is a complex question and the answer depends on the specific circumstances of the game and the relationship between the players. In some cases, competition between friends or allies may be seen as a healthy and fair way to challenge each other and improve skills. However, if the competition becomes too intense or causes harm to the relationship, it may be considered unethical.

3. How can competition between friends/allies in zero-sum games affect their relationship?

Competition in zero-sum games can have both positive and negative effects on the relationship between friends or allies. On one hand, it can create a sense of camaraderie and bring people closer together through shared challenges. On the other hand, it can also create tension, jealousy, and resentment if one person consistently wins or if the competition becomes too intense.

4. What are some ways to ensure ethical competition between friends/allies in zero-sum games?

To ensure ethical competition in zero-sum games, it is important for all players to agree on the rules and boundaries beforehand. This can include setting limits on the intensity of the competition, agreeing to remain respectful and fair towards each other, and being open to discussing any issues that may arise during the game. It is also important to prioritize the relationship and not let the competition take over.

5. Are there any benefits to competition between friends/allies in zero-sum games?

Yes, there can be benefits to competition between friends or allies in zero-sum games. It can provide a fun and challenging way to strengthen relationships and improve skills. It can also help build resilience and sportsmanship, as players learn how to handle both winning and losing gracefully. However, it is important to maintain a healthy balance and not let the competition negatively impact the relationship.

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