Please help me to calculate drag force and lift force

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem with calculating the drag and lift forces acting on a fishing lure using Ansys Fluent analysis. The person is seeking help to validate their results and is unsure about which equations to use and what data to input. They mention using a formula involving F=ma but are unsure about whether to use the mass of the fishing lure or the mass of the water. They also mention confusion about the specific shape and cross-section of the lure. The conversation includes calculations and equations for the drag and lift forces, but the results do not match the simulation. There is also discussion about the angle of the lure and the effects of gravity.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello guys, I am here and really need your help.
In the figure below, the water flow from inlet and then out at outlet with velocity, v = 0.71 m/s. The objective is to calculate find the drag force and lift force act on fishing lure. I have done Ansys Fluent analysis but I need to validate the result from Ansys with calculation analysis. I really stuck about how the way to calculate this. I hope you guys can help me to show the way to calculate.
Here is the result executed from Ansys CFD. In the Ansys, I use pressure based mode.

Result from CFD Ansys:

Coefficient of Drag, Cd = 0.02
Coefficient of Lift, Cl = -0.0068

For x-component (Drag Force)

Pressure Drag = 0.03239 N
Coefficient of Pressure, Cp = 0.013
Viscous Drag = 0.01334 N
Coeeficient of Friction, Cf = 0.0059
Total Drag = 0.04574

For y-component (lift Force)

Pressure Drag = -0.016
Coefficient of Pressure, Cp = -0.0073
Viscous Drag = 0.0012
Coeeficient of Friction, Cf = 0.0005
Total Lift = -0.015

The picture below is clearly show the situation:

Given data :

Data of Fluid (Water):

Density of water = 998.2 kg/m^3
Viscosity = 0.001003 kg/m-s
Velocity, v = 0.71

Boundary Condition Data:

Length of X = 0.97676 m
Length of Y =0. 22656 m
Length of Z = 0.225 m
Volume of Water = 0.049774 m^3
Surface Area = 0.98861 m^2

Fishing Lure Data

Mass of Fishing Lure, m : 0.01874 kg
Volume of Fishing Lure, V : 0.000018196 m^3
Surface Area (Wetted Area), A = 0.0050176 m^2
Fishing Lure Body Length, L=0.095 m

Homework Equations

The equation that i used to calculated this is F=ma=Drag but the percentage error is very large so that the validation is not acceptable. Now i am very stuck because i am confusing whether to put mass in equation F=ma which is mass of fishing lure or mass of water?

pressure drag + friction drag = drag force

I think the equation above can help me but since i am very slow in my class :)..
My problem is also

1)i do not know how to find pressure drag
2)if i want to find lift force, what equation i want to use?

The Attempt at a Solution

I really need you guys to help me in anyway to explain me in how the exactly i must do to calculate this problem.


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  • #2
I will post my calculation just take a few minutes..i have very bad internet connection at this time..sorry guys
  • #3
You haen't given enough geometrical data on the lure. Lures have odd shapes, including usually a foil shape (unequal top and bottom surface lengths) to give lift like an aeroplane wing. And then there's the shape of the cross-section the water sees.

Except for standard shapes, drag data is usually empirically derived.
  • #4
I tried to use this formula

acceleration taken from experimental, a = 0.03 ms^2

So, F=ma=Drag

m(a + g)= Drag

(0.01874 kg)(0.03 ms^2 + 9.81 ms^2) = 0.8035 N

Lift Force

Lift=W - Fb

Where Fb is (spesific weight)(volume of fishing lure)

= (0.01874kg)(9.81) - (9.789)(0.000018196m^3)

= 0.00568 N

I just used the simple equation.But the problem is the drag force and lift force that i got from calculation is not same or precise with the simulation result. am i missing something??or this equation is not ok at all??

1)is it possible i put the F=ma is from mass of water??
  • #5
rude man said:
You haen't given enough geometrical data on the lure. Lures have odd shapes, including usually a foil shape (unequal top and bottom surface lengths) to give lift like an aeroplane wing. And then there's the shape of the cross-section the water sees.

Except for standard shapes, drag data is usually empirically derived.

I mean in Ansys, i just used all the surface area as wetted area and not cross-section. The lure is also have lip on front of mouth portion..but honestly i also confusing about the Area that i must use. can you correct me if i am wrong??
  • #6
mizisyafie said:
I tried to use this formula

acceleration taken from experimental, a = 0.03 ms^2

So, F=ma=Drag

m(a + g)= Drag

(0.01874 kg)(0.03 ms^2 + 9.81 ms^2) = 0.8035 N

That should be drag = m(g-a) if a is acceleration measured vertically in the water.

Lift Force

Lift=W - Fb

Where Fb is (spesific weight)(volume of fishing lure)

= (0.01874kg)(9.81) - (9.789)(0.000018196m^3)

= 0.00568 N

I make it
L = W - B where
W = .01874*9.81 = 0.1838 N = weight
B = 998.2*1.8196e-5 = 0.01816 N = buoyancy force
So L = .1838 N - .0182 N = 0.1656 N = lift force

Your mistake here appears to be in both terms of your Fb equation, and it's very large.

Hopefully that rather larger error, when corrected, will approximate your Ansys simulation. I'm not familiar with Ansys.

I just used the simple equation.But the problem is the drag force and lift force that i got from calculation is not same or precise with the simulation result. am i missing something??or this equation is not ok at all??

1)is it possible i put the F=ma is from mass of water??
  • #7
hello buddy, sorry for late reply, still doing revision on this..i forgot to mention that the lure has angle = 14 it should be

x component

F cos 14 = Drag

then m(g-a)cos 14 = drag am i right??

but for lift, since calculation on x component has cos 14 so for y component

F sin 14 + Fb + Lift - W = 0

so, Lift = W-fb-F sin 14

but i just want to confirm for y component, F = mg sin 14 right??

and another one thing is for your calculation on Fb, did u missing on gravity acceleration = 9.81??

Fb = pgV.

Thanks buddy
  • #8
mizisyafie said:
hello buddy, sorry for late reply, still doing revision on this..i forgot to mention that the lure has angle = 14 it should be

x component

F cos 14 = Drag

then m(g-a)cos 14 = drag am i right??

but for lift, since calculation on x component has cos 14 so for y component

F sin 14 + Fb + Lift - W = 0

so, Lift = W-fb-F sin 14

but i just want to confirm for y component, F = mg sin 14 right??

and another one thing is for your calculation on Fb, did u missing on gravity acceleration = 9.81??

Fb = pgV.

Thanks buddy

You are absolutely right. I forgot the g term = 9.81 in my expression for B. So actually

B = 998.2*1.8196e-5*9.81 = 0.1781 N
and L = W - B = 0.1838 - 0.1781 = 0.00565 N
So there is very little L, in other words, in the absence of water velocity the lure would barely sink.

But L = W - B is correct. The thing is that L is a function of your 14 degree angle coupled with the velocity of the water stream.

Fcos14 can't be right. If the angle = 0 deg. there would be no lift, and drag would be due solely to the lure's cross-section facing the stream. As the angle increases you get more lift and more drag. Above 45 deg. you would get still more drag but less lift. At 90 deg. you would get max. drag but zero lift.
  • #9
thanks for your explanation, okay, in this fishing lure, the lure will retrieve so that the lure will going down to the lift force will indivate negative sign as show the lure is going down...this is my opinion.

For F=m(g-a)---->a is measured vertically or horizontally??

However, i also want to calculate based on Reynold Number...i stuck on how to find Form drag. As we know Form Drag + Friction Drag = Total Drag..but to find lift force, is it also posibble to find using the equation right?? form drag + friction drag = Total Lift..?

I am very sorry because my english is so bad but i hope you can understand of what i want to explain to you.

About friction drag, i will attached something about to find friction drag using one of formula that i am not familiar.

FAQ: Please help me to calculate drag force and lift force

What is drag force?

Drag force is the force that opposes the motion of an object through a fluid, such as air or water. It is caused by the interaction between the object and the fluid, and is always directed in the opposite direction of the object's motion.

What is lift force?

Lift force is the force that acts perpendicular to the direction of motion and is responsible for keeping an object in the air. It is generated by the difference in pressure as the fluid flows over and under the object's surface, creating an upward force.

What factors affect drag force?

The factors that affect drag force include the shape and size of the object, the density and viscosity of the fluid, and the speed and direction of the object's motion. Other factors such as surface roughness and temperature can also have an impact.

How can I calculate drag force?

Drag force can be calculated using the equation Fd = 1/2 * ρ * v^2 * Cd * A, where ρ is the density of the fluid, v is the velocity of the object, Cd is the drag coefficient, and A is the reference area of the object. The drag coefficient is a dimensionless value that depends on the shape and orientation of the object.

What is the relationship between drag force and lift force?

Drag force and lift force are closely related, as they both result from the interaction between an object and a fluid. In most cases, an increase in drag force also leads to an increase in lift force. However, there are certain instances where drag force can decrease lift force, such as when an object is moving at a high angle of attack.

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