Nick Blinko's Art: Fascinating & Frightening Schizophrenic Artwork

  • Thread starter gravenewworld
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In summary, Blinko's art is fascinating and disturbing because of the level of detail and obsession that he puts into his work. The level of detail and repetition of patterns is what makes his work frightening."
  • #1
These are by Nick Blinko, formerly lead singer of a punk rock band known as Rudimentary Peni. He's actually know probably more for his art work that he does all while completely off his medications to control his schizophrenia (for which he's been hospitalized for multiple times). I find the work fascinating, at the same time frightening. It's amazing to see just how far the brain can go and what comes out of the deepest corners of the most uninhibited minds. The level of detail, obsession, and repeating patterns is what I find frightening the most. (some of the pics in that gallery don't do the sketches justice, you have to have a close up look to see the level of detail all drawn by hand) mean just look at the background, all drawn by hand) (zoom into see the level of detail if your browser allows)

'In the case of British artist Nick Blinko (b.1961), who has in the past been hospitalised, the need to make pictures is stronger than the desire for the psychic 'stability' brought by therapeutic drugs which adversely affects his ability to work. His images are constructed of microscopically detailed elements, sometimes consisting of literally hundreds of interconnecting figures and faces, which he draws without the aid of magnifying lenses and which contain an iconography that places him in the company of the likes of Bosch, Bruegel and the late Goya. These pictures produced in periods when he was not taking medication bring no respite from the psychic torment and delusions from which he suffers. In order to make art, Blinko risks total psychological exposure'.
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  • #2
Here's also work by artist Louis Wain who drew cats in his pieces and the influence his schizophrenia played.

FAQ: Nick Blinko's Art: Fascinating & Frightening Schizophrenic Artwork

1. What makes Nick Blinko's art unique?

Nick Blinko's art is unique in that it reflects his experiences with schizophrenia. His art is a reflection of his inner world, which often includes vivid and disturbing images.

2. How does Nick Blinko's schizophrenia influence his art?

Nick Blinko's schizophrenia heavily influences his art, as it is a direct expression of his inner thoughts and emotions. His art often features themes of religion, mental illness, and the occult.

3. What is the significance of the detailed linework in Nick Blinko's art?

The intricate linework in Nick Blinko's art is a reflection of his obsessive tendencies, commonly seen in individuals with schizophrenia. It also adds to the overall chaotic and unsettling feeling of his artwork.

4. How does Nick Blinko's art challenge societal perceptions of schizophrenia?

Nick Blinko's art challenges societal perceptions of schizophrenia by offering a glimpse into the mind of someone living with the disorder. His art humanizes the experience of schizophrenia and challenges the stigmas and stereotypes surrounding it.

5. What is the significance of the recurring themes in Nick Blinko's art?

The recurring themes in Nick Blinko's art, such as religion and mental illness, reflect his personal struggles and obsessions. They also serve to create a cohesive body of work and provide insight into the artist's mind.

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