Maths prep for Electromagnetism unit

In summary, you should revisit vector calculus, divergence and stoke's theorem, line integral, surface integral, and also Introduction to Electrodynamics by David Griffiths.
  • #1
Early next year I will be beginning an Electromagnetism unit. However, I think I should refresh my maths over the summer break first. Here is the Unit Description from the uni website:

A detailed treatment of electric and magnetic fields and theory sources leading to the formulation of Maxwell's equations. Students will be introduced to a) electronic and magnetic fields in matter; b) electro-and magnetostatistics; c) Maxwell equations.

The text we are using is:

Elements of Electromagnetics
ISBN: 9780195387759
Sadiku, M.N.O., OUP 5th ed. 2009

So...what mathematical areas should I revisit before day 1?
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  • #2
Vector calculus. Spend time studying cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Divergence and Stoke's theorem, line integral, surface integrals.

Look up cylindrical and spherical coordinates, it is NOT the ones you studied in your Calculus III multi-variables. I know they talking about cylindrical and spherical stuff, but they are really still rectangular coordinates like:

[tex] \vec F=\hat x r\cos\theta+\hat y r \sin\theta +\hat z z \;\hbox { for cylindrical and }[/tex]

[tex] \hat x R \cos \phi \sin \theta +\hat y R \sin \phi \sin \theta + \hat z R \cos \theta\;\hbox { for spherical}[/tex]

These are not cylindrical and spherical coordinates in any stretch, they are just xyz coordinates with the amplitude of x, y and z represented in radial and angular components. I have a few EM books, they are not very detail in explaining these coordinates. If you can study this, you'll be ahead of the game, these are very very important.

Make sure you review and UNDERSTAND vector field, line integral, divergence and stoke's theorems and get good at it. EM is a very hard subject, you need to get these out of the way and concentrate on the EM part without having to struggle with the math. You are wise to get a 3 months head start...YOu really need it to get the most out of the class. If I am scaring you...Be scare.

I took a look at your book, it is an engineering EM book. If you are interested in EM theory, buy also "Introduction to Electrodynamics" by David Griffiths. I have 5 other engineering EM books, they are not very detail in a lot of things, I studied two of the books and still found I missed the picture. Then I studied the third time using Griffiths, it was like a light bulb just light up. Griffiths don't get too much into transmission lines, wave guide and antennas, but it make up in a lot more detail of the rest.
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  • #3
Wow! Thank you so much for such an extensive post. You have totally answered my question.

FAQ: Maths prep for Electromagnetism unit

1. What is the purpose of preparing for the Electromagnetism unit in math?

The purpose of preparing for the Electromagnetism unit in math is to ensure that you have a solid understanding of the mathematical principles and formulas that are used in this unit. This will help you to better understand the concepts and solve problems more efficiently.

2. What are some key topics that should be reviewed in math for the Electromagnetism unit?

Some key topics that should be reviewed in math for the Electromagnetism unit include vectors, calculus, and algebra. It is also important to have a good understanding of trigonometry, geometry, and complex numbers.

3. How can I best prepare for the math portion of the Electromagnetism unit?

To best prepare for the math portion of the Electromagnetism unit, it is important to review key concepts and practice solving problems. This can be done through reviewing notes, completing practice problems, and working with a study group or tutor.

4. Are there any specific resources or materials that can help with math prep for the Electromagnetism unit?

Yes, there are many resources and materials that can help with math prep for the Electromagnetism unit. Some options include textbooks, online tutorials, practice worksheets, and study guides. Your teacher or professor may also have additional resources or recommendations.

5. How important is math preparation for the Electromagnetism unit?

Math preparation is essential for the Electromagnetism unit as it provides the necessary foundation for understanding and solving problems related to electromagnetic concepts. Without a strong understanding of math, it may be difficult to grasp the more complex concepts in this unit.

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