Estimate the binding energy of the H2 molecule

In summary, the problem is to estimate the binding energy of an H2 molecule with two nuclei 0.074 nm apart and electrons spending 33% of their time midway between them. The approach involves using the equation for electric potential energy and considering the effect of the electron charge distribution on the nuclei. The final answer should be 4.6 eV.
  • #1
The problem is this:
Estimate the binding energy of the H2 molecule, assuming the two H nuclei are 0.074 nm apart and the two electrons spend 33% of their time midway between them.

I assume that this problem uses the equation F=ke2/d.

So far, I have that E1=F1d, and E2=F2v*t*0.33. Then, we know that the binding energy E should be E1-E2, and therefore E=0.67E1. And E1=ke2/d. Is this correct so far? And where do I go from here? I do know that the correct answer is 4.6 eV, but just can't get there. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
ksachs said:
So far, I have that E1=F1d, and E2=F2v*t*0.33. Then, we know that the binding energy E should be E1-E2, and therefore E=0.67E1.

You're going to need to explain what E1 and E2 are supposed to be. If you're using F to represent the Coulomb potential energy between two charges (at least that's what you've written), how can Fd be an energy? What exactly is E2? Where would values for 'v' and 't' come from?

You'll want to go back to the expression for the electric potential energy

[tex]U = \frac{k \cdot q^2}{d}[/tex]

Consider that there are four charges here, two protons and two electrons. The electrons act effectively as if 1/3 of each of their charges are at the midpoint of the molecule, attracting the protons. (The particle configuration leads to an asymmetry of electron charge around the nuclei.) What energies do you find between the various pairs of particles?
  • #3
dynamics's tagline says it all. Draw it with those 1/3-charged electrons in there, and then work out all the distances and charges. Luckily potential and energy are scalars.
  • #4
I don't think we're quite there yet, but here's another thing to consider. As seen from the midpoint or the other nucleus, the charge of each nucleus is partially "screened" (as they say) by the electron charge distribution around it. So the charge on each nucleus must be treated as being effectively something like +(1/3)e.

FAQ: Estimate the binding energy of the H2 molecule

1. What is binding energy?

Binding energy refers to the amount of energy required to break apart a molecule or atom into its individual components. It is a measure of the strength of the bonds holding the molecules or atoms together.

2. How is the binding energy of the H2 molecule estimated?

The binding energy of the H2 molecule can be estimated using the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, which takes into account the potential energy between the two hydrogen atoms and the kinetic energy of their electrons.

3. What factors affect the binding energy of the H2 molecule?

The binding energy of the H2 molecule is affected by the distance between the two hydrogen atoms, the strength of the electron-nucleus attraction, and the repulsion between the two positively charged nuclei.

4. What is the unit of measurement for binding energy?

The unit of measurement for binding energy is electron volts (eV) or joules (J).

5. Why is estimating the binding energy of the H2 molecule important?

Estimating the binding energy of the H2 molecule is important in understanding the stability and behavior of the molecule, as well as its reactivity with other molecules. It also provides valuable information for various fields such as chemistry, physics, and materials science.
