Nasty little beggars not only eat our home

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, nasty little beggars are a problematic pest that not only consumes our food and resources, but also invades and damages our homes. These pests, such as termites or rodents, can cause structural damage and pose health risks to humans. It is important to take preventative measures and promptly address any infestations to protect our homes and well-being.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
The nasty little beggars not only eat our homes, oh no, they have to try and kill us by global warminig .

Paul Eggleton, a scientist with Britain's Natural Environmental Research Council, announced last week that termite flatulence is responsible for as much as 20 percent of the world's methane. Eggleton said that each year termites release 88 million tons of methane as they chew through old leaves, trees, and soil. According to Eggleton, "It's a lot of methane, but there are a lot of termites."

I am studying a way to use termite gas to power motor vehicles, doe's anyone know the termite mass to food ratio neede to produce a cubic yard of gas per hr?
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Physics news on
  • #2
I think it can be calculated by taking measurements at a familly reunion and scaling down.
  • #3
Wolram said:
I am studying a way to use termite gas to power motor vehicles, doe's anyone know the termite mass to food ratio neede to produce a cubic yard of gas per hr?

This won't work due to considerations uncovered in the follow-up study:

Paul Eggleton, a scientist with Britain's Natural Environmental Research Council, has released a new study on the subject of termite flatulence entitled "Observation Leads to Embarrassment in Flatulent Termites". According to Eggleton, when his colony of termites realized their flatulence was the subject of his keen observations they quickly altered their diet in several ways to obviate the buildup of methane in their digestive tracts. "It seems I embarrassed them," shrugged the biologist. "Oh well."
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  • #4
zoobyshoe said:
This won't work due to considerations uncovered in the follow-up study:

Thanks Zooby, i did not know termites had feelings, it sort of makes them an even worse pest, it has given me another idea though, may be i can run my vehicle off of man made wood gas, (made by chemical means) i would not have to eat wood Does anyone know which trees are the most gas eous?
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  • #5
Maybe you should switch to cows. They are not at all embarrased about their flatulence, and if one or two of them fail to produce, you can eat them instead of eating wood. I'm not sure how you would keep them piped up, though. There's a lot of solid stuff coming out that same hole.:biggrin:
  • #6
wolram said:
Does anyone know which trees are the most gas eous?
  • #7
The gas used in dentistry is fun.
  • #8
turbo-1 said:
Maybe you should switch to cows. They are not at all embarrased about their flatulence, and if one or two of them fail to produce, you can eat them instead of eating wood. I'm not sure how you would keep them piped up, though. There's a lot of solid stuff coming out that same hole.:biggrin:
you don't pipe the cows, you feed them rubber tree leaves and capture the gas in fart bubble balloons. I think
  • #9
tribdog said:
you don't pipe the cows, you feed them rubber tree leaves and capture the gas in fart bubble balloons. I think
That's the old technology. Whenever solids came out instead of gases, the resulting product was marketed as medicine balls. The problem is that the medicine ball market can be saturated quite easily. How many medicine balls does any given gym need? That led to further innovation, such as pre-loaded whoopie cushions, but that craze soon died as well, leaving cattlemen with a valuable product that was so hard to market that it was literally slipping away from them.
  • #10
how the hack could one gather the termite's farts? this research is odd. methan can be gasthered from garbage sites... but thermites.. erg..

i have a friend who once lived in kenya, once they had a few temites in their house.
the solution?
they cooked them on a pan.

they must have pointed their index finger on the cooked temite, and sayed "the joke is on you!" and started devouring them...
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  • #11
it's easier to gather termite gas than cow gas.
termites pipe themselves. cows rarely dig tunnels
  • #12
tribdog said:
cows rarely dig tunnels

Apparently this is not quite true:

Paul Eggleton, a scientist with Britain's Natural Environmental Research Council, has released a new study of the often ignored propensity of cows to tunnel into the Earth in their spare time. "The reason this activity is not well known is that most cows aren't provided with sufficient spare time to excercise their desire to dig," asserts Eggleton, "Their spare time is frequently taken up by being forced to participate in television commercials for milk and cheese products."

Eggleton claims his observation of obligation-free cows demonstrated that over 39% of them eventually begin kicking dirt away from selected spots of pasture, which Eggleton interprets as an expression of their desire to create tunnels. So far, none has actually managed to create a proper tunnel, but Eggleton believes this will change when he introduces cow-operable shovels and spades into their environment. Eggleton has a dream: "One day I hope to have the budget for a cow-operable backhoe. Mankind never created a proper tunnel before he developed appropriate tools, so why should we expect better from a cow?"
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  • #13
I agree 105%, but desire and ability are two different things. there is a huge difference between a sleeping cow and a bull dozer. I've never even herd of a cow pokeing it's head underground I'd steak my reputation on it.
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  • #14
tribdog said:
I agree 105%, but desire and ability are two different things. there is a huge difference between a sleeping cow and a bull dozer. I've never even herd of a cow pokeing it's head underground.
I think this response demonstrates your essentially prosaic nature. Eggleton has a dream! Let's support the cow-operable backhoe. I hear a whisper in the cow pastures...

If you build it, they will tunnel!
  • #15
zoobyshoe said:
If you build it, they will tunnel!
and if they don't, it's all right. i mean, no use crying over spilled milk.
  • #16
tribdog said:
and if they don't, it's all right. i mean, no use crying over spilled milk.

Apparently, this is not quite true:

Paul Eggleton, a scientist with Britain's Natural Environmental Research Council, has released a new study enumerating the psychological and physical benefits of crying over spilled milk. "The process is one of catharsis" claims Eggleton, "and can't be overestimated as a form of stress relief. Since I began experimenting I find I can now not leave the house in the morning without knocking a tumbler of milk over and weeping profusely. In this way I start the day emotionally refreshed and cleansed."
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  • #17
How dairy you contradict me twice? You got some sort of beef with me or what? This sort of bull**** can not be good for me.<---silver platter
  • #18
tribdog said:
How dairy you contradict me twice? You got some sort of beef with me or what? This sort of bull**** can not be good for me.<---silver platter
Kine you please cud it out! You've milked this long enough. It's becoming udder nonsence!
  • #19
I had the milked and udder nonsence in reserve, cud it out cracked me up
  • #20
I've had it with the bovine you! Knock it off!
  • #21
Yes, it's not very kine of you two to steer this discussion away from Woolie's very serious enterprise.
  • #22
lol, what a bunch of nerds we are
  • #23
turbo-1 said:
Yes, it's not very kine of you two to steer this discussion away from Woolie's very serious enterprise.
I think he should collect termites, dry them, and burn them like wood pellets.

FAQ: Nasty little beggars not only eat our home

1. How do we identify these "nasty little beggars"?

The most common way to identify these pests is by looking for signs of damage in your home, such as chewed wires or wood, droppings, or nests. You can also try setting up traps or using a flashlight to spot them in their hiding spots.

2. What are the most effective methods for getting rid of these pests?

The most effective methods for getting rid of these pests vary depending on the type of pest. Some common methods include using pesticides, setting up traps, and sealing up entry points to prevent them from entering your home. It is always recommended to consult a professional pest control service for the most effective solutions.

3. How do we prevent these pests from entering our home?

Preventative measures include keeping your home clean and clutter-free, sealing up any cracks or holes in your walls, and keeping food stored in airtight containers. Regularly inspecting your home for signs of pests can also help catch any infestations early on.

4. Are these pests harmful to our health?

Some pests, such as rodents and cockroaches, can carry diseases and can be harmful to human health. It is important to take action to get rid of these pests as soon as possible to prevent any potential health risks.

5. Can these pests cause structural damage to our home?

Yes, some pests, such as termites and carpenter ants, can cause significant structural damage to your home if left untreated. It is important to regularly inspect your home for signs of these pests and take action to get rid of them if they are present.

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