Measuring the strength of the earths magnetic feild using the slope of a graph

In summary, the conversation is about a problem involving finding the strength of the Earth's magnetic field using a graph of B(magnetic field) vs Tan theata and its slope. The context of the problem involves a wire running north-south along the Earth's magnetic field and a needle that deflects when current flows through the wire. The solution to the problem requires finding a formula that relates magnetic field strength to needle deflection and current in a wire. The person asking for help is grateful for the nudge in the right direction and plans to visit the forum frequently.
  • #1
Hi, Kinda new here so here goes.

I have been asked to drawn a graph B(magnetic field) vs Tan theata and find its slope, ok no problem there. The next question has asked me to use the value of the slope to obtain the value of the strength of the Earth's magnetic field in the region :eek:.

The context of the question is this:

There is a wire running north south along the Earth's magnetic field, 1cm above the wire is a needle that points to magnetic north when there is no current running along the wire. When current flows through the wire (northward) the needle deflects to the east, various different strength currents are passed through the wire and the angle of defection is recorded in a table along with the strength of the field in (microT), this table is then graphed and the slope obtained.

All that has been done, I've read the rulles and am not really looking for an answer more a method as I am drawing a blank. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • #2
Welcome to the forum. To do this problem you need to find a formula that relates the strength of a magnetic field to the deflection of a magnetic needle. You also need a formula to connect the current in a wire to the magnetic field strength around the wire. From your experiment, you can now work out how much current it takes to reverse the deflection caused by the Earth's field, and hence the strength of that field.
  • #3
Yeap, that's great! thankyou very much for the nudge:) somr times a good nights sleep and a friendly hint is what I need. I will be visiting here often.


FAQ: Measuring the strength of the earths magnetic feild using the slope of a graph

1. How is the strength of the earth's magnetic field measured using the slope of a graph?

The strength of the earth's magnetic field can be measured using a device called a magnetometer, which detects and measures the strength of the magnetic field at a particular location. By plotting the magnetic field strength data on a graph and calculating the slope of the line, the strength of the earth's magnetic field at that location can be determined.

2. What is the significance of using the slope of a graph to measure the earth's magnetic field strength?

The slope of a graph represents the rate of change of the magnetic field strength over a specific distance. This allows scientists to accurately measure the strength of the magnetic field at a particular location and track any changes over time. It also allows for comparison between different locations, providing valuable information about the earth's magnetic field on a global scale.

3. How does the strength of the earth's magnetic field affect our daily lives?

The earth's magnetic field plays a crucial role in protecting life on Earth by deflecting harmful solar radiation and charged particles from space. It also helps animals, such as birds and sea turtles, to navigate during their migrations. In addition, the magnetic field is essential for many modern technologies, including compasses, GPS systems, and telecommunication devices.

4. Can the strength of the earth's magnetic field change over time?

Yes, the strength of the earth's magnetic field is not constant and can vary over time. In fact, the magnetic field has weakened by around 9% over the past 200 years. Scientists believe that this is a natural occurrence and the magnetic field will continue to fluctuate in the future.

5. How does measuring the earth's magnetic field help us understand the planet's history?

By studying the changes in the earth's magnetic field over time, scientists can gain insights into the planet's geological history. The magnetic field has been recorded in rocks, providing evidence of the earth's magnetic field strength and direction in the past. This information can help in understanding the movement of continents, changes in climate, and other geological events that have shaped the earth's surface.
