How to Correctly Apply Newton's Laws to Determine Forces on a Dragged Log?

In summary, to drag a 75kg log along the ground at constant velocity, you need to exert a horizontal force of 250N. To give the log an acceleration of 2m/s^2, you would need to exert a horizontal force of 325N, taking into account the resistive force exerted by the ground. This is because in order to maintain a constant velocity, the sum of the forces must be 0. Using a free body diagram, we can break down the forces and see that the net force needed to accelerate the log is 325N.
  • #1
To drag a 75kg log along the ground at constant velocity, you have to pull in it with a horizontal force of 250N. a) what is the resistive force exerted by the ground? b) what horizontal foce must you exert if you want to give the log an acceleration of 2m/s^2?

Why my answer as -75kg as the resistive force exerted by the ground was concidered wrong? As well as 150N as the horizontal force that should be exerted to give the log an acceleration of 2m/s^2 was concidered wrong too.
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  • #2
this really should have been posted in the homework help forum, but...

a) kg is not a unit of force. Draw a free body diagram and see what magnitude the force has to be (zero net force = zero acceleration = constant velocity)

b) if it takes 250N of force just to keep moving at a constant speed, how is possible to accelerate at 2m/s^2 with 100N less force?
  • #3
We didn't cover the freebody digram yet. Would you please explain more?
  • #4
Sure you did.

1) draw a picture of the object
2) draw in all of the forces
3) break the forces into X and Y components (they are all X in your problem)
4) add up the forces, taking into account + and - directions

If the object is moving at constant velocity the sum of the forces = 0
  • #5
Sigam Fx = Fnx + wx + Fx = Ma = 0
Fnx = -wx - Fx
Fnx = -75kg - Fx cos 0
Fnx = -325 N ?
  • #6
To drag a 75kg log along the ground at constant velocity, you have to pull in it with a horizontal force of 250N. a) what is the resistive force exerted by the ground? b) what horizontal foce must you exert if you want to give the log an acceleration of 2m/s^2?

a) Is it 250N because of the constant acceleration?

F = m*a
a = 2 m/s^2 and m = 75kg gives F = 150 N that must be 150 N over the 250 N the ground resists. so you must drag 400 N

Please help me out!
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  • #7
Originally posted by Beretta
To drag a 75kg log along the ground at constant velocity, you have to pull in it with a horizontal force of 250N. a) what is the resistive force exerted by the ground? b) what horizontal foce must you exert if you want to give the log an acceleration of 2m/s^2?

a) Is it 250N because of the constant acceleration?

NO, it's 250N because of the constant SPEED! The acceleration is 0 so the "net" force is 0.

F = m*a
a = 2 m/s^2 and m = 75kg gives F = 150 N that must be 150 N over the 250 N the ground resists. so you must drag 400 N

Please help me out!
Exactly right.
  • #8
First and second law

Thank you very much :)

FAQ: How to Correctly Apply Newton's Laws to Determine Forces on a Dragged Log?

What is Newton's first law of motion?

Newton's first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia, states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

What is Newton's second law of motion?

Newton's second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object and inversely proportional to its mass.

How is Newton's first law related to inertia?

Newton's first law is often referred to as the law of inertia because it describes how objects tend to resist changes in their motion. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia and the more force is needed to change its motion.

Can Newton's first law be violated?

No, Newton's first law is a fundamental principle of physics and cannot be violated. However, there are situations where it may appear to be violated, such as in outer space where there is very little resistance to motion.

How are Newton's first and second laws related?

Newton's first and second laws are related in that they both describe the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. The first law explains how objects will behave in the absence of an external force, while the second law explains how objects will accelerate when a force is applied to them.

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