Solving the Blackbody Problem for Main Sequence Stars

  • Thread starter Sneil
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In summary, the conversation is about a problem involving the production of He nuclei in a star, where the energy source is fusion of four protons. The question asks for the number of He nuclei produced per second and the amount of radiation energy generated by hydrogen burning. The conversation also includes discussing the necessary information, such as surface temperature and radius, in order to solve the problem. Helpful resources for understanding the process are also provided.
  • #1
Hi, I am having trouble with the last question in my assignment. It's on blackbody radiation and total power per area and whatnot. those questions i was able to do fine, however when i came to this problem i was a little lost..

here it goes, i'll type the whole thing out..

"The most important energy source in so called main sequence stars is fusion of four protons into He nuclei.
A star has a radius r
How many he nuclei does the star produce per second if He production is the dominant energy source?
Use the Q value for the conversion 4H ->He to estimate the amount of raditation energy generated by hydrogen burning, and assume that the radiation energy output per second corresponds to the energy generated by hydrogen burning in a second."

any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

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  • #2
Sneil said:
"The most important energy source in so called main sequence stars is fusion of four protons into He nuclei.
A star has a radius r
How many he nuclei does the star produce per second if He production is the dominant energy source?
Use the Q value for the conversion 4H ->He to estimate the amount of raditation energy generated by hydrogen burning, and assume that the radiation energy output per second corresponds to the energy generated by hydrogen burning in a second."
Where did you get this problem? First of all, how do 4 protons fuse to become one He nucleus? Shouldn't it be 2 deuterons fuse to become a He nucleus?

You appear to be missing an essential piece of information: the surface temperature of the star. Without that, it is not possible to answer the question.

  • #3
Andrew Mason said:
Where did you get this problem? First of all, how do 4 protons fuse to become one He nucleus? Shouldn't it be 2 deuterons fuse to become a He nucleus?

You appear to be missing an essential piece of information: the surface temperature of the star. Without that, it is not possible to answer the question.

Sure that's possible 4 H fuse to form 4He2 .
through Carbon Nitrigen Oxygen cycle
Well I can't remeber whole thing but you can find it in any textbook.
Also a minimum temperature is required at core for this process ro take place
But surface temperature would be much lesser
  • #4
sorry, i calculated surface temp to be 4990k

the question says turns to He (of atomic mass # 4)

i was just hoping for a formula i would be able to work with as i don't kow where to begin, but ill give the radius too if you want all the info. r=7.02*10^8 m

anyone able to help this early in the mourning? :redface:
thanks for the help, it is greatly apreciated :smile:

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  • #5
To be in equilibrium, the energy production in the star must equal the energy radiated, so

Egen = Erad.

Egen = Number of reactions * Qreaction.

and one should have a formula for blackbody radiation, the Stefan-Boltzmann law E = ([itex]\sigma T^4[/itex]) *A.

For He can be produced from 4 protons indirectly by the PP or CNO cycles.

or more generally
  • #6
thanks man, I am a little lost as to how i incorporate the radius, but ill figure it out :smile:

  • #7
Surface area of a sphere, i.e. the star, of radius r is

A = 4[itex]\pi r^2[/itex].

FAQ: Solving the Blackbody Problem for Main Sequence Stars

1. What is the blackbody problem for main sequence stars?

The blackbody problem for main sequence stars refers to the challenge of accurately predicting the spectrum of radiation emitted by a star at different temperatures and wavelengths. This is important for understanding the physical processes that occur within stars and for interpreting astronomical observations.

2. Why is solving the blackbody problem important?

Solving the blackbody problem is important because it allows us to accurately model and understand the behavior of stars, which are fundamental objects in our universe. It also helps us interpret the light we receive from stars, which can tell us about their composition, temperature, and other properties.

3. How is the blackbody problem solved for main sequence stars?

The blackbody problem for main sequence stars is solved using a combination of theoretical models and observational data. Theoretical models, such as the Planck function, describe the radiation emitted by a blackbody at different temperatures and wavelengths. Observational data, such as the spectrum of light received from a star, is used to validate these models and refine them to better match reality.

4. What challenges are faced when solving the blackbody problem for main sequence stars?

One of the main challenges in solving the blackbody problem for main sequence stars is the complexity of the physical processes that occur within stars. These include nuclear reactions, convection, and radiation transport, which can all affect the emitted spectrum. Additionally, observational data may be limited or noisy, making it difficult to accurately determine the properties of a star.

5. How can solving the blackbody problem for main sequence stars benefit other areas of science?

The techniques and methods used to solve the blackbody problem for main sequence stars can also be applied to other areas of science and technology, such as astrophysics, cosmology, and engineering. By understanding the behavior of stars, we can also gain insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies and the universe as a whole.
