Is Composition of Discontinuous and Continuous Functions Always Continuous?

In summary: Then... lim(f(x))=-3. The limit is undefined. Question 4. If f is not continuous, then I assume that f, g, f+g, fg are not continuous either. But if f o g IS continuous (Q3), then wouldn't it contradict a Theorem that states "If f is continuous at x0 and g is continuous at f(x0), then the composite functions g o f is continuous at x0"?No, if f o g(x) is continuous at x0, then g o f(x) is also continuous at x0.
  • #1

Homework Statement

f(x) = 4 for x > or = 0, f(x) = 0 for x < 0, and g(x) = x^2 for all x.
Thus dom(f) = dom(g) = R.

Homework Equations

a. Determine the following functions: f+g, fg, f o g, g o f. Be sure to specify their domain.

b. Which of the functions f, g, f+g, fg, f o g, g o f is continuous

The Attempt at a Solution

Ok, so for part (a) I am at f o g step, which I say is f(x^2) = 4 for x > or = 0 and f(x^2) = 0 for x < 0.

Question 1. Since f is a function of g(x), then when I restrict it values, do I have to restrict them in terms of x (as given) or in terms of x^2, since it is a f of g(x) now? Would I have to say that f(x^2) = 4 for x^2 > or = 0 and f(x^2) = 0 for x^2 < 0, instead of how I provided above? If I do have to say it in terms of x^2, then x^2 < 0 makes no sense, and the f would not be defined as f(g(x)) < 0?

Question 2. Since the composition f o g from Q1 is not piecewise anymore and starts at 0 and goes to positive infinity, would it make the composition continuous function?

Question 3. I am a little confused on how to prove that f is not a continuous function using limits. Would someone be able to show me a quick example please?

Question 4. If f is not continuous, then I assume that f, g, f+g, fg are not continuous either. But if f o g IS continuous (Q3), then wouldn't it contradict a Theorem that states "If f is continuous at x0 and g is continuous at f(x0), then the composite functions g o f is continuous at x0"?

Thank you for your time.
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  • #2
Necrologist said:

Homework Statement

f(x) = 4 for x > or = 0, f(x) = 0 for x < 0, and g(x) = x^2 for all x.
Thus dom(f) = dom(g) = R.

Homework Equations

a. Determine the following functions: f+g, fg, f o g, g o f. Be sure to specify their domain.

b. Which of the functions f, g, f+g, fg, f o g, g o f is continuous

The Attempt at a Solution

Ok, so for part (a) I am at f o g step, which I say is f(x^2) = 4 for x > or = 0 and f(x^2) = 0 for x < 0.
Did you check that at all? Suppose x= -1. What you have written says that f(1)= 0. Any any case, what you have given looks like a definition of f. You want to write f o g(x)= something. In this case, that is particularly easy, because g(x) is never negative: f o g(x)= f(g(x))= f(x^2)= 4 for all x. Now, if x[itex]\ge[/itex]0, what is g o f(x)= g(f(x))? If x< 0, what is g o f(x)?

Question 1. Since f is a function of g(x),
No, f is not a function of g(x)! f is defined as a function of x. And, in fact, so are f o g and g o f. But don't confuse those.

then when I restrict it values, do I have to restrict them in terms of x (as given) or in terms of x^2, since it is a f of g(x) now?
No, "it", if you mean f itself, is not "f of g(x)".

Would I have to say that f(x^2) = 4 for x^2 > or = 0 and f(x^2) = 0 for x^2 < 0, instead of how I provided above? If I do have to say it in terms of x^2, then x^2 < 0 makes no sense, and the f would not be defined as f(g(x)) < 0?
There is NO f(x^2), only f(x). Again, don't confuse f o g with f. In fact, f o g(x)= 4 for all x.

Question 2. Since the composition f o g from Q1 is not piecewise anymore and starts at 0 and goes to positive infinity, would it make the composition continuous function?
f o g is (piecewise) continuous and does NOT "start at 0 and go to positive infinity". f o g is the constant function f o g(x)= 4. That's trivially continuous.

Question 3. I am a little confused on how to prove that f is not a continuous function using limits. Would someone be able to show me a quick example please?
Suppose f(x)= 1 if x< 0, 2 if x[itex]\ge[/itex]0. Then [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 0^-}f(x)= 1[/itex] while [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 0^+}f(x)= 2[/itex]. Since those are not the same, [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 0} f(x)[/itex] does not exist so we do not have [itex]lim_{x\rightarrow 0} f(x)= f(0)[/itex]. f(x) is not continuous at x= 0.

Question 4. If f is not continuous, then I assume that f, g, f+g, fg are not continuous either.
I recommend you not assume that!
But if f o g IS continuous (Q3), then wouldn't it contradict a Theorem that states "If f is continuous at x0 and g is continuous at f(x0), then the composite functions g o f is continuous at x0"?
No, the theorem says what happens what happens if f and g are continuous- it says nothing about what can happen if either is not continuous.

Thank you for your time.
  • #3
so for g o f(x) do we have g(f(x))=
g(4)=x^2 for x > or = 0 and g(0)=x^2 for x < 0 ?

And dom(g o f) = {0, 4}?

The graph would be only two points?
  • #4
Necrologist said:
so for g o f(x) do we have g(f(x))=
g(4)=x^2 for x > or = 0 and g(0)=x^2 for x < 0 ?

And dom(g o f) = {0, 4}?

The graph would be only two points?
Does g(4)= x^2 and g(0)= x^2 make any sense at all? g(4) is a NUMBER, not a variable. You were told that g(x)= x2 so g(4)= 42= 16.

For any x, g o f(x) means g(f(x)). Now your definition of f says that "f(x) = 4 for x > or = 0, f(x) = 0 for x < 0" so that if x>= 0, g(f(x))= g(4)= 42= 16. If x< 0, f(x)= 0 so g(f(x))= g(0)= 02= 0.

g o f(x)= 16 if x>= 0, 0 if x< 0. It's domain is all real numbers.

FAQ: Is Composition of Discontinuous and Continuous Functions Always Continuous?

1. What is continuity in real analysis?

In real analysis, continuity refers to the property of a mathematical function that describes how the function behaves near a specific point. A continuous function is one that has no abrupt changes or jumps in its graph, meaning that it can be drawn without lifting the pen from the paper.

2. How do you define continuity mathematically?

Mathematically, a function f(x) is continuous at a point x = a if and only if the limit of the function as x approaches a exists and is equal to the value of the function at a. This is written as limx→a f(x) = f(a).

3. What are the three types of continuity?

The three types of continuity are pointwise continuity, uniform continuity, and differentiability. Pointwise continuity refers to the continuity of a function at a specific point, uniform continuity refers to the continuity of a function over an entire interval, and differentiability refers to the existence of the derivative of a function at a point.

4. Can a function be continuous but not differentiable?

Yes, a function can be continuous but not differentiable. This occurs when there is a sharp turn or corner in the graph of the function, which results in a discontinuity in the derivative. An example of such a function is f(x) = |x|, which is continuous but not differentiable at x = 0.

5. How is continuity related to the Intermediate Value Theorem?

The Intermediate Value Theorem states that if a function is continuous on an interval [a, b], then it takes on every value between f(a) and f(b). This theorem is used to prove the existence of solutions to certain equations, such as finding the roots of a polynomial function. Without continuity, the Intermediate Value Theorem would not hold.

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