Top 10 Universities for Aerospace Engineering in the world

In summary: It's definitely worth considering, but the fact that it's probably one of the worst engineering schools in Brazil should make most people think twice - and I'm talking about the actual level of education, not the level of research.ITA - BrazilI don't want to say it's the best in the world, but it is definitely one of the best in the world. Besides, the competition to get in is one of the toughest in the world, as well. So I guess you could say the educational level is very high as well.In summary, when considering universities for a master's program in aerospace engineering, some highly ranked options include Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Stanford, CIT, and
  • #1
Hey guys,
i would like to know which universities in the world are best for aerospace engineering as i want to do a master's program. Please Suggest

THank you
Physics news on
  • #2
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has been ranked #1 in the US.
  • #3
yeah okay...what about others because i checked the rankings and i didnt find embry riddle...!
they like said
1) Stanford
2) CIT
3) Georgio Institute of tech..

i really don't know which is the best !
Can you provide a link for website that says riddle uni is #1


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  • #4
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  • #5
djeitnstine said:
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has been ranked #1 in the US.

Its a good school for pilots and AMP mechanics or ATC controllers (not sure its worth $30,000 + a year!)

Also you can't get you PhD there so that usually excludes a school from a high ranking which are based on research/publications etc.
  • #6
djeitnstine said:
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has been ranked #1 in the US.

That was in the US News ranking for Undergraduate Aero Engineering courses in schools that don't offer PhDs if I remember correctly. The OP wants to do a Masters so it's irrelevant.

For the "best" courses in the US, search for "US News Grad School Rankings" and follow the links for "Engineering" and "Aeronautical/A/A Engineering". The 2009 grad rankings are out at the moment if I'm not mistaken, but they change from year to year, so check out previous rankings.

As for colleges outside the US, there is no specific aero engineering ranking. You could have a look at The Times Ranking (they do a rankings of UK colleges, a ranking of colleges in Europe, and a world ranking, I think). Do a search for youself. There are lots of excellent universities for aeronautical engineering all over Europe.

What area would you like to learn about/research? That could obviously change which school is the best for you, which mightn't be number 1 in this years rankings. As fot Caltech, Gatech and Stanford, College X, College Y, College Z, which is best simply depends on what area you want to study.

Take the rankings with a fistful of salt, especially ones that are not specifically for aeronautical engineering graduate courses.
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  • #7
Hey Space_Freak I am not currently sure about the rankings now but I do that Embry-Riddle has and probably still is ranked number 1 for AE without a doctoral degree. However speaking from experience or visiting the campus their program is very good. All of the professors are very educated and helpfull, same as the staff(admissions,housing,etc.). All of the engineering facilities are equipped with state of the art equpiment. The campus at Daytona Beach is very nice and layed out very well. The ROTC programs are also very good. Their Air Force ROTC has the largest detachment. When I was going through the admission process I also applied to Penn State and was accepted but being such a big public university all of the pre engineering classes are going to be packed with students and that's why I chose Riddle. Their classes are fairly small and each student has plenty of time to get one on one attention from the professors. If you would like to talk to me anymore about Riddle you can just PM me or you can also check out and there is discussion boards and current student journals on their site. Good luck
  • #8
Hey there everyone, this is my first post. I am currently a student of aerospace/mechanical engineering at Embry-riddle prescott campus. We indeed do have a very good program in Engineering. I'm not sure if its still ranked #1, but it still has an awesome program. The class sizes are usually very small, which allows much 1-on-1 time with the professors, who, are very knowledgeable in their respective fields. Working with so many people that have worked in the aeropasce industry is also awesome! It helps give you a better perspective definitely.
  • #9
any1 havin any idea about the engineering program in Europe?
  • #10
any1 havin any idea about the engineering program in Europe?

Fantastic Fox said:
As for colleges outside the US, there is no specific aero engineering ranking. You could have a look at The Times Ranking (they do a rankings of UK colleges, a ranking of colleges in Europe, and a world ranking, I think). Do a search for youself. There are lots of excellent universities for aeronautical engineering all over Europe.

What area would you like to learn about/research? That could obviously change which school is the best for you, which mightn't be number 1 in this years rankings. As for College X, College Y, College Z, which is best simply depends on what area you want to study.

Take the rankings with a fistful of salt, especially ones that are not specifically for aeronautical engineering graduate courses.

  • #11
What's about MIT? I thought MIT was very good at Aerospace Enginneering
  • #12
any1 havin any idea about the engineering program in Europe?

École nationale supérieure de l'aéronautique et de l'espace (SUPAERO) is one of the best in the World.
  • #13
UT Austin is also a very respectable (in top ten list) school for's an excellent balance of bang for buck in terms of cost.
  • #14
ITA- Brazil, we work directly with ours space program.
You can say that it´s not much.. but i have to say. we are poor, not stupid.
  • #15
I'll do my bit for South Africa, not sure if it's rated anywhere, but it was NASA approved. Very comprehensive course list and some excellent staff. Best 5 years of my life :wink:
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  • #16
ITA - Brazil

One of the best
  • #17
Space_freak said:
Hey guys,
i would like to know which universities in the world are best for aerospace engineering as i want to do a master's program. Please Suggest

THank you

I think it's the best if you study Aerospace Engineering at Purdue University, imo.
  • #18
Delft Institute of Technology in Holland is also very good in Aerospace Engineering!
  • #19
yoran said:
Delft Institute of Technology in Holland is also very good in Aerospace Engineering!

I was actually speaking to some people about Delft the before yesterday. I work next door to a reputable Belgian Space company, who hires a lot of guys that studied Aerospace in Delft. The people that didn't study at Delft, but know people who did, give it the thumbs up!
  • #20
Hi..first it true that texas austin gives a lot of aid cos its stinkin rich (its got its own oil fields n all)? how is USC's aerospace program? its ranked pretty high (8th)..
  • #21
redargon said:
I was actually speaking to some people about Delft the before yesterday. I work next door to a reputable Belgian Space company, who hires a lot of guys that studied Aerospace in Delft. The people that didn't study at Delft, but know people who did, give it the thumbs up!

I was admitted there but I couldn't make to go to holland. I regretted it so much.
  • #22
For Germany I know that TU Munich is most likely the best. There the masters and Ph.D. courses should be in English as well.
  • #23
Do a search at, it let's you put in rankings of what you consider important, and spits out a list of degree programs you might like, with the data on how well they fit your preferences.
  • #24
According to US News, the top 12 Aerospace Engineering schools are:

1. MIT
2. California Institute of Technology
3. Stanford University
4. Georgia Institute of Technology
5. Purdue University
6. University of Michigan--Ann Arbor
7. University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign
8. Cornell University
9. Princeton University
10. Texas A&M University--College Station
11. University of Maryland--College Park
12. University of Texas--Austin
  • #25
larasarwan said:
Hi..first it true that texas austin gives a lot of aid cos its stinkin rich (its got its own oil fields n all)?

(I am going to Texas currently, for undergrad)

That really depends on what you are looking for:

1) Masters:

I know a few people that get a lot of aid; if you are a resident of Texas, plenty of masters students pay nothing for tuition after state and federal assistance through grants and/or fellowships. For out-of-staters(such as me), I have been told that you are best off getting a job and having your company finance your masters, UT royally screws out-of-staters on tuition(I pay around $8.5K a semester now, when I started it was ~$5.5K) and the state is not allowed to give you the most commonly available grants/fellowships(similar to most state schools).

2) PhD:

Of all the PhD-candidates I know, all are having their tuition paid for by the departments they work for and receive an annual stipend that is enough to cover housing and food(the former of which is rather expensive, relative to the rest of TX). They of course require you to perform TA and/or RA duties.
  • #26
I am currently Aerospace Engineering at UT-Austin. I have filled out a fafsa every single semester and I have never gotten even $10. I'm just building up my debt with loans hoping to pay it off quick with an engineering salary. My brother graduated last semester from UT-Austin and he never got any aid during the four and half years he was here. It pretty much comes down to how much money your parents make when looking for aid from the government. Mine make to much so me and my brother haven't ever received anything. In my experience, neither Texas (the state) nor Texas (the University) are eager to give out money in any circumstances. The only break I have ever gotten is in state tuition which is about half of out of state.
  • #27
Hi people I am going to do Master for Aerospace Engineering in the coming September and having a hard time to decide to go to which school as well and really like to hear some comment from you people...

First of all I have no doubt that I want to go for grad school for aerospace because working for aerospace industry is like my dream since I was in grade 3, and after 4 years of undergrad man I felt like I am so not ready and don't really know a lot. The thing is I am a Canadian, and so far University of Washington and Pennsylvania State University have gave me acceptance already, but because I am an international student the tuition is a whooping 28000 a year...I am still waiting for reply from the University of Toronto where I only have to pay around 8000 a year.

I am having such a hard time to decide where I want to go, it seem like I will have more opportunity to go to UW or PSU since they are actually in the state and both of them are top 20 in aerospace engineering I believe. However I think UT is the top one in aerospace engineering in Canada, but then there are not that much school has aerospace in Canada so I really have no idea where does UT stands against UW and PSU...and the different in tuition is just so great...Plus there doesn't seem to be much jobs in aerospace industry in Canada...

I am glad my family are supporting me continue my study and actually have the money ready for my tuition if I decide to go to US, but then UT is still an option for me to save a lot of money for my family as well...

Basically I would like to have any kind of comment on my dillema, and does anybody know how is UT's (Univertisy of Toronto) reputation in the aerospace industry? I think it has pretty good world standing at general engineering but not sure about its aerospace program...
  • #28
Space_freak said:
Hey guys,
i would like to know which universities in the world are best for aerospace engineering as i want to do a master's program. Please Suggest

THank you

It's easy to answer your question. The best aerospace universities are situated in countries with the most powerful aerospace industry. Nowadays there are only two such countries - Russia and US. One of the Russia's top Aerospace education Institution is MAI also known as Moscow Aviation Institute or the State University of Aerospace Technology. A lot of alumni are working for the greatest aerospace companies (Sukhoi Company, MIG, Tupolev, Kamov etc). MAI is the only one (or one of a couple) of world's aerospace universities that owns experimental-design bureau with the professional test pilot from MIG company and serial plane production. Also you should know that the creator of the stealth aircraft technology - Professor Ufimtsev from CALTECH is teaching students of Aircraft Electronics and Communication Systems Department. MAI has old soviet mono education system (5.5 years).

If you are interesting in rocket technologies you should learn more about Russian's top technical university - The Bauman State Technical University also known as Rocket College.

Best wishes.
  • #29
casperl said:
Hi people I am going to do Master for Aerospace Engineering in the coming September and having a hard time to decide to go to which school as well and really like to hear some comment from you people...

Thread, if you are looking for a good university for masters or diploma in aeronautics without tuition fees, you should look into France! they have a different education system (Grandes ècoles, the elite selection system for engineering in France). ISAE (fusion of the two grande Écoles Supaéro and ENSICA at Toulouse which is THE town in Europe to be studying aeronautics) is a worldwide topranked school for engineering (possibly the best in europe) in the fields of aeronautics(I believe they only take graduate students). Actually their being a Grande École they only teach Aeronautics-Aerodynamics. It is easier to get into ENSICA than Supaero because before the fusion, Supaero was better; nevertheless, now ENSICA and Supaéro provide the same Masters + Diploma (ISAE). The school is paid by the state, so the only expenses you will have are livingexpences (residence or appartment).
Even if you should not be french speaking, with some courses and while living in France you'll get the hang of it.(I've experienced that myself being german-canadian in this elite system)

I hope I've been of any help...
  • #30
Georgia Institute of Technology is public, and it has one of the best Aerospace programs in the country.
  • #31
Pick the school with the research program that suits your interests.
  • #32
Ryerson University in Toronto is good for Aerospace Engineering.
  • #33
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

is the best

but what about Astronautics?
  • #34
Astronautics,i don't have any schools in mind.I would have to make some more research before listing any other.I will try to do that as soon as possible.
  • #35
I feel Stanford University is also one of the best to start up with your Aerospace Engineering.
<h2>1. What criteria are used to determine the top 10 universities for aerospace engineering?</h2><p>The top 10 universities for aerospace engineering are determined based on factors such as academic reputation, research opportunities and facilities, industry partnerships and collaborations, alumni success, and faculty expertise in the field.</p><h2>2. Are these rankings reliable and accurate?</h2><p>These rankings are based on extensive research and data analysis by reputable organizations such as QS World University Rankings and Times Higher Education. However, it is important to note that rankings can vary and should not be the sole factor in choosing a university.</p><h2>3. Can I pursue a specialization in a specific area of aerospace engineering at these universities?</h2><p>Yes, many of these universities offer a wide range of specializations within the field of aerospace engineering, such as aircraft design, propulsion systems, avionics, and space systems. It is important to research the specific programs offered by each university to find the best fit for your interests.</p><h2>4. Are there opportunities for hands-on experience and practical learning at these universities?</h2><p>Yes, most of these top universities have state-of-the-art facilities and research centers where students can gain hands-on experience and work on real-world projects. They also offer internships and co-op programs with industry partners, providing students with practical learning opportunities.</p><h2>5. What are the career prospects for graduates of these top universities for aerospace engineering?</h2><p>Graduates of these top universities have excellent career prospects, with opportunities in both the aerospace industry and related fields such as defense, aviation, and space exploration. Many alumni of these universities have gone on to work for top companies and organizations in the field.</p>

FAQ: Top 10 Universities for Aerospace Engineering in the world

1. What criteria are used to determine the top 10 universities for aerospace engineering?

The top 10 universities for aerospace engineering are determined based on factors such as academic reputation, research opportunities and facilities, industry partnerships and collaborations, alumni success, and faculty expertise in the field.

2. Are these rankings reliable and accurate?

These rankings are based on extensive research and data analysis by reputable organizations such as QS World University Rankings and Times Higher Education. However, it is important to note that rankings can vary and should not be the sole factor in choosing a university.

3. Can I pursue a specialization in a specific area of aerospace engineering at these universities?

Yes, many of these universities offer a wide range of specializations within the field of aerospace engineering, such as aircraft design, propulsion systems, avionics, and space systems. It is important to research the specific programs offered by each university to find the best fit for your interests.

4. Are there opportunities for hands-on experience and practical learning at these universities?

Yes, most of these top universities have state-of-the-art facilities and research centers where students can gain hands-on experience and work on real-world projects. They also offer internships and co-op programs with industry partners, providing students with practical learning opportunities.

5. What are the career prospects for graduates of these top universities for aerospace engineering?

Graduates of these top universities have excellent career prospects, with opportunities in both the aerospace industry and related fields such as defense, aviation, and space exploration. Many alumni of these universities have gone on to work for top companies and organizations in the field.

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