Observing Optical Phenomena with 500THz Generator

In summary: THz signal is fed to this antenna. How exactly will the antenna look like ? Will it glow ? Glow from the core of the antenna or from the surface ? Assuming an omni-directional antenna ; will it glow homogeneously through the antenna length ?Assuming you have an antenna that can take in signals up to 500THz, then the antenna will emit light at that frequency. The light might be emitted from the antenna's core, or it might be emitted from the antenna's surface. It's hard to say without seeing the antenna in person.Assuming you have an antenna that can take in signals up to 500THz,
  • #1
Assume you have a sinusoidal 500THz function generator and assume you have a compatible antenna. If you feed the signal to your antenna, is optical phenomena observable ?
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Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
y33t said:
Assume you have a sinusoidal 500THz function generator and assume you have a compatible antenna. If you feed the signal to your antenna, is optical phenomena observable ?

In this experiment a generator capable of emitting electromagnetic radiation at 500THz would be a laser: probalby either a gas or solid-state laser. Without calculation we can say that since 474 THz is the optical frequency of a helium-neon laser, then the 500Thz would appear to the human eye red.
  • #3
Bobbywhy said:
In this experiment a generator capable of emitting electromagnetic radiation at 500THz would be a laser: probalby either a gas or solid-state laser. Without calculation we can say that since 474 THz is the optical frequency of a helium-neon laser, then the 500Thz would appear to the human eye red.

No that's not why I meant.

Time-varying electric currents flowing through a conductor radiates electromagnetic fields at the same frequency. If a 500THz function generator (electrical signal output) is fed to a conductor at appropriate size, can human eye observe the emission ?
  • #4
y33t, sorry, I jumped to some conclusion. This is from Wikipedia:

"Terahertz radiation is a region of the spectrum between far infrared and microwaves. Until recently, the range was rarely studied and few sources existed for microwave energy at the high end of the band (sub-millimeter waves or so-called terahertz waves), but applications such as imaging and communications are now appearing. Scientists are also looking to apply terahertz technology in the armed forces, where high-frequency waves might be directed at enemy troops to incapacitate their electronic equipment. [15]

[15] The interaction between high-intensity, ultra-short laser pulses and plasmas leads to the emission of coherent, short-pulse radiation at terahertz frequencies. A device is developed that can use the short-pulse radiation at terahertz frequencies to deactivate any electronic systems many miles away and create a virtual shield for any advancing army, navy or air force.
  • #5
Bobbywhy said:
y33t, sorry, I jumped to some conclusion. This is from Wikipedia:

"Terahertz radiation is a region of the spectrum between far infrared and microwaves. Until recently, the range was rarely studied and few sources existed for microwave energy at the high end of the band (sub-millimeter waves or so-called terahertz waves), but applications such as imaging and communications are now appearing. Scientists are also looking to apply terahertz technology in the armed forces, where high-frequency waves might be directed at enemy troops to incapacitate their electronic equipment. [15]

[15] The interaction between high-intensity, ultra-short laser pulses and plasmas leads to the emission of coherent, short-pulse radiation at terahertz frequencies. A device is developed that can use the short-pulse radiation at terahertz frequencies to deactivate any electronic systems many miles away and create a virtual shield for any advancing army, navy or air force.

You are not event close to what I am talking about... (:
  • #6
y33t said:
No that's not why I meant.

Time-varying electric currents flowing through a conductor radiates electromagnetic fields at the same frequency. If a 500THz function generator (electrical signal output) is fed to a conductor at appropriate size, can human eye observe the emission ?
What is an appropriate size...?
  • #7
y33t said:
No that's not why I meant.

Time-varying electric currents flowing through a conductor radiates electromagnetic fields at the same frequency. If a 500THz function generator (electrical signal output) is fed to a conductor at appropriate size, can human eye observe the emission ?

I would think so. But such a setup is not possible with current technology. The frequency is much too high.
  • #8
russ_watters said:
What is an appropriate size...?

Appropriate size that will fit (in length) to the high frequency signal, let's say around 500nm.
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  • #9
Drakkith said:
I would think so. But such a setup is not possible with current technology. The frequency is much too high.

That's correct today technology is not capable of generating this scale of frequencies.

What would be the interpretation from wave-particle duality approach in this phenomena ? Will there be photons ?
  • #10
y33t said:
What would be the interpretation from wave-particle duality approach in this phenomena ? Will there be photons ?

What? Why wouldn't there be? There are always photons if an EM wave is generated.
  • #11
Drakkith said:
What? Why wouldn't there be? There are always photons if an EM wave is generated.

Then please enlighten me ; assume there is a 500nm antenna and our imaginary 500THz signal is fed to this antenna. How exactly will the antenna look like ? Will it glow ? Glow from the core of the antenna or from the surface ? Assuming an omni-directional antenna ; will it glow homogeneously through the antenna length ?
  • #12
will it glow homogeneously through the antenna length ?
You cannot observe details of a ~500nm-antenna with visible light of 500nm wavelength, at least not without fancy metamaterials which would probably change the way the antenna emits light in a significant way.
You will see a spot of light, even with the best microscopes.
  • #13
mfb said:
You cannot observe details of a ~500nm-antenna with visible light of 500nm wavelength, at least not without fancy metamaterials which would probably change the way the antenna emits light in a significant way.
You will see a spot of light, even with the best microscopes.

The CCD can easily detect the output of the antenna. Surely this depends on the amplitude of the signal fed to antenna.
  • #14
There must be some sort of limit based on the mean time between collisions of electrons in a conducting wire. I don't see how you could make electrons oscillate with such speed if they don't have time to actually interact with one another?

Solid state physics is definitely my weak point but I'm struggling to come up with a fundamental reason why this shouldn't be possible.
  • #15
Y33t, sevgili dostum,

I’m not sure this will enlighten you. I am slightly confused by your questions. You have proposed the application of a 500Terahertz (THz) signal to an antenna of 500 nanometer (nm) in length.

When I calculate the wavelength of 500 THz EM radiation signal I get about 600 nm. This is called submillimeter radiation (in astronomy) and is not visible to the human eye.

Furthermore, when I calculate the frequency of EM radiation of 500 nm I get about 600 THz. This is what’s known as “blue-green visible light”.

I am sure you have already seen seven different types of Terahertz radiation generators at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terahertz_radiation
None of these THz generators produce radiation that is visible.

I may be totally wrong with my above calculations because I am not schooled in quantum optics. Will you please try to help me understand your experiment?
  • #16
Bobbywhy: 600µm is sub-millimeter, and 1000 times longer than 600nm. 600nm is similar to 500nm, just a different color (the visible range is roughly 400-800nm).
THz generators generate ~1THz, not 500.
  • #17
mfb, thank you for the clarifying explanations.
  • #18
500THz correspnds to visible orange light in air. The antenna should be 600 nm. No idea if it would work. Guess you would need a bunch of them to see them. No idea about the electons in the wire. Maybe not using metal conductors would be the answer. I wonder how such a nano antenna could be made.

FAQ: Observing Optical Phenomena with 500THz Generator

1. What is a 500THz generator?

A 500THz generator is a device that produces electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 500 terahertz (THz). This frequency range falls within the optical spectrum, meaning it produces light waves that are invisible to the human eye.

2. How does a 500THz generator work?

A 500THz generator works by converting electrical energy into high-frequency electromagnetic waves. It typically uses a laser as the source of energy and uses a nonlinear crystal to increase the frequency of the light waves to 500THz.

3. What are the applications of a 500THz generator?

A 500THz generator has many applications in the field of optics and photonics. It is used in spectroscopy, microscopy, and imaging techniques to study the properties of materials at a molecular level. It is also used in telecommunications for high-speed data transmission.

4. Is a 500THz generator safe to use?

Yes, a 500THz generator is generally safe to use. The light waves it produces are within the non-ionizing range, meaning they do not have enough energy to cause damage to cells. However, it is always important to follow safety precautions and use proper protective gear when working with any type of electromagnetic radiation.

5. What advancements have been made in 500THz generator technology?

In recent years, there have been significant advancements in 500THz generator technology. Researchers have been able to increase the power and stability of these generators, making them more suitable for various applications. Additionally, there have been developments in compact and portable 500THz generators, making them more accessible for research and industrial use.
