Are You a Speed Demon? The Temptation and Consequences of Extreme Speed

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, the young and reckless have an urge to do dangerous things because it is so much fun. The psych professor mentioned that this urge is unconscious and that it is a death wish fulfillment. The young person says that when he was younger and on his dirt bike, he would often do stunts that would almost result in injury or death. He is currently on a 2000 Yamaha YZF-R1 and he likes the acceleration and decel better than the continuous top speed.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
"I've got the need, for speed"

I was just wondering how many speed demons we might have out there. For me, it was a miracle that I lived to be 21 - dirt bikes, sports cars, street bikes, cafe racers, sand rails, dune buggies, you name it, I have probably driven one way too fast. I mean I have done a few really stupid things - like 145+ mph in a 240Z that was not really equipped for such speeds, and 120 MPH on a Honda 750 while racing through city streets. I also took a turn in my Z so fast that I had it up on one came really close to rolling into the side of a hill at 60mph+. I learned later that this very stunt kills a lot of Z drivers. One of my friends in high school lost an arm in much the same way. Two other friends were killed.

In spite of the risks, and in spite of being otherwise responsible people, when young and reckless some of us will do these things. I guess this may be much the same as the impulse for all of the extreme sports that are so popular now.

Are you one of us? Have you slowed down yet?
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  • #2
hey play need for speed underground then

not risk although less fun but still ok la haha
  • #3
Reminds me when I was going so fast on my mountain bike without a helmet as I made a quick turn, I almost slammed onto this car. Good thing the car wasn't going fast or I would've..

On my truck, I usually go between 20-35. I've slowed down. I'm one of the safest drivers I know.

My abnormal psych professor once told us of this deathwish fulfillment of sorts, that every human being has an unconscious urge to do it which is why sometimes we beat the red light.
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  • #4
I owned a 1996 Z28 until I lost control (dirty NE roads) around a corner, jumped the curb shattering 3 rims then slid down a guardrail backwards. :frown:

I try to keep the speed under control but it's like an addiction.

I currently own a 2000 Yamaha YZF-R1. :biggrin:


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  • #5
It's a strange impulse to always go faster. I always thought it was just the thrill of the speed; but why the thrill...I guess because we are close to death? I'm not sure if this qualifies more as a death wish, or maybe even some kind of defiance of death. Personally, it always seemed like I did it just because it was so fun.
  • #6
kawikdx225 said:
I currently own a 2000 Yamaha YZF-R1. :biggrin:

I started on the YZ series in 1974 or so... What is the travel on the suspension these days? My first bike had Kony shocks with about six inches of travel. :redface: Jumps were often painful.

Do you know the displacement, HP, and weight of your bike?
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  • #7
hoho i remmber mine , i was on my mountain bike, got hit by a car on side then another. on a main road. (cross section)

luckly i was only blackout for a sec but nothing more. then i was transfer to local police station (not hosipital) to find out the driver who want to muder me, simtaneouly i was faund $50 for not wearing a hemlt.
  • #8
The YZF-R1 is a street bike, check out the pic in my first post.

380lbs dry
150bhp stock
It's a death machine, I think I like the acceleration and decel better than a continuous top speed. This thing does 0-60 in 3.

I use the KDX(dirt bike) when I feel the need to fly.
  • #9
The attachment was not available earlier.

That's a monster! I would imagine that the front end stays off the ground from 0-60, with you hanging over the handlebars?

Have you ever come close to flipping over? Also, you admit the 0-60 in 3, don't tell me that you have never tried to go any faster... You don't buy a bike like that to go 60. :rolleyes:

I knew of a guy that bought a Ninja or similar back in the late 80's I think... It scared him so bad on his first day that pretty much just parked it and sold it. I guess that when he hit a bump, he twisted the throttle and was just about thrown over backwards in the middle of busy traffic.

I would probably get another dirt bike...we definitely have plenty of room to ride around here...but I have no doubt that I would just push until I got seriously hurt...again... We have talked about a touring bike but it rains so much here that a street bike would be somewhat impractical. Besides, my scariest moments were all on street bikes. In the dirt, at least when you go down you don't get run over by Freightliner Trucks...or course you do bounce a lot.

and what good are they anyway if you can't go really, really, really fast? :biggrin:
  • #10
No speed demon, anyway this reminds me of what happened to me a year ago when my brother bought a Suzuki RG 125. Of course I had to try it out on this beautyful little mountain road passing right by our house. Unfortunately it was raining :rolleyes: and I've only sat on a motorbike a few times before :rolleyes: and never on one with strong brakes like this one :rolleyes: . So on the way back home I blocked the rear wheel unintentional, I was very surprised :eek: and blocked myself and slammed to the ground at 50 km/h (no serious injuries).

Quite embarassing...Now I decided to learn to drive seriously, because after all it's fun. I'm keen on riding a heavier bike but only when I've become a semi-pro on the 125. But I don't intend to break any speed records (at least that's what I say right now :wink: ).

edit: =30mph
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  • #11
The fastest I've been on the R1 was 140mph, it will do faster but I keep running out of road.

What I really need is a track close by for the streetbike, that way nobody gets upset when I speed and oncoming traffic is eliminated.

When I ride dirt I wear full gear, I look like a football player. This is because I crash alot, mostly from trying stupid stunts. Dirt bikes definitely satisfy the need for speed even though they are "relatively" slow. They give you a good sense of accel, decel, positive and negative G's.

I think I like riding dirt more because traffic on the street can be dangerous and you are visible to many other drivers that object (understandibly) to my riding where as on the dirt nobody cares how fast you go.
  • #12
kawikdx225 said:
The fastest I've been on the R1 was 140mph, it will do faster but I keep running out of road.

Was it stable at 140? No tendency to speed wobble? This is what always scared me about high speeds on bikes. Even if the situation was otherwise safe and sane, if they start to wobble at high speed it can end in a flash. This happened to a cop, a friend of the family's who was in a high speed chase on a Moto Guzzi. He lived but for a long time he probably wished that he hadn't.

Your worst crash? Also, have you ever tried desert biking? This allows for dirt bikes and 100 mph+. Of course the relative 100 mph cacti are a bugger.

When I had my 240Z going that fast [maybe a little faster, between 140 and 145 I think...not sure when this happened exactly...the front end became so light that I effectively had no steering. I could turn the wheel but nothing happened. :eek:
  • #13
kuengb said:
So on the way back home I blocked the rear wheel unintentional, I was very surprised :eek: and blocked myself and slammed to the ground at 50 km/h (no serious injuries).

Introductory off-road motorcycle concepts: Large gauze bandages, H2O2, white medical tape, splints, alcohol [for drinking after the injury]. If injured while riding in desert, to be applied by four or five girls in bikinis. :rolleyes:
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  • #14
Ivan Seeking said:
Introductory off-road motorcycle concepts: Large gauze bandages, H2O2, white medical tape, splints, alcohol [for drinking after the injury]. If injured while riding in desert, to be applied by four or five girls in bikinis. :rolleyes:

that would be a mirage huh?? if not, i better get a bike and a ticket to the Sahara!
  • #15
Get your tickets. You don't think I crashed every time without really meaning to, do you? A simple scenario: I was sixteen with many friends that were in their early twenties. Their girl friends had girl friends that came along and it was one big party... Tough huh?

Edit: I recommend the Mojave Desert. You won't find many girls in bikinis in the Sahara :wink:
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  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
When I had my 240Z going that fast [maybe a little faster, between 140 and 145 I think...not sure when this happened exactly...the front end became so light that I effectively had no steering. I could turn the wheel but nothing happened. :eek:

That's it: You've crossed the line! You were flying! Congratulations. :cool:

No, seriously, that must have been sort of an awkward feeling. You didn't have a front spoiler?
  • #17
About the only reckless speeding I've done is on my bike - that's bicycle, not motor cycle. There was a nice long stretch of smooth road with a slight decline. It was perfect. Used to get up into the low 50's with some drafting.

  • #18
kuengb said:
That's it: You've crossed the line! You were flying! Congratulations. :cool:

No, seriously, that must have been sort of an awkward feeling. You didn't have a front spoiler?

No spoiler. The highway was wide enough that I was able to drift back and forth across the road without a problem, which is what the car wanted to do, but if I tried to compensate there was no response. Really, looking back with what I know now, I am not sure if this was caused by the aerodynamics of the high speed, perhaps due to a slight cross wind for example, or if I actually had less traction on the tires. In either case. to lose steering at 145 is an interesting experience. Also, I have been trying to remember...I might have hit 155 before backing off but I'm just not sure any longer. This was done in 1979. I know that my speedometer was good to 160 and I think I had it nearly pegged before common sense took over.

I once got in a race with a middle aged gent who was driving a Mazda RX7. We stayed neck and neck up to about 120 but then he started nudging away from me. Since I was already out of my torque range I knew that he had won so I started backing off. He just kept going. When I got down to about 80 or so, two Ca Highway Patrol cars passed me like I wasn't moving. By the time I caught up with the RX7, and the cops, my rival was standing outside of the car in handcuffs. I proceeded to the nearest exit and hid under the overpass for an hour or so. I guess that was a good race to lose.
  • #19
Ivan Seeking said:
Was it stable at 140? No tendency to speed wobble? This is what always scared me about high speeds on bikes. Even if the situation was otherwise safe and sane, if they start to wobble at high speed it can end in a flash. This happened to a cop, a friend of the family's who was in a high speed chase on a Moto Guzzi. He lived but for a long time he probably wished that he hadn't.

Your worst crash? Also, have you ever tried desert biking? This allows for dirt bikes and 100 mph+. Of course the relative 100 mph cacti are a bugger.

When I had my 240Z going that fast [maybe a little faster, between 140 and 145 I think...not sure when this happened exactly...the front end became so light that I effectively had no steering. I could turn the wheel but nothing happened. :eek:

I installed an Ohlins steering damper to tame the bars, it wobbles without it on crappy roads.

Not much desert racing in New England but we do have old railroad beds which does the trick for high speed stuff.

Luckily I've ridden away from most crashes so I don't have a worst crash but the scariest was when two deer ran onto the RR bed when I was topped out. When they saw me coming they froze initially then one took off left and one right, I went right between them missing by inches.
  • #20
kawikdx225 said:
I went right between them missing by inches.

Who left more droppings; you or the deer? :eek:
  • #21
Njorl said:
About the only reckless speeding I've done is on my bike - that's bicycle, not motor cycle. There was a nice long stretch of smooth road with a slight decline. It was perfect. Used to get up into the low 50's with some drafting.


50 mph on about 2 square inches of rubber can be quite exciting.
  • #22
2002 Lamborghini Murcielago

In case anyone missed this in the other thread, I thought is was worth one more post if no one minds. :redface:

Price: $273,000
Miles Per Gallon: 9/13 mpg
Curb Weight: 3638 lbs
Layout: Mid-Engine/AWD
Transmission: 6-Speed Manual
Type: V12
Displacement: 6192 cc
Horsepower: 580 bhp @ 7500 rpm
Torque: 480 lb-ft @ 5400 rpm
Redline: 7500 rpm
0-60 mph: 3.6 sec
0-100 mph: 8.7 sec
Quarter Mile: 12.0 sec @ 121 mph
Skidpad: .90g
Top Speed: 205 mph
Braking, 60-0 mph: 122 ft
Slalom Speed: 65.7 mph

There are not many material things that are important to me - not really much that I dream of having - but if the devil really wants to tempt me, all that he need do is to zap a 2002 Lamborghini Murcielago onto my driveway.

Edit: I'll know I'm in hell when I get the insurance bill.
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  • #23
kawikdx225 said:
The fastest I've been on the R1 was 140mph, it will do faster but I keep running out of road.

Yes it sure does :smile: I have had mine (many times) chapping of the stop (rev limiter) in 6th gear at 182mph...on a dissused runway we use for drag racing. To top that though I have a CR 500 Supermoto 85bhp 100kg and it leaves the R1 standing to about 50mph but the things only geared for about 100mph. (email)[/URL] (web)
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  • #24
I'm no speed demon. The fastest I've ever gone was 115mph in my SAAB 9000 Turbo. Slow by what I've seen in this thread.

I was racing an elderly jerk in a Mercedes. :biggrin:

Oh, as a passenger on a harley going 102 MPH. :eek:
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  • #25
wow which car in the world right now has the highest top speed or acceleration?
  • #26
My personal top speed in a car was 120mph on an empty highway in the morning, but not me but a friend of mine was driving. That would not be worth talking yet, but then the guy wanted to TYPE AN SMS on his mobile phone at that speed (or maybe a bit lower, ~110) :mad:. ...Well dude, not with me!

A few weeks before (or after?) there has been a horrible crash in France, a woman (and maybe even more people, don't remember) died sur l'autoroute because she was typing an SMS.
  • #27
expscv said:
wow which car in the world right now has the highest top speed or acceleration?

There could be a lot of debate over that one as there is now quite a few cars topping the 200mph mark. The maclaren F1 has been around for a few years now and I know its been clocked at 235mph. But respect must be given to the RUF

The car RUF 911 (Porsche)
The year 1991
The speed 211mph

to be getting that kind of speeds from a car 15 years ago is something else
  • #28
kuengb said:
My personal top speed in a car was 120mph on an empty highway in the morning, but not me but a friend of mine was driving. That would not be worth talking yet, but then the guy wanted to TYPE AN SMS on his mobile phone at that speed (or maybe a bit lower, ~110) :mad:. ...Well dude, not with me!
An SMS going that fast? He's nuts, it's stupid at any speed.
  • #29
expscv said:
wow which car in the world right now has the highest top speed or acceleration?
1/4 mile drag racers
top fuel dragster zero to 330mph in under 5 sec

pro stock, looks a street car and burns gasoline zero to 200mph in under 7 sec

most likely the fastest street driven car is an american hotrod
a custom built chevy, in street legal trim ran 200mph on closed normal roads for 100 miles
beating the best euro supercars in the race
  • #30
ray b said:
1/4 mile drag racers
top fuel dragster zero to 330mph in under 5 sec

pro stock, looks a street car and burns gasoline zero to 200mph in under 7 sec

most likely the fastest street driven car is an american hotrod
a custom built chevy, in street legal trim ran 200mph on closed normal roads for 100 miles
beating the best euro supercars in the race

We all know this, I thought he was on about a PRODUCTION car like the Lambo pictured futher up this page. Cant exacty take a top fueler along the local highway obaying the speed limit.
  • #31
Ivan, I never knew you was a Z man, I too have some wild Z tales.

In fact, I've about got a mirrored life of yours, just starting in the 80's. I've been dirt biking since I was 4, god the crazy storys I've got, I'll fill you in on those when I have more time.

Right now I'm driving a 1980 280zx, paid $250 with no wheels, needed a clutch and break work. About $500 later and I've got a 140 mph car for under 1g. My previous Z, which I still own is a 79, similar body style. The older Z's were notorious for stunts you mentioned, while in 79 they widened the body, tweaked the suspension and created some monster handling cars for the day. Its also worth noting that nissan claims that every year a Z car was produced (I'm not talking about the pansy 300's, inlines only) it outperformed that corresponding years Corvette.

I've never looked into this claim, but I certainly believe it, as I've smoked many a 80's models corvettes in my 79. Anyhow, on to the crazy story. I had a break proportioning valve, so I could remove all the pressure from the rear breaks, so this made for doing good, 50+yard burnouts.

So I'm in the middle of smoking out the neighborhood one day, when I notice blue lights peaking through the cloud of smoke. Sure enough, the man is hot on me. So I pull out of the spin, and accelerate away, getting upto around 130 mph, (this car was good for 160+), and while I was pulling away from the man, I feared continuing strait. So I prepared to take a 90 degree left hander, slowed to about 90 mph, 4 wheel drifting onto the road, but couldn't pull out of the drift. Fortunatly, the transition from road to grass was nice and smooth, no ditch, and a empty grass field which I continued doing over 70 mph, back onto the road and never blinked.

Once I was certain I lost the cop, I returned home, and promptly changed my underpants. :)
  • #32
I love anything fast, but I keep it to cars for the most part, and I have a particular affinity for forced induction (on everything really :eek: )
No ridiculous tales to tell of. Have done the usual highspeed highway runs to 170+ and all that.
Really, the thing that scares me more is running a car on the track and having it start to get away from me fully unexpected. I hate the feeling of not having control of my car... and then I go push it to the edge of that control. I'm a bright one!
  • #33
Once I was certain I lost the cop, I returned home, and promptly changed my underpants. :)

Okay I can see that we do need to prod you for some stories - you're a maniac! :cool: My guess is that you are lucky to be alive? I'd bet you have quite a few close calls to talk about.

I knew a guy in high school [northern Ca.] that liked to jump on his RM400 and blaze past the cops at the 7-11 at about 100 something; or at least as fast as his sprocket ratio for that day allowed. He would slow down until the cops got right on his tail and then fire off the side of the road and into the hills and trees on dirt trails. Since he grew up there he knew every deer trail by heart. I don't think they ever did catch least not for that stunt.
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  • #34
My best friend just got his new Ducati today. His is red.
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  • #35
Well, I was a bit younger at the time (17, 18) and quite crazy. I'd raced methanol go-karts a few years before I got my license. When I got the Z, it reminded me very much of my kart, just much faster.

I drove that thing for about 120,000 miles and the electrical system has failed on me. It still runs, with a gas tank in the passenger seat and wires everywhere. I've since decided to strip it down, tube fram, crazy engine build(i'd like to get my hand on a skyline powertrain) and all the other needed goodies and join a road racing cicuit, scca or something.

The other most amazing thing about the time I drove that car, I never got a speeding ticket. The closest call to disaster I ever had was the one I described, and for the most part I had it under control. I've once raced a Boxster, not the strongest of porsches, but still a porsche, down my curvy road, and passed him through this corner nearing triple digits.

The attachment is a trail system in Antioch, SC. Its a wild ride, miles of trails, and about 4 monster hill climbs like this. This one was quite a challenge, up and down. I busted my tale on my brothers rm 250. The new breed of 2 strokes are scary fast.

I've got to figure out a way to host my .mov of my brother riding a mountain board behind my friend Jon. We never got going too fast, and my brother was injured free riding the board and chickened out :)

If nothing else Jack Ass would be proud.


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