Chain rule: partial derivatives transformation

In summary, the differential equation can be transformed by changing to new variables u=x^2-y^2 and v=xy. Using the chain rule, the equation can be rewritten as \frac{\delta ^2 g}{\delta x^2}= 2\frac{\delta g}{\delta u}+4y^2\cdot \frac{\delta ^2 g}{\delta u^2}+4xy\cdot \frac{\delta ^2 g}{\delta u \delta v}+y^2\cdot \frac{\delta ^2 g}{\delta v^2}, where dg/du and dg/dv are partial derivatives of g with respect to u and v, respectively. This can be
  • #1

Let g(x,y) be a function that has second order partial derivatives. Transform the differential equation

[tex]\frac{\delta ^{2}g}{\delta x^{2}}-\frac{\delta ^{2}g}{\delta y^{2}}=xyg[/tex]

by chaning to the new variables [tex]u=x^2-y^2[/tex] and [tex]v=xy[/tex]
The equation doesn't have to be solved.

Okay, so this is basically an exercise in using the chain rule.
The first part is pretty easy.

[tex]\frac{\delta g}{\delta x}=\frac{\delta g}{\delta u}\cdot \frac{\delta u}{\delta x}+\frac{\delta g}{\delta v}\cdot \frac{\delta v}{\delta x}=2x\cdot \frac{\delta g}{\delta u}+y\frac{\delta g}{\delta v}[/tex]
[tex]\frac{\delta g}{\delta y}=\frac{\delta g}{\delta u}\cdot \frac{\delta u}{\delta y}+\frac{\delta g}{\delta v}\cdot \frac{\delta v}{\delta y}=-2y\cdot \frac{\delta g}{\delta u}+x\frac{\delta g}{\delta v}[/tex]

Now I try to find [tex]\frac{\delta ^{2}g}{\delta x^{2}}[/tex] using the information from A. I realize I'm supposed to use the chain rule again, but I just can't get the right answer, so I guess I'm missing some fundamental understanding of what's going on here.

Here's what the first part of the problem eventually should boil down to:
[tex]\frac{\delta ^{2}g}{\delta x^{2}}=2\frac{\delta g}{\delta u}+4y^{2}\cdot \frac{\delta^{2} g}{\delta u^{2}}+4xy\cdot \frac{\delta^{2} g}{\delta u\delta v}+y^{2}\cdot \frac{\delta^{2} g}{\delta v^{2}}[/tex]

This part above is what I need help with, if I understand that part, I think I can manage to solve the rest of the problem.

Help is much appreciated. If I find out how to do it I will post here later. Thanks.
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  • #2
There is a rather old textbook, "Advanced Calculus" by Angus Taylor that addresses the kind of problem you are experiencing very carefully in Chapter 6 in a section titled "Second derivatives by the chain rule". Your library may have a copy. As I recall, when I first ran into this problem, the issue was as much notation as anything else.
  • #3
I see where you are stumbling:

do you know how to do:

d/dx [ dg/du ] ?

Are you correctly using the product rule as:

it's d/dx[ 2x . dg / du]?

Do you know that dg/du consists of two variables (u,v) so you need to take care of that .. ?

I got the first part.. apparently, there aren't any tough work involved. You just need to understand:
d/dx [df (x,y) /dx] = d^2.f / (dx.dy) + d^2 . f/ (dx^2)

Use trees - they help: write f, and then two children u,v .. both have x,y children
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  • #4
[tex]\frac{\delta ^2 g}{\delta x^2}=\frac{\delta }{\delta x} \left(\frac{\delta g}{\delta x}\right)[/tex]

[tex]= \frac{\delta }{\delta x} \left( \frac{\delta g}{\delta u}\cdot \frac{\delta u}{\delta x} \right) + \frac{\delta }{\delta x} \left( \frac{\delta g}{\delta v}\cdot \frac{\delta v}{\delta x} \right) [/tex]

Then use the product rule on each. then the chain rule again when differentiating a partial differential of g. It's long winded but it'll do the trick!

FAQ: Chain rule: partial derivatives transformation

1. What is the chain rule for partial derivatives?

The chain rule for partial derivatives is a mathematical rule that allows us to calculate the derivatives of composite functions. It states that the derivative of a composite function is equal to the derivative of the outer function multiplied by the derivative of the inner function.

2. How do you apply the chain rule to partial derivatives?

To apply the chain rule to partial derivatives, we first identify the outer and inner functions. Then, we take the derivative of the outer function and multiply it by the derivative of the inner function, while keeping the inner function unchanged. Finally, we substitute the inner function back into the derivative of the outer function to get the final result.

3. Why is the chain rule important in multivariable calculus?

The chain rule is important in multivariable calculus because it allows us to find the rate of change of a function in multiple variables. This is useful in many real-world applications, such as physics, economics, and engineering, where variables are often interdependent.

4. Can the chain rule be applied to any type of function?

No, the chain rule can only be applied to functions that are differentiable. This means that the function must have a well-defined derivative at every point in its domain. Additionally, the chain rule can only be applied to functions that are composed of simpler functions, such as polynomials, exponential functions, and trigonometric functions.

5. How does the chain rule relate to the product rule and quotient rule?

The chain rule is closely related to the product rule and quotient rule, as they are all rules for finding derivatives of composite functions. The product rule deals with the derivative of a product of two functions, while the quotient rule deals with the derivative of a quotient of two functions. The chain rule is a more general rule that can be used to find the derivatives of more complex composite functions.

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