Breaking the Cycle of Boredom: Tips for a More Engaging Life

  • Thread starter dekoi
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of boredom and how it leads to negative actions and behaviors. The participants share their opinions on how to overcome boredom, with suggestions such as finding curiosity, staying busy, and pursuing interests and hobbies. They also mention the importance of learning and exploring new things to keep the mind engaged and stimulated. Overall, the conversation encourages individuals to take initiative and find ways to avoid boredom in their lives.
  • #1
"How to Not be Bored."

Today i have seen the light.

I have understood the reason for most of my sinful acts (perceive the word "sinful" in any way you choose to). It is boredom which causes me to do what i later regret. It is isolation from anything productive and healthy to my own mind and body. It seems that i am quite a busy person; although when i do have the time, i choose to do something i strongly bemoan afterwards.

How do we refrain from boredom? How do you refrain from boredom?
Physics news on
  • #2
extreme insanity seems to work for me.
  • #3
I think i have answered my own question:

The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
How then, can we arouse curiosity?
  • #4
tribdog said:
extreme insanity seems to work for me.
Is this another one of tribdog's antics?

This was a serious question.

By "sinful acts" I also incorporate addiction. Addiction to sex, food, television, and so on. Addiction to what harms and exploits us. I have found an interesting passage regarding Buddhism -- knowing that Buddhism aims to get rid of all sinful human desires.
But ultimately, loving-kindness and compassion, metta and karuna, are crucial. By caring for others and putting others first - not always easy! - we are weakening this idea of the individual self as the center of the universe. We begin to see things as a whole, being to recognize the universe as it really is.
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  • #5
Idle hands are the devil's workshop?

Work work, learn learn, and don't forget to play.
  • #6
I like to have books, even if I'm cut off from PF I'll survive for a couple of days.
  • #7
Ivan Seeking said:
Idle hands are the devil's workshop?

Work work, learn learn, and don't forget to play.

But that does not sound like "curiosity". Which i understand i should be striving for. It sounds more like forced labour. How do i arouse curiosity?
  • #8
You have excused your actions as the result of boredom. If you found something truly worthwhile and began doing it routinely would boredom still deserve the credit?
  • #9
Ivan Seeking said:
Idle hands are the devil's workshop?

Work work, learn learn, and don't forget to play.

Yep, idle hands are definitely the devil's workshop. That's why I keep mine busy typing posts on PF when I'm in danger of getting bored. :approve:

But, yep, when I'm cut off from the internet, it's reading that I do a lot of. Or the unfinished crafts and puzzles inhabiting my basement. I want a lego set for Christmas, that should keep my hands busy. :biggrin: Hey, you're NEVER too old for Legos!
  • #10
dekoi said:
Is this another one of tribdog's antics?

This was a serious question.
Okay, you want a serious answer?
Clean out your ears and open your eyes. How the hell can you be bored? Look around there's a world full of things to do. I'd probably be bored too if I sat around waiting for someone to tell me what to do. Get out and do something and you won't be bored.
  • #11
dekoi said:
But that does not sound like "curiosity". Which i understand i should be striving for. It sounds more like forced labour. How do i arouse curiosity?

So the idea is that you learn and look until something hooks you.

When I started high school I hated math with a passion. My dad has an engineering background and he forced me [nearly at gun point if needed] to take the college prep classes in spite of my complete lack of interest. We were at war for three years and I made every effort to undermine his wishes. At one point I ditched something like a third of all school days. Then, as a HS senior I took my first real physics class... That was the beginning of a lifelong passion. Over twenty five years later I have a physics degree and I still talk with my best friend [after Tsu of course] weekly - my HS physics teacher.
  • #12
tribdog said:
Okay, you want a serious answer?
Clean out your ears and open your eyes. How the hell can you be bored? Look around there's a world full of things to do. I'd probably be bored too if I sat around waiting for someone to tell me what to do. Get out and do something and you won't be bored.
Thank you. I appreciate the frankess. Seriously.

Don't mistake me. I have several hobbies. But sometimes, i see my passions override my reason. And it sort of seems boredom is the reason for that.

So the idea is that you learn and look until something hooks you.
Let's hope i find the initiative to do so.

Thank you all.
  • #13
dekoi said:
Let's hope i find the initiative to do so.

You take it, you don't find it. :smile:
  • #14
wow, that's deep
  • #15
For me it makes all of the difference. If I waited until I felt like it I might never do anything but screw around.
  • #16
Two suggestions to keep your curiosity peaked:

1) Get an encyclopedia. The latest paper versions are mostly ridiculous- $1000+, but most CD/DVD versions are around $50-100. Or here's the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica for free . is also nice for intros to various topics.

2) Fill a clear glass w/ water and grab the following from your kitchen: oil, food coloring, honey, straw (use as stir & dropper). In a well-lit area, mix creatively and observe closely. :!)

Er, do I have to say most science articles in the 1911 edition are dated? :rolleyes:
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  • #17
I have my Grandpa's Encyclopedias. I always enjoy reading about The World War.
  • #18
I don't really understand it when people say they're bored. I think someone saying they're bored is just another way of expressing "I would rather be doing something other than this." Well, why don't you just get up and do what it is that you're thinking of? If you can't because you're at school or work or whatever, suck it up! That's life. If you're just sitting around your house not doing anything, then you don't really have an excuse.

On another note, there are plenty of "bored" people in the world who choose not to engage in destructive behavior. So you have to question, is the behavior really so much a result of "being bored"? Or is it just an excuse to do things you would probably do anyway?

Anyway, I don't see how anyone could be bored with the Internet around. Unproductive, maybe, but bored? Heh.
  • #19
tribdog said:
I have my Grandpa's Encyclopedias. I always enjoy reading about The World War.


When I was a kid, I used my parents' encyclopedias, which they had bought shortly after they got married. They were generally okay, until I went to do a project on the Vietnam War and discovered it wasn't in the encylopedia. :eek:
  • #20
meowxorz said:
I don't really understand it when people say they're bored. I think someone saying they're bored is just another way of expressing "I would rather be doing something other than this." Well, why don't you just get up and do what it is that you're thinking of? If you can't because you're at school or work or whatever, suck it up! That's life. If you're just sitting around your house not doing anything, then you don't really have an excuse.

On another note, there are plenty of "bored" people in the world who choose not to engage in destructive behavior. So you have to question, is the behavior really so much a result of "being bored"? Or is it just an excuse to do things you would probably do anyway?

Anyway, I don't see how anyone could be bored with the Internet around. Unproductive, maybe, but bored? Heh.

There is nothing I could hope to add, meowxrz's post is perfect.
ps.please try not to give definitive answers to questions. Kills the thread.
  • #21
dekoi said:
How do you refrain from boredom?

A good start, by the time I am done looking at all the new things they post I've thought of something else i want to know. And the internet tells me.

Also, leaving your "comfort zone" is a good way. Trying something new...

And when all else fails...

99 Bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer, you take one...

  • #22
meowxorz said:
I don't really understand it when people say they're bored. I think someone saying they're bored is just another way of expressing "I would rather be doing something other than this." Well, why don't you just get up and do what it is that you're thinking of? If you can't because you're at school or work or whatever, suck it up! That's life. If you're just sitting around your house not doing anything, then you don't really have an excuse.

On another note, there are plenty of "bored" people in the world who choose not to engage in destructive behavior. So you have to question, is the behavior really so much a result of "being bored"? Or is it just an excuse to do things you would probably do anyway?

Anyway, I don't see how anyone could be bored with the Internet around. Unproductive, maybe, but bored? Heh.

I would beg to differ. I think i can now honestly say that when i do something "destructive", it is the result of boredom, or unproductivity.

From now, i am surrounding myself with [more] books and reading. Also, *cough*buying*cough* a lot of films. :smile:
  • #23
Why do I do this?
I just went to the i am bored site and even though I've never been to the site before, I went to the "new" links.
  • #24
600burger said:

A good start, by the time I am done looking at all the new things they post I've thought of something else i want to know. And the internet tells me.

Also, leaving your "comfort zone" is a good way. Trying something new...

And when all else fails...

99 Bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer, you take one...


Call 1-800-IM BORED
I wonder if that company has changed their phone number yet? I wonder if they even realize what their number spells. :smile: Someone I know called the number, and I can't remember what it was...she said it sounded boring.
  • #25
In my childhood, I was a daydreamer, although having very good educational background. I found myself being bored especially in school vacations. Then I started some activities like TaeKwonDo, electronics circuit making. I showed consistency in my interest with these activities. Today I'm Working as design engineer with educational background in MSc Physics(Gold Medalist), also Black Belt 4th Dan in TaeKwonDo. Now I don't feel my self bored with life anymore...
So, my answer is show consistency in your activities and you will never feel boredom in your future life.
  • #26
ElectroPhysics said:
), also Black Belt 4th Dan in TaeKwonDo...So, my answer is show consistency in your activities and you will never feel boredom in your future life.
or else he'll kick your butt
  • #27
Find something even more boring, then the first boring thing will seem interesting. It might work.
  • #28
jimmy p said:
Find something even more boring, then the first boring thing will seem interesting. It might work.
That's too boring.

  • #29
dekoi said:
jimmy p said:
Find something even more boring, then the first boring thing will seem interesting. It might work.
That's too boring.


Perhaps we give up to early on something that trully isn't boring...
  • #30
Have any of you guys tried 'internet pornography'? Its amazing. You can see the most incredible acts being performed, although some of them can be quite rude.
  • #31
the number 42 said:
Have any of you guys tried 'internet pornography'? Its amazing. You can see the most incredible acts being performed, although some of them can be quite rude.
If by amazing, you mean degrading, then yes i have heard of it.

And its actually one of the problems produced by boredom.
  • #32
dekoi said:
If by amazing, you mean degrading, then yes i have heard of it.

So, if by amazing, I mean amazing, you haven't heard of it?

Anyway, heard of it? You listen to porn on the radio? The UK is so backward by comparison.
  • #33
i am always bored, nothing can satisfy me.
  • #34
Saint said:
i am always bored, nothing can satisfy me.
That is sad.
  • #35
Saint said:
i am always bored, nothing can satisfy me.
if you have kids and you can still say that, then you are a piece of crap. Why did you have kids? Nevermind don't answer, I don't care. I have no use for someone like you

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