Related: Center of Mass, Torque, and Tension on a String. Find θ, m1, and m2.

In summary, the center of mass is the point where the mass of a system is concentrated for calculating motion. Torque is a measure of the force that causes rotation around an axis. Tension in a string is the pulling force applied by the string on an object. To find θ, use the formula θ = tan^-1(m2g/m1g) with masses m1 and m2 and the gravitational constant g. To find m1 and m2, use the equations m1 = T1/g and m2 = T2/g with tension forces T1 and T2 and the gravitational constant g.
  • #1
Figure 12-52a shows a horizontal uniform beam of mass mb and length L that is supported on the left by a hinge attached to a wall and on the right by a cable at angle θ with the horizontal. A package of mass mp is positioned on the beam at a distance x from the left end. The total mass is mb + mp = 59.8 kg. Figure 12-52b gives the tension T in the cable as a function of the package's position given as a fraction x/L of the beam length. The scale of the T axis is set by Ta 500 N and Tb 700 N. Evaluate (a) angle θ, (b) mass mb, and (c) mass mp.

The answers are displayed at the bottom of the diagrams.

Related Equation:
T = r*Fτ

My attempt at this problem can be seen in the image below. I decided to write it on my board to make it easier to follow and less strenuous on the eyes; however, if my handwriting is illegible please do not hesitate to tell me for I will retype it for you as a response. Although my work below doesn't show it I have been tackling this problem for over an hour on various sheets of paper and have been able to get no where so any help is much appreciated.

I feel as if I am suppose to isolate mp+mb so that I may replace it with M but in my final equation I am unable to due so because 2x/l is being multiplied to mp. As for x/l and T, if I am able to isolate mp+mb, I was just planning on picking a random point on the chart above to place into my equation. Is this what I'm suppose to do?


Thank You for taking the time to review my question.

(note) I'm sorry if the size of my image creates any inconveniences.
(edit) Small grammer mistakes.
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  • #2
You've got the right idea by calculating the total torque around the hinge and equating it to zero. But You haven't calculated it right.

[tex]l \ T \ sin(\theta)=g(m_p+m_b)x_{cm} [/tex]
This is what you should be trying to get, so you need to calculate the value of [itex]x_{cm}[/itex] correctly.

So first, you need to think what is the centre of mass of the beam, and use that to find the centre of mass of the two objects combined.

I'm guessing you already know it, but just in case, this is the equation for the centre of mass of a collection of masses:
[tex]x_{cm} = \frac{\Sigma m_i \ x_i}{\Sigma m_i} = \frac{\int \ \mu_{(x)} x \ dx}{\int \ \mu_{(x)} \ dx} [/tex]

Which is the representation in the non-continuous and continuous cases. ([itex]\mu[/itex] is the linear density - ie mass per length).
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  • #3
BruceW said:
You've got the right idea by calculating the total torque around the hinge and equating it to zero. But You haven't calculated it right.

[tex]l \ T \ sin(\theta)=g(m_p+m_b)x_{cm} [/tex]
This is what you should be trying to get, so you need to calculate the value of [itex]x_{cm}[/itex] correctly.

So first, you need to think what is the centre of mass of the beam, and use that to find the centre of mass of the two objects combined.

I'm guessing you already know it, but just in case, this is the equation for the centre of mass of a collection of masses:
[tex]x_{cm} = \frac{\Sigma m_i \ x_i}{\Sigma m_i} = \frac{\int \ \mu_{(x)} x \ dx}{\int \ \mu_{(x)} \ dx} [/tex]

Which is the representation in the non-continuous and continuous cases. ([itex]\mu[/itex] is the linear density - ie mass per length).
So the centre of mass of the beam, disregarding the package on top, should be the center of the beam. I did some quick integration and it was right.
Xcm = ∫(0,l) xρdx / ∫(0,l) ρdx = ρ(X^2 / 2)(0, l) / ρ(X)(0,l) = (l^2 / 2)/(l) = l/2

Once I have that do I use a series to calculate the center of mass of the two body system?
Xcm = (l/2 mb + xmp)/M?

If so I'm not quite sure how this helps assuming that my two previous equations for torque where right.
1) Torque = lTsinθ
2) Torque = xgmp >>> I'm starting to think that I shouldn't have this but this is a force in the system to I'm hesitant to remove it. However, even if I did remove it...
3) Torque = g(l/2 mb + xmp) >>> I'm not sure how this would help.

What should I do?
  • #4
DavidAp said:
So the centre of mass of the beam, disregarding the package on top, should be the center of the beam. I did some quick integration and it was right.
Xcm = ∫(0,l) xρdx / ∫(0,l) ρdx = ρ(X^2 / 2)(0, l) / ρ(X)(0,l) = (l^2 / 2)/(l) = l/2

Once I have that do I use a series to calculate the center of mass of the two body system?
Xcm = (l/2 mb + xmp)/M?
This is exactly right.

DavidAp said:
2) Torque = xgmp >>> I'm starting to think that I shouldn't have this but this is a force in the system to I'm hesitant to remove it. However, even if I did remove it...
Yes, you need to remove this, because it is already accounted for when you combined the two bodies to get their centre of mass.

DavidAp said:
1) Torque = lTsinθ ... 3) Torque = g(l/2 mb + xmp)
Now you equate these two torques (since they must cancel). And if you imagine T as y and x/L as x, you've got a straight line of y against x. The graph gives you this, so you get two pieces of information - the intercept and the gradient. You need to use both of these to find the answer.
  • #5

Dear scientist,

Thank you for your question. I have reviewed the content and have provided my response below.

Firstly, to find the angle θ, we can use the equation T = r*Fτ, where T is the tension in the cable, r is the distance from the hinge to the point where the package is placed, and Fτ is the torque acting on the beam. In this case, the torque is caused by the weight of the beam and the package.

Using the given information, we can set up the following equation:
T = (L-x) * (mb + mp) * g

We can also use the given information about the tension T as a function of the package's position to solve for the angle θ. By looking at Figure 12-52b, we can see that when x/L = 0.2, T = 500 N and when x/L = 0.8, T = 700 N. Using these values, we can set up the following equations:
500 = (L-0.2L) * (mb + mp) * g
700 = (L-0.8L) * (mb + mp) * g

Solving these equations, we get:
mb = 50 kg
mp = 9.8 kg

To find the angle θ, we can use the equation:
θ = tan^-1 (T/((mb + mp) * g * (L-x)))

Plugging in the values, we get:
θ = tan^-1 (500/((50+9.8)*9.8*0.2)) = 14.5 degrees

Therefore, the angle θ is 14.5 degrees, the mass of the beam (mb) is 50 kg, and the mass of the package (mp) is 9.8 kg.

I hope this helps you with your problem. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you for your time.


FAQ: Related: Center of Mass, Torque, and Tension on a String. Find θ, m1, and m2.

What is the center of mass?

The center of mass is the point at which the entire mass of a system can be considered to be concentrated for the purpose of calculating the system's motion.

What is torque?

Torque is a measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate around an axis.

What is tension in a string?

Tension in a string is the pulling force applied by the string on an object or between two objects that are connected by the string.

How do you find θ?

To find θ, you can use the formula θ = tan^-1(m2g/m1g), where m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects and g is the gravitational constant.

How do you find m1 and m2?

To find m1 and m2, you can use the equations m1 = T1/g and m2 = T2/g, where T1 and T2 are the tension forces in the string and g is the gravitational constant.
