What does it mean to find eigen values and functions of an infinite well?

In summary, finding eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of an infinite well means determining the allowed states and energies of a particle under this potential. The eigenvalues represent the only possible energies that the particle can have, while the eigenfunctions represent the possible wavefunctions at a definite energy. If the particle does not have an eigenfunction as its wavefunction, its energy cannot be accurately predicted.
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What does it mean to find eigenvalues and eigen functions of an infinite well?
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When you solve the Shrodinger equation for an infinite well potential and obtain the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions you are finding the allowed states of a particle subjected to this potential. The only energies that a particle like this could ever be measured to have are the energy eigenvalues. The eigenfunctions represent the possible wavefunctions of the particle when it has a definite energy. Remember that the interpretation of the wavefunction is that its magnitude squared at a given point gives the probability density for the particle to be located at that point

It is possible for the particle to have wavefunctions other than the eigenfunctions. The particle can have a wavefunction that is any linear combination of the eigenfunctions. In the case of the infinite well potential the eigenfunctions are the sin and cos functions, so the possible wavefunctions are very general: any function with a Fourrier series. But, if the particle does not have an eigenfunction as a wavefunction then we can not be sure what energy the particle will be measured to have. The probability that a given eigenvalue of the energy will be measured corresponds to the coefficient of the eigenfunction in the linear combination.

FAQ: What does it mean to find eigen values and functions of an infinite well?

1. What is an infinite well?

An infinite well is a theoretical concept in physics, specifically in quantum mechanics, that describes a potential energy function that is constant within a certain region and infinite outside of that region. This creates a "well" where particles can exist and behave according to the laws of quantum mechanics.

2. What are eigenvalues and eigenfunctions?

Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are mathematical concepts that are used to describe the behavior of quantum particles within an infinite well. Eigenvalues represent the possible energy levels that a particle can have within the well, while eigenfunctions represent the wavefunctions that describe the probability of finding the particle at a certain energy level.

3. How are eigenvalues and eigenfunctions found in an infinite well?

Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in an infinite well can be found by solving the Schrödinger equation, a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics, for the specific potential energy function of the infinite well. This results in a set of discrete eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions.

4. What is the significance of finding eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in an infinite well?

The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in an infinite well provide important information about the behavior of quantum particles within the well. They determine the allowed energy states and the probability of finding a particle at a certain energy level, which can then be used to calculate other physical quantities such as average energy and position.

5. Can the concept of an infinite well be applied to real-world systems?

While the infinite well is a theoretical concept, it can be used to model and understand certain physical systems in the real world. For example, the behavior of electrons in semiconductor materials can be described using the infinite well model, providing insight into their energy levels and behavior. However, it should be noted that the infinite well model is a simplification and does not fully capture the complexities of real-world systems.
