What is the Gibbs sum for a system with two possible states and one particle?

Yes, they are considering the possibility that both orbitals can be occupied by one particle at the same time, so N=1 is the only valid option. This results in an additional term of lambda^2exp(-epsilon/tau) in the Gibbs sum, as shown in the final expression.
  • #1
a) Consider a system that may be unoccupied with energy zero or iccuped by one particle in either of two states, one of zer oeenrgy and one of energy epsilon. Show taht the Gibbs sum for this system is

[tex] z = 1 + \lambda / \lambda\exp(-\epsilon/\tau) [/tex]

b) Show that the thermal average occupancy of the ssytem is
[tex] <N> = \frac{\lambda + \lambda\exp(-\epsilon/\tau)}{z} [/tex]

c) show that the thermal average occupancy of the state at eneryg = epsilon is
[tex] <N(\epsilon)> = \lambda\exp(-\epsilon/\tau)/z [/tex]

d) Find an expression for the theram laverage eneryg of the system
e) Allow the possibility tat the orbital at 0 and at epslon may be occupied each by one particle at the same time, show that
[tex] z = 1 + \lambda + \lambda\exp(-\epsilon/\tau) + \lambda^2 \exp(-\epsilon/\tau) = (1+ \lambda) [1 + \lambda \exp(\epsilon/\tau)] [/tex]

I will post my attempted solutions in a seaparate post.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The Gibbs Sum or grand sum is given by

for this problem at least...
[tex] z = \sum_{N=0}^{1} \sum_{s(0)}^{s(1)}} \exp\left(\frac{N\mu-\epsilon_{s(N)}}{\tau}\right) [/tex]

which comes out to

[tex] z = \sum_{N=0}^{1} \exp(\frac{N\mu}{\tau}) + \exp\left(\frac{N\mu-\epsilon_{s(N)}}{\tau}\right) [/tex]

whic his

[tex] z = \exp(0) + \exp(\frac{\mu}{\tau}) + \exp(\frac{\mu-\epsilon}{\tau} [/tex]
a term is missing because there is NO energy contribution by the s(0) state.

also we defined lambda like [itex]\lambda = \exp(\mu/\tau}[/itex]

[tex] z = 1 + \lambda + \lambda \exp(\epsilon/\tau) [/tex]

for b) similar concept applies

c) What is the diff between <N> and <N(epsilon)>?? Is N(epsilon)_ the number of particles whose energy actually contributes??

d) [tex] <\epsilon_{s(N)}> = \frac{\sum_{N=0}^{1} \sum_{s(0)}^{s(1)} \epsilon_{s(N)} \exp((N\mu-\epsilon)/\tau)) }{z} [/tex]

[tex] <\epsilon_{s(N)}> = \sum_{N=0}^{1} \frac{\epsilon_{s(N)}\exp(\frac{N\mu-\epsilon}{\tau})}{z} [/tex]

[tex] <\epsilon_{s(N)}> = \exp(\frac{\mu-\epsilon}{\tau})}{z} = \lambda\exp(-\epsilon/\tau) [/tex]

e) i Dont quite understand

are they saying that we should accommodate N=1 only?? And N=0 is no more valid
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  • #3
c) <N> is the average number of particles in the system, all energies included. <N(epsilon)> is the average number of particles with the particular energy epsilon in the system.
  • #4
d) The possible combinations are N=0, E=0; N=1, E=0; N=1, E=epsilon. You are on the right track in your first two attempts, so I think you should be able to figure it out from here.
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FAQ: What is the Gibbs sum for a system with two possible states and one particle?

What is the Gibbs sum for particle?

The Gibbs sum for particle is a mathematical concept used in statistical mechanics to calculate the probability of a system being in a certain state. It takes into account the energy levels and degeneracy of particles to determine the overall probability of a system.

How is the Gibbs sum for particle calculated?

The Gibbs sum for particle is calculated by summing over all possible microstates of a system, each weighted by the Boltzmann factor (e^(-E_i/kT)), where E_i is the energy of the microstate and k is the Boltzmann constant. This sum is then divided by the partition function, which takes into account the number of particles and the energy levels of the system.

What is the importance of the Gibbs sum for particle?

The Gibbs sum for particle is an important concept in statistical mechanics as it allows us to calculate the thermodynamic properties of a system, such as the energy, entropy, and free energy. It also helps us understand the behavior of particles in different energy states and how they contribute to the overall probability of a system.

How does the Gibbs sum for particle relate to the Boltzmann distribution?

The Boltzmann distribution is a probability distribution that describes the distribution of particles in different energy states at a specific temperature. The Gibbs sum for particle is used to calculate this distribution by taking into account the energy levels and degeneracy of particles in a system.

What are the assumptions made when using the Gibbs sum for particle?

When using the Gibbs sum for particle, it is assumed that the system is in thermal equilibrium and that the particles follow the laws of classical statistics. It also assumes that the particles are distinguishable and that interactions between them are negligible.
