What is the Best Brand of Cigarettes for Smokers?

  • Thread starter rudinreader
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In summary, Moe was talking about how it is hard to quit smoking and how it is a lot harder than quitting drugs or not getting drunk. She also mentioned that she has been trying to quit for a few weeks and that she has been using Camel Lights to avoid getting a large dose of nicotine. She also mentioned that she is going to try to quit every month for a week this time and that it has only killed a few small furry animals in the process.
  • #1
The other day I was looking up the beareau of "Alcohol, Tobbaacco, and Firearms".. ROFLMAO3! and well...

When I was in Taipei they had some really great cig brands, Dunhill (Brittish) and Seven Stars (Japanese), but they are about the strength of Reds, and switching between brands ****ed my lungs up.

But when I got back to Houston (a few days ago), I switched to my dad's brand, Marlboro Ultra Light. I've been smoking over a pack a day, and they pretty much saved my life, because the strong brands really would have killed me by now... As I have said before, I'm not going to f'n quit until it's clear that my life is straightened out.. All's I want is a freaking chest X-Ray, but I have all these unpaid bills from the College Station med center when I was a Civil Engineering student at Texas A&M.

Anyways, what brand do you smopke? Cuban cigars? Bet they are freaking good.
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  • #2
Prince, a Scandinavian brand.
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  • #3
I'm going on 4 weeks without smoking. well I had a cigarette I think 2 weeks ago, but that's it.

quitting smoking is about the hardest thing to quit I can imagine. I've quit drugs, and I don't get drunk when I drink anymore, and it was pretty easy... smoking is like agh. just typing this now makes me want to have a smoke.
  • #4
moe darklight said:
I'm going on 4 weeks without smoking. well I had a cigarette I think 2 weeks ago, but that's it.

quitting smoking is about the hardest thing to quit I can imagine. I've quit drugs, and I don't get drunk when I drink anymore, and it was pretty easy... smoking is like agh. just typing this now makes me want to have a smoke.

moe, don't give up! I smoked for 5 years. I hate to admit it, but I started when I was 11 (I was sort of a wild child). I got up to a pack a day!

It's been 28 years since I quit and I still crave. Daily! I think what thwarts most people's effort to quit is they think the cravings will go away. So don't have the expectation that they will stop...you have to not smoke in spite of the cravings. It really bites, I know.
  • #5
rudinreader said:

What is this? Why the 3?

I don't smoke myself, but if I did I would smoke Cigars.
  • #6
Thanks for the words of encouragement Lisa :).

11 years old! tsk tsk tsk. so you were one of those "bad influences" that my parents always talked about when I was a kid.
  • #7
Instead of smoking, I stab myself with dirty, rusted needles.

I have also considered leaning out of the car at 60 mph and licking the road from New London to New Haven. Very appealing, once you start, it's hard to stop.
  • #8
Chi Meson said:
I have also considered leaning out of the car at 60 mph and licking the road from New London to New Haven. Very appealing, once you start, it's hard to stop.

hey, thon'd knock id thill oo've thrieth id.
  • #9
moe darklight said:
hey, thon'd knock id thill oo've thrieth id.
:smile::smile: :smile:
  • #10
moe darklight said:
I'm going on 4 weeks without smoking. well I had a cigarette I think 2 weeks ago, but that's it.

quitting smoking is about the hardest thing to quit I can imagine. I've quit drugs, and I don't get drunk when I drink anymore, and it was pretty easy... smoking is like agh. just typing this now makes me want to have a smoke.
Yay Moe!

Don't give in, I'm so proud of you! :approve:
  • #11
Studies have found it to be as hard to kick smoking as it is to quit doing heroin. What ever rudin, its your life. Lights are just as bad or worse than regular cigarettes so don't use that as a justification.
  • #12
I'm trying to quit smoking myself.

When I loved smoking, I went with drum rolling tobacco (didn't see the point of a filter... in fact, I had a skipper that would always tell me "why don't you just use a .45; it's faster?")

Anyway... now that I'm trying to quit I smoke camel lights so that I don't get such huge doses of niccotine (not because they're light, that's for taste... but because they're filtered)

My new plan is to quit the 14th of every month. I went a week last time. Only several small furry animals died in the process.
  • #13
I am so glad that I was never tempted to smoke. My father smoked pipes and cigars, so I had no desire to ever smoke.

My two girls grew up in a home where neither parent smoked, and no relatives or family friends smoked (my dad was dead before they were born) but neither of them were tempted to smoke. I've never dated anyone that smoked either. I've just never met anyone that smoked. None of my friends smoked either, come to think of it. Hmmmmm. Is that weird?

Wait, I take that back, my best friend that was my brother's fiance smoked, wow, that was a long time ago.
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  • #14
I grew up in a fishing town. (Almost) everybody smoked: Parents, friends, skippers [tangent]with the exception of the one mentioned above that actually used to be a cop...[/tangent] bosses. A lot of us pick up chewing, too, out on the boat where cigarettes tend to go out quickly.

There are plenty of people that don't smoke in my hometown, but they're pretty segregated from the laborers (cops, teachers, politicians).

And of course, there's plenty of crosses (politicians and teachers that fish in the summer, business owners that see fishing as one of their investments, etc.) who obey their stereotypical roles.

Wow, my hometown is so stereotypical. I'm in college town now, and it's a lot different. On my cigarette breaks I see a lot of German physicists smoking too (or smoking pipe) but there's only one US physics professor I know here that smokes, and we tend to have a lot of interesting discussions.
  • #15
Looking at my post it occurs to me that some might think I'm being a self-righteous pri*k about not being a smoker. Not quite so. The truth is I am terrified of becoming a smoker. I can't even quit the tame addiction of coffee and adrenaline. If I started smoking, it would literally be the death of me. So, joking aside, best of luck to those trying to quit. And to those who choose not to quit: enjoy yourself, c'est la vie.
  • #16
I am smoking Gauloises Blondes


  • #17
I got hooked on clove cigarettes. Bali Hai were my favorites. Those are a bit harsh to smoke all the time. Now I alternate between Camels and Marlboros, depending on which are cheaper at the store I'm buying them from. I'm not particular and like the change in flavor once in a while.

Seems like some stores are Camel and others are Marlboro, kind of like the Coke and Pepsi wars at fast food restaurants. If I want the off brand at a store then I have to pay extra. So I just go with whatever is cheaper wherever I am.
  • #18
I don't smoke, but if I did I would smoke a pipe. I just think they're cool.
  • #19
Tom Mattson said:
I don't smoke, but if I did I would smoke a pipe. I just think they're cool.

I think pipes smell the best, nice and sweet.
  • #20
Tom Mattson said:
I don't smoke, but if I did I would smoke a pipe. I just think they're cool.
Yeah, pipes are cool. I should try that. They smell nice also.
  • #21
Pythagorean said:
I'm trying to quit smoking myself.

I don't blame you; you're probably quite difficult to light, and taste bad. :-p

I buy Canadian Classic king-size, tear the filters off, and smoke them from the other end. I used to smoke Export Plain, but these are about $1.00 per pack cheaper.
  • #22
I'm partial to the old-style black licorice cigars.
  • #23
I smoke whacky baccy when on a fast ride it hurts less when you fall off.
  • #24
Djarum black cloves, but I'm no longer allowed to :(
  • #26

Marlon, I do believe you are in love :!) .
  • #27
Quit, papers and chemicals in the cigarette are very bad for you. I've never smoked a cigarette in my life. I love my HABANA cigars. I've been smoking BOLIVAR No.1 for the last 24 years. They worth every penny!
  • #28
You can't really pull the pipe look off unless your 80, or you live in the 60's.
  • #29
Cyrus said:
You can't really pull the pipe look off unless your 80, or you live in the 60's.

Who's the pipe-smoking guy in your avatar? Is that Cary Grant?
  • #30
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  • #31
I have a friend who writes and is a teacher at a local college, and he smokes a pipe, but mainly when writing or on some of those lazy weekend afternoons when we go to see him.
  • #32
...wtf? Why the hell do you guys smoke? All those years, they tell you not to smoke/say no to drugs, etc... why would you still do it?... I thought everyone here was smart, but apparently not...
  • #33
Hahahha, "say no to drugs!" Oh brother. :rolleyes:

Thanks Scruff McGruff.
  • #34
Quincy said:
...wtf? Why the hell do you guys smoke? All those years, they tell you not to smoke/say no to drugs, etc... why would you still do it?... I thought everyone here was smart, but apparently not...

OOHH Boy, being smart has nothing to do with it.

You obviously missed the entire point of this thread. I suggest you reread the first post, man.

Pfff, and you call yourself "smart" ? Well, then all of us, smokers, must be geniuses !

  • #35
Quincy said:
...wtf? Why the hell do you guys smoke? All those years, they tell you not to smoke/say no to drugs, etc... why would you still do it?... I thought everyone here was smart, but apparently not...

Uhhhh, are you serious? I had the same mindset as you back in 5th grade. It's probably far more unhealthy to eat fast food than to smoke and drink the amount that I do.

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