E.T. Disclosure 2010: Retiring NH Congressman Goes on Record

  • Thread starter notricks66
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In summary: The internet hoaxes? But after doing some digging, I discovered that a lot of it was very believable, and some of it has turned out to be true.In summary, a retiring New Hampshire congressman goes on the record regarding Extra Terrestrial Intelligent Life. He cites a video that has just been released that shows evidence of this life. He suggests that the president be made aware of the continued presence of ET, as well as other options. He is limited on time, so he cannot go into more detail.
  • #1
*Breaking News*

Retiring New Hampshire congressman goes on the record regarding Extra Terrestrial Intelligent Life.

Video just released:

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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Watching a politician talk is like a slow death diarrhea unraveling over 10 hour span. I'll summarize:

"[i saw a brief.. that informed President Eisenhower of the continued presence of extraterrestrial beings here in the United States of America]"

"[I can’t verify the times or places or that any meeting or meetings occurred directly between Eisenhower and these visitors.. I personally believe that Eisenhower did meet with these extraterrestrial]"
  • #3
Sorry, I'll need a bit more evidence than hearsay.
  • #4
If there were a technology that were developed, and the decision had been made that it be kept secret from even the president of the United States, as well as congress, how would it be kept?

If there were UFO's that were beyond known technology, more advanced than thought possible, entering airspace, being tracked on radar, and observed by witnesses, the president would need to be informed. What are they to tell him?

Might be that the most effective way to respond to those in the dark would be to claim ET.

Other options are what? You are not privy to this information? We don't know? It may be our enemies? Claiming ET, would effectively let you off the hook.

I'm not saying this happened, but even if the president were informed there were extraterrestrials flying around, you can't rule out the possibility of deception.
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  • #5
I'm limited on time, so I can't dig into this right now, but the first thing is to verify his identity. I didn't see anything in a google search beyond this story. Did he even serve in the NH Congress and on the Federal committee mentioned, and during what span of time?

The next problem that I have is that he is a State Congressman. He was in the New Hampshire State Congress, not the US Congress. Why in the world would a lowly State representitive be given access to what would be highly classified information? It makes no sense. It might be conceivable that he was inadvertently given access to a document that was never supposed to be released. But again, something like this would have the highest level of classification, so the chances of this getting out by accident seem fantastically small.

Beyond the notion of a simple hoax, what strikes me is that he knows some of the famous names in Ufology, like Col. Corso, who is famous for claiming first hand observations of aliens recovered at Roswell. This story has nothing to do with the report that he cites. This suggests to me that he may have seen documents already in the public domain. This immediately makes me think of the so-called Majestic 12 documents, which are claimed by some to be a hoax. I haven't spent a lot of time on the MJ12 documents, so I don't know if they have been soundly debunked or not, but the claims made by McElroy sound very similar to the stuff found in the MJ12 docs.

I strongly suspect that if he is who he says he is, what he saw were documents that can already be found on the internet. Perhaps he innocently fell prey to the fog of the internet; not realizing that the source of the information is highly suspect? Perhaps someone slipped these docs in along with others, as a prank? I can imagine many ways that he might have been misled; esp if he wasn't knowledgeable about the subject already.
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  • #6
It should also be noted that there are two kinds of "official UFO or "ET" documents" found on the internet. The legitimate documents can be found directly in the archives of the NSA, DOD, USAF, etc,. at *.gov or *.mil or similar extensions.

The other class of documents are those claimed to be authentic, but not found in government archives or released under the Freedom of Information Act. These documents were allegedly stolen, copied, or otherwise released without approval. There is no way to verify the authenticity of these docs, so I saw no point in wasting time on them. This includes the so-called Majestic 12 docs. These are the source of some of the wildest claims and conspiracy theories.

In thinking about this, there is a third class of documents: Those that can only be found and viewed at the National Archives. This was the problem for a long time. There were legitimate documents in the archives, but unless you were willing to go to Washington yourself and verify the originals, there was no way to know. Now, many, but, to the best of my knowledge, not all legitimate and released documents can be viewed online. Some are still only available on microfische.

There was stuff floating around for years that I thought must be nonsense; the Iran '76 document being one example. The first time I read that doc it sounded like something from Alice in Wonderland. Frankly, it sounded absurd! Only as the internet came of age and the government sites began to provide information, much to my surprise, did I discover that some of these docs are legitimate.
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  • #7
I still haven't seen any evidence that this guy is who he claims to be.

Did any of the mainstream media carry the story?
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  • #8
As a matter of practice I sent an information request to the New Hampshire State House of Representitives. This was their response.

Henry W. McElroy served one term in the New Hampshire House of Representatives (2003-2004). He was a member of the State-Federal Relations and Veterans' Affairs Committee.

He represented the city of Nashua (Hillsborough County District #20) and was defeated in his bid for re-election.

The New Hampshire House has 400 members, and information on former members is not available on-line.

The fact that he served recently shows that he could have easily seen information already available on the internet. Also, the notion that he would have been made privy to highly classified information, is ludicrous. He was a lowly State Congressman who only served one term of office. One would think that he would be smart enough to realize this. No one at that level would be shown information of such signficance unless complete disclosure was under way. Were that the case, we would surely all know already. Information like this would not be released through the NH State Congress.
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  • #9
This is laughable, but perhaps he wants a show with Jesse Ventura?
  • #10
I am courious why this person would be able to access a 50+ year old document that would be so classified ?
Was it part of his job description to review and comment on these docs? Hmmmm seems fishy
If he were from the CIA archives I would be more convinced.
  • #11
This guy sounds like a stroke victim.

FAQ: E.T. Disclosure 2010: Retiring NH Congressman Goes on Record

1. What is the significance of a retiring NH Congressman going on record about ET disclosure in 2010?

The retirement and credibility of a politician adds weight to their statements, making it more likely that they are speaking honestly and without fear of political repercussions. This makes the Congressman's statement about ET disclosure more noteworthy and potentially more trustworthy.

2. What exactly did the retiring Congressman say about ET disclosure in 2010?

The Congressman stated that he had been briefed by government officials about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the need for disclosure to the public. He also expressed his belief that the government should be more transparent about this information.

3. Why is this statement significant in the debate about ET disclosure?

This statement adds another voice to the growing number of government officials and military personnel who have come forward to advocate for ET disclosure. It also increases public awareness and interest in the topic, potentially putting more pressure on the government to release information.

4. Are there any other notable figures who have spoken out about ET disclosure?

Yes, there have been several former government officials, astronauts, and military personnel who have publicly stated their belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life and the need for disclosure. Some notable examples include former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer.

5. Has there been any progress made towards ET disclosure since 2010?

There have been some small steps towards disclosure, such as the declassification of certain government documents and the establishment of programs like the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. However, there has not been a full and official disclosure from the government. Many advocates for disclosure continue to push for more transparency and information to be released to the public.

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