How Can We Determine the Value of p to Make Three Vectors Coplanar?

  • Thread starter Ryoukomaru
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    3d Vectors
In summary, the conversation discusses a test question where three vectors were given and a value for an unknown parameter was to be calculated in order to prove that they are coplanar. The method used involved finding the cross product and taking the scalar product, which resulted in the correct answer. It is also explained that this method proves coplanarity because the cross product produces a vector perpendicular to both vectors and the scalar product with another vector being zero shows that the vectors are also coplanar.
  • #1
I don't have the question with me so I ll just describe it to you. It was a test question.

I was given 3 vectors [tex]\vec u[/tex], [tex]\vec v[/tex], [tex]\vec w[/tex] and [tex]\vec w[/tex] had an unknown parameter p in it.

We were supposed to calculate a value for p such that the three vectors are coplanar.

What I did was find the cross product of [tex]\vec u[/tex]and [tex]\vec v[/tex] and then take the scalar product of the product of [tex]\vec {uv}[/tex] and [tex]\vec w[/tex] and make it equal to 0 and solve for p, i.e. [tex] (\vec{u} \times \vec{v}).\vec w=0 [/tex]
Now apparently this was the correct answer but I do not understand how it proves that they are coplanar. Because scalar product just shows that they are perpendicular and thus the vector is parallel to the plane. But can't it just as well be below or above the plane ? :confused:
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  • #2
Basically in a linear space all the vectors are starting at the same origin 0, (the components just indicate the length in every direction), so that the plane is containing 0 and the vector w is in your case parallel to the plane and also passing in 0, so it's completely in the plane. (0 has to be contained in every subspace, since it is in the definition of a vector space)

Working with affine space allow every vector to have a different origin.
  • #3
The scalar triple product (u x v) dot w can be interpreted as a determinant.
The determinant can be regarded as the signed volume of a parallelepiped ("a box with parallel sides") with sides given by the sequence of row vectors. If that volume is zero, then it's as if the box were flat. That is, the row vectors lie on a common plane.
  • #4
I see. Now that makes sense. Thx a lot. :)
  • #5
Also, the cross product produces a vector perpendicular to both vectors. If the dot product of another vector with that cross product is zero, the vector is also orthogonal to the cross product, and hence coplanar with the first two vectors.

Just another way to think about it.

FAQ: How Can We Determine the Value of p to Make Three Vectors Coplanar?

1. What are coplanar vectors?

Coplanar vectors are vectors that lie on the same plane. This means that they can be drawn on a flat surface without any lines crossing over each other.

2. How do you determine if three vectors are coplanar?

To determine if three vectors are coplanar, you can use the scalar triple product. If the scalar triple product is equal to zero, then the vectors are coplanar.

3. Can coplanar vectors be linearly dependent?

Yes, coplanar vectors can be linearly dependent. This means that one vector can be written as a linear combination of the other two vectors.

4. How do you calculate the cross product of two coplanar vectors?

The cross product of two coplanar vectors can be calculated by taking the determinant of a 3x3 matrix with the first row being the unit vectors i, j, and k, and the second and third rows being the components of the two vectors.

5. What is the significance of coplanar vectors in 3D space?

Coplanar vectors are useful in 3D space for understanding the orientation and direction of objects. They can also be used in physics and engineering to calculate forces and motion in a plane.
