Maple vs Mathematica: What's Better for Symbolic Manipulation, ODE, and PDE?

In summary, Next year, the speaker will be switching to a university that primarily uses Maple instead of Mathematica. Maple is considered better for tasks such as symbolic manipulation and solving ODEs and PDEs, while Mathematica excels in symbolic integration. The speaker is curious about Maple since they will be using it soon, having only used Mathematica in the past. Another person in the conversation has used Maple often and finds it similar to Mathematica, except for some differences in syntax. However, they prefer using Mathematica for data manipulation. Another person loves Mathematica but finds it lacking in streamlined matrices and data manipulation. A person with engineering background also uses Maple and MATLAB extensively, finding Maple easier to work with for calculus and linear algebra.
  • #1
Gold Member
Next year I'll be changing to a university that mainly utilizes Maple over Mathematica. I've heard Maple is better for various tasks, such as symbolic manipulation, ODE, and PDE solving. However, I've also heard that Mathematica is superior in the field of symbolic integration. I've only used Mathematica (versions 4 and 5), and I'm rather curious about Maple (since I will be using it this upcoming year). I just wanted just input from people that have Maple and/or Mathematica.
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  • #2
I have used maple often but I have only used mathematica once or twice. I cannot see much difference. A difference that will irritate you a bit is that you must end with a ; and you cannot write sin(2x) you have to write
  • #3
It's been several years since I've used it, but to me it seemed that Maple was much more "snippy" when it comes to inputting commands.

I used Mathematica for the first time last semester and I loved it. Unfortunately, matrices and data manipulation weren't streamlined enough for my tastes, so I'm back to using MATLAB, mostly.
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  • #4
Mathematica is actually much more powerful than Maple, but it really depends on what you intend to do with it. If you're just doing calculus, Maple's easier to work with.

- Warren
  • #5
As an engineer i use maple and MATLAB lots.
Maybe I'm a little biased because my school helps develop it with waterloo so it's unofficially taught but it's pretty nice and straight forward for calculus and linear algebra. I usually find that if I'm going to use mathematica i might as well use matlab.

The latest version of maple adds a ";" for you.
  • #6
I have used both extensively, and I don't have a strong preference for one over the other.

FAQ: Maple vs Mathematica: What's Better for Symbolic Manipulation, ODE, and PDE?

1. What is the main difference between Maple and Mathematica?

Maple and Mathematica are both powerful software programs used for symbolic manipulation, solving differential equations, and performing other mathematical calculations. The main difference between these two programs is their approach to symbolic manipulation. Maple is a computer algebra system, which means it is designed specifically for working with symbolic expressions and equations. Mathematica, on the other hand, is a general-purpose programming language that can also handle symbolic manipulation.

2. Which program is better for solving ODEs and PDEs?

Both Maple and Mathematica have strong capabilities for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. However, Maple is generally considered to be better for ODEs, while Mathematica excels at solving PDEs. This is because Maple has a larger library of built-in functions and commands specifically for working with ODEs, while Mathematica has more advanced algorithms for solving PDEs.

3. Can both programs handle complex mathematical expressions?

Yes, both Maple and Mathematica can handle complex mathematical expressions and equations. However, they may have different approaches and syntax requirements for performing certain operations, so it is important to familiarize yourself with the specific capabilities and commands of each program.

4. Which program is more user-friendly for beginners?

This is a subjective question, as it ultimately depends on the individual user's preferences and experience. However, many users find Maple to be more user-friendly for beginners, as it has a simpler syntax and a more intuitive interface. Mathematica, on the other hand, may have a steeper learning curve for those who are new to programming or symbolic manipulation.

5. Can I use both Maple and Mathematica together?

Yes, it is possible to use both Maple and Mathematica together. In fact, many mathematicians and scientists use both programs for different purposes. Some may prefer to use Maple for its robust symbolic manipulation capabilities, while using Mathematica for its advanced visualization and data analysis tools. It is also possible to transfer data and equations between the two programs for a more comprehensive analysis.

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