Analysis involving Cardinality of Infinite sets

In summary, the problem aims to prove that the cardinality of an infinite set X is the same as the cardinality of X minus one element. This can be shown by demonstrating that there exists a one-to-one and onto function from X onto X \ {x}, where x is an element of X. This can be done by mapping the elements of X \ {x} to a sequence of distinct points, and any other element in X to itself. Although it may seem counterintuitive, the logic behind the proof is sound and takes some time to get used to.
  • #1
1. If X is an infinite set and x is in X, show that X ~ X \ {x}

A~B if there exists a one-to-one function from A onto B.

Attempt at a solution
I'm pretty much completely stumped on this problem. I know that since X is infinite then it contains a sequence of distinct points. So x in X maps onto x1 of X\{x} and xn maps onto xn+1 of X\{x}. Is this enough to show that is 1-1 and onto?
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  • #2
If by 'containing a sequence of discrete points' that you mean that X contains a subset that can be put into 1-1 correspondence with the positive integers and contains x, yes, that's exactly what you do. You should probably specify what your mapping does to points that aren't in the 'discrete sequence' as well, right? So can you SHOW that's 1-1 and onto?
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  • #3
Yes that's what I meant by containing a sequence of distinct points. I think I got it now but I'm still not 100% convinced about the answer. Basically I want to say that there is a sequence of distinct points in X \ {x} where x->x1 and xn->xn+1 and for any other element y in X that y->y. That definitely shows onto since each element in X\{x} has a corresponding element in X that maps to it and I suppose it shows 1-1 as well.
  • #4
What could go wrong with 1-1? This is the same as showing the map from {0,1,2...} to {1,2,3,...} defined by i->i+1 is 1-1. The points that aren't in those sets are automatically 1-1, since y->y. Why so hesitant about 1-1?
  • #5
I'm not really hesitant about 1-1. Sorry my syntax was kind of confusing there. I think I understand the math behind it, but it just doesn't make intuitive sense to me. We're essentially saying that the cardinality of an infinite set is the same as the cardinality of that same set minus one element. Sure, it can be proved mathematically, I just don't like it.
  • #6
You can choose not to like it. But the logic is hard to argue with, isn't it? A={0,1,2,3...} and B={1,2,3,4...}. B is just A 'moved over 1'. Just adding a number to each element of a set can't change the number of elements in the set, can it? How can their sizes really be different? Infinite sets take some getting used to, I'll admit that.
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FAQ: Analysis involving Cardinality of Infinite sets

1. What is the definition of cardinality for infinite sets?

The cardinality of a set is the measure of the number of elements in a set. For infinite sets, the cardinality is represented by the symbol ℵ (aleph). It is used to compare the size or "countability" of different infinite sets.

2. How can we determine the cardinality of an infinite set?

To determine the cardinality of an infinite set, we use a bijection which is a one-to-one correspondence between elements of two sets. If a bijection exists between two sets, then they have the same cardinality. For example, the bijection between the set of natural numbers and the set of even numbers shows that they have the same cardinality.

3. Are there different levels of infinity for infinite sets?

Yes, there are different levels of infinity for infinite sets. The concept of cardinality allows us to compare and categorize infinite sets based on their size. For example, the cardinality of the set of natural numbers is considered to be the "smallest" infinity, while the cardinality of the set of real numbers is considered to be a "larger" infinity.

4. Can we perform arithmetic operations on infinite sets?

No, we cannot perform arithmetic operations on infinite sets in the same way we do for finite sets. Infinite sets have different properties and cannot be treated the same way as finite sets. For example, the addition of two infinite sets does not simply result in a larger set with more elements.

5. How is the concept of cardinality relevant in mathematics and other fields?

The concept of cardinality has many applications in mathematics, including set theory, number theory, and topology. It also has practical applications in computer science, such as in the analysis of algorithms and data structures. Additionally, it has been used in other fields such as linguistics, economics, and philosophy to study various phenomena and make comparisons between different sets.

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