Oral Communication Tips: Expressing Yourself with Confidence

In summary: However, if you happen to get really nervous, there are a few things you can do to try and calm yourself down. The first is to understand that this is just a presentation and that you are not going to die if you mess up. This might sound silly, but try and remember that people are paying to see you. You are not going to embarrass yourself or your school. The second is to take some deep breaths and remind yourself that you are not the only person in the room. You are not the only one presenting. There are other people there to help you if you need it. The third is to think about what you are going to say and try to
  • #1
hey every one that could help me with this just let youself go...

I was wondering what do you think about Oral communication?

Oral communication as expressing youself at school in presentations, with another person or a group of persons, at work or anywhere that oral communication has a real importance?

Are you shy expressing yourself? if not

do you have tips for anyone that is ?
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  • #2
My standard advice is to simply talk about what you know. You will feel more comfortable talking, since you know what you are talking about. Do not try to impress the audience with how smart you are or how much you know.

Now, if "what you know" is only enough to fill a 3 minute talk, then you need to know more things.
  • #3
If I have to speak as an authority or "expert," I have absolutely no nervousness or anxiety. I give seminars on sports nutrition to colleges and groups of strength and conditioning coaches, most of who have more education than I do on the subject. I don't have even the slightest twinge of nervousness when standing in front of them.

Yet, have me walk into a social gathering of some sort and I instantly start sweating. Put me in front of a freshman asking directions to the library and I look like a 4th quarter Patrick Ewing within 30 seconds. lol
  • #4
At this point in my educational career, I seldom get nervous. All the presentations I've given so far are to peers over a topic of my choice. I know for a fact that when I speak to a class about serum-negative myasthenia gravis or SLE, nobody in there knows more about it than I do (at least that's been the impression so far). Knowing that I am the classroom "authority" on that topic relieves stress. I don't have to worry about getting grilled or criticized for what I say. I can't possibly say how I'll feel when there is the threat of having to go on the defensive, but there's only one way to find out :) You just have to remember that as an undergraduate very few people, aside from your professor, will know what you are talking about during a presentation. Just relax and impress them with your knowledge :P
  • #5
I used to be really shy. I think most of it has to do with self confidence.

I think it also has to do with practice and understanding the topic you are presenting.

When I was an undergrad, they required almost everyone to take a speech class (not sure how I got out of it...). But I think if I had to take that class at the time, I would have been very nervous about making those presentations.

But after getting married (I think that had a lot to do with improving my self confidence), and being at a professional position, I feel pretty much at ease getting up in front of most groups of people. Obviously, if part of your issue is self confidence, you'll need to find your own way to deal with it.

FAQ: Oral Communication Tips: Expressing Yourself with Confidence

1. What is the importance of oral communication in scientific research?

Oral communication is essential in scientific research as it allows researchers to effectively share their findings and ideas with colleagues and the wider scientific community. It also allows for collaboration, discussion, and feedback, which can help improve research outcomes.

2. How can I improve my oral communication skills?

To improve your oral communication skills, it is important to practice regularly and seek feedback from others. You can also try techniques such as vocal exercises, using visual aids, and incorporating storytelling to make your presentations more engaging.

3. How can I express myself with confidence during oral presentations?

To express yourself with confidence, it is important to prepare and practice your presentation beforehand. Additionally, maintaining good posture, making eye contact, and using positive body language can help convey confidence to your audience.

4. What are some common mistakes to avoid during oral presentations?

Some common mistakes to avoid during oral presentations include reading directly from notes or slides, speaking too quickly or softly, and failing to engage the audience. It is also important to avoid using too much scientific jargon, and instead, explain concepts in a clear and concise manner.

5. How can I adapt my oral communication style for different audiences?

To adapt your oral communication style for different audiences, it is important to understand the level of knowledge and interest of your audience. This can help you tailor your language, tone, and examples to make your presentation more accessible and engaging for your specific audience.

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