Rotational motion -angular energy+angular acceleration

In summary, the question involves a system consisting of a weightless rod with three masses attached at certain points (m1=20kg, m2=30kg, m3=20kg). The system is suspended from its centre-of-mass and rotates with 25J of rotational kinetic energy. The question asks for the number of revolutions per second the system makes in its rotational motion. There seems to be confusion about whether there is angular acceleration due to a net torque, but it is clarified that the rod is hung from its centre of mass, making the net torque equal to zero. Therefore, the rotational kinetic energy and period are constant.
  • #1
The question is,

You have a system of a weightless rod (length=1.00m)
with three masses suspended rigidly as indicated, with m1 and
m3 at the ends and m2 at 0.7m.

(m1=20kg, m2=30kg, m3=20kg)

The whole system is suspended from its centre-of-mass and is rotated with 25J of rotational kinetic energy. How many revolutions per second does it make in its rotational motion?

(The picture provided shows a rod attached to the ceiling by a rope. and the three masses are attached to the rod at the distances mentioned in the problem above (kinda like a seesaw))

I have a feeling that this question is worded wrongly..b/c I thought the only way that we can get a period T for this type of probelm is when the angular velocity is constant, but obviously in this problem there is angular acceleration (b/c there is a net torque). Therefore the angular velocity is actually changing constantly, so how can the rotational kinetic energy and the period be constant?

I hope I have explained it clearly. If not, please ask me for further clarification. Any help from you is much appreciated!
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  • #2
I think the idea behind the question is that the rod is rotating with a kinetic energy of 25 J, and they want to know what angular speed this gives you. If the energy is constant, and assuming no losses due to friction, then there would be no acceleration.
  • #3
Diane_ said:
I think the idea behind the question is that the rod is rotating with a kinetic energy of 25 J, and they want to know what angular speed this gives you. If the energy is constant, and assuming no losses due to friction, then there would be no acceleration.

Thanks for the reply.

However, what really bothers me is that there is apperently a net torque about the centre of mass, so does that mean there should be angular acceleration?

Or am I thinking too much? :shy:
  • #4
I thought at first you were assuming there was a net torque because of the differing masses, but the problem states that the rod is hung from its COM. Why do you think there's a torque?
  • #5

I got it now. So the whole system includes the rod and the masses...

I thought it is suspended at the centre of mass of the rod...


FAQ: Rotational motion -angular energy+angular acceleration

What is rotational motion?

Rotational motion is the movement of an object around a fixed point or axis. This type of motion is characterized by the object's angular displacement, velocity, and acceleration.

What is angular energy?

Angular energy, also known as rotational energy, is the energy possessed by an object due to its rotation. It is determined by the object's moment of inertia and angular velocity.

What is angular acceleration?

Angular acceleration is the rate of change of an object's angular velocity. It is caused by an external torque acting on the object and is measured in radians per second squared (rad/s²).

How is angular energy related to angular acceleration?

Angular energy and angular acceleration are directly proportional. This means that an increase in angular energy will result in a corresponding increase in angular acceleration, and vice versa.

What is the difference between linear and rotational motion?

The main difference between linear and rotational motion is the type of movement involved. Linear motion is movement along a straight path, while rotational motion is movement around an axis. Additionally, linear motion is characterized by linear displacement, velocity, and acceleration, while rotational motion is characterized by angular displacement, velocity, and acceleration.
