Radial Force on Railway Engine of 120 Tons at 25mph

In summary, we have a railway engine with a mass of 120 tons traveling at a speed of 25 miles per hour on a curve with a radius of 220 yards. The radial force acting on the engine is 7.638 tons weight, which is found by using the formula F=mv^2/r and dividing by 32ft/s/s. This is because the resultant of the radial force and the weight of the engine must act in a direction normal to the plane of the track. To find the angle at which the resultant is inclined to the vertical, we use the formula atan(v^2/r/g) and then find the height of the outer rail by using the formula (gauge)sin(theta
  • #1
John O' Meara
A railway engine of mass 120 tons travels round a curve of radius 220 yards at a speed of 25 miles per hour. Find in tons weight the radial force acting on the engine. If the resultant of the radial force and the weight of the engine acts in a direction normal to the plane of the track, and the gauge is 56.5 ins. how must the outer rail be banked up above the level of the inner rail.
66mph=88 ft/s, =>25mph=36.63 ft/s. F=ma = mv^2/r, F=244.44 tons, F= 244.44 divided by 32ft/s/s = 7.638 tons wt. where F= radial force.
Question: why divide by 32ft/s/s, I thought you multiplied the mass by the acceleration due to gravity to get the weight.
2nd part: first find the angle "theta" with which the resultant R is inclined to the vertical.
tan(theta) = 7.64/120 which give the wrong answer for theta: because 56.5"sin(theta) doesn't give you 3.6inches.Thanks guys.
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  • #2
I'm too lazy to make unit transformations. What I've understood from your post, this should solve the problem analitically:

[tex]Fcos(\theta) = mg[/tex]
[tex]Fsin(\theta) = mv^2/r[/tex]
[tex]\frac{v^2/r}{g} = tan(\theta)[/tex]
[tex]atan(\frac{v^2/r}{g}) = \theta[/tex]
[tex](gauge)sin(\theta) = (height)[/tex]
  • #3

I would like to clarify and provide a response to the content provided. Firstly, the radial force acting on the railway engine of mass 120 tons can be calculated using the formula F=mv^2/r, where m is the mass, v is the velocity, and r is the radius of the curve. Plugging in the values given, we get F=244.44 tons. This is the force acting on the engine in the direction towards the center of the curve.

Now, to answer the question about why we divide by 32ft/s/s, this is because we are using the formula F=ma, where F is the force, m is the mass, and a is the acceleration. The value of 32ft/s/s is the acceleration due to gravity, which is used as a conversion factor to convert the mass from tons to pounds. This is necessary because the units of acceleration used in the formula are in feet per second squared, while the units of mass given are in tons. So, by dividing by 32ft/s/s, we are converting the mass from tons to pounds, which is the unit of force.

Moving on to the second part of the question, we need to find the angle at which the resultant force R is inclined to the vertical. To do this, we can use the trigonometric formula for tangent, tan(theta)=opposite/adjacent. In this case, the opposite side is the radial force F, and the adjacent side is the weight of the engine, which is equal to its mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity. So, we get tan(theta)=F/(m*g), where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Plugging in the values, we get tan(theta)=7.64/120=0.0637. Now, to find the angle theta, we can use the inverse tangent function, which gives us theta=3.64 degrees.

Finally, to find the difference in height between the outer rail and the inner rail, we can use the formula h=r*tan(theta), where h is the height difference, r is the radius of the curve, and theta is the angle we just calculated. Plugging in the values, we get h=(220 yards)*(3.64/100)=8.008 feet or approximately 96.1 inches. This means that the outer rail needs to be banked up 96.1 inches above the level of the inner

FAQ: Radial Force on Railway Engine of 120 Tons at 25mph

1. What is radial force on a railway engine?

Radial force on a railway engine refers to the amount of force exerted on the rails by the wheels of the engine. It is caused by the interaction between the wheels and the rails and is an important factor to consider in the design and operation of railway systems.

2. How is radial force calculated?

The calculation of radial force involves taking into account several factors, including the weight of the engine, the speed at which it is traveling, and the curvature of the track. In the case of a 120 ton engine traveling at 25mph, the radial force can be calculated using the formula F = (mv^2)/r, where F is the radial force, m is the mass of the engine (120 tons in this case), v is the velocity (25mph), and r is the radius of the track curvature.

3. Why is radial force important?

Radial force is important because it affects the stability and safety of railway operations. Too much radial force can cause the wheels to slip or derail, while too little can result in inefficient energy usage. Therefore, understanding and managing radial force is crucial for ensuring the smooth and safe operation of railway systems.

4. How does the weight of the engine affect radial force?

The weight of the engine is a key factor in determining the amount of radial force exerted on the rails. The heavier the engine, the greater the radial force will be. This is why railway engines are designed to distribute their weight evenly over their wheels, to minimize the impact of radial force on the rails.

5. How does speed impact radial force?

The speed at which the engine is traveling also plays a role in determining the radial force. As the speed increases, so does the amount of force exerted on the rails. This is why high-speed trains have to be specially designed to handle the increased radial force at higher speeds.
