I developing a theory of a general shift function sequence transform

In summary, Jason is seeking help in developing a general theory for a "shift function sequence transform", which is a method for describing any sequence transform. He and his friends have already developed the mathematics for a specific case, but he is now looking for a general rule. Jason has provided some examples of shift functions, such as addition and division, but is unsure of the notation for a general shift function. He is hoping for assistance from anyone who can help.
  • #1
I need help developing a theory of a general "shift function sequence transform"

I'm new here and this is my first post. In 1999 I read part of "The Book of Numbers" by John Conway and Richard Guy and came across a section titled "Jackson's difference fans". In their book, there's no mention of the math that decribes this fanning process, so over the past few years, two friends of mine and I developed the mathematics for it. For some reason, they didn't want their name on the paper and I'm not really getting help with it anymore, but I'm now trying to discover a general method for describing any sequence transform by using what I call a "shift function sequence transform".

Lets's see if this $\LaTeX$ posts right...
Let $\textbf I$ denote the Identity operator so that $\textbf Ia_n=a_n$ where $a_n$ is a complex number and $n$ is an integer. Let $\textbf E$ denote the shift operator such that $\textbf Ea_n=a_n+1$ and $\textbf E^ka_n=a_{n+k}$

Define $f(\textbf E)a_n$ be a shift function of the elements of the sequence. E few examples are mentioned in another group I belong to in yahoo called Math for Fun and the post I wrote a few days ago can be found at http://groups.yahoo.com/group.mathforfun

I'm sorry I had to post an outside group here. I just don't have enough time to retype everything because I have an hour time limit each day.

If $a_n$ is the original sequence and $f(\textbf E)a_n=b_n$, then $f(\textbf E)b_n=f^2(\textbf E)a_n$ If this is continued, then the $k$-th shift function of the sequence is $f^k(\textbf E)a_n$ Now define $Ta_n$ as the first elements of each new sequence produced by $f^k(\textbf E)$ for each $k$ so that $Ta_n=f^n(\textbf E)a_0$

This is where I start to have problems. I just don't know what the notation would be in general if this same "fanning" process is repeated. I know what it is if $f(\textbf E)=\textbf E-\textbf I$ and $f(\textbf E)=\textbf E+\textbf I$ as well as $f(\textbf E)=\textbf E/\textbf I$ and $f(\textbf E)=\textbf E*\textbf I$ but I don't know a general rule for any shift function and would appreciate it if anyone can help.

Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Jason, to do [tex]\LaTeX[/tex] here, you have to use the [ tex ] and [ /tex ] markup constructs. the dollar signs don't do zilch.
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  • #3

Dear Jason,

Thank you for sharing your work and your interest in developing a theory of a general "shift function sequence transform". It sounds like you have put a lot of effort into understanding and exploring this concept.

One suggestion I have is to try to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable pieces. It may be helpful to start by defining the general shift function sequence transform in a more precise way. What are the inputs and outputs of this transform? Can you provide a formal definition or mathematical expression for it?

Once you have a clear definition, you can then start exploring different properties and characteristics of the transform. This may involve looking at specific examples, as you have already done, and trying to identify patterns or general rules that apply to all cases.

Additionally, it may be helpful to seek out other resources or experts in the field who have studied similar concepts. They may be able to offer insights and suggestions that can further your understanding and development of the theory.

Keep up the good work and don't be discouraged if progress is slow. Developing a theory takes time and effort, but it can also be a rewarding and exciting journey. Best of luck to you!

FAQ: I developing a theory of a general shift function sequence transform

1. What is a general shift function sequence transform?

A general shift function sequence transform is a mathematical operation that takes a sequence of numbers and transforms it into a new sequence by applying a function that shifts each number in the original sequence by a certain amount. This can be useful in various fields such as signal processing, data compression, and pattern recognition.

2. What is the purpose of developing a theory of a general shift function sequence transform?

The purpose of developing a theory of a general shift function sequence transform is to understand the underlying principles and properties of this mathematical operation. This can help in developing more efficient algorithms and applications for using this transform in different fields.

3. How is a general shift function sequence transform different from other types of transforms?

A general shift function sequence transform is different from other types of transforms in that it allows for a wide range of functions to be used for shifting the sequence, rather than being limited to specific functions. This makes it more flexible and adaptable to different types of data and applications.

4. What are some potential applications of a general shift function sequence transform?

Some potential applications of a general shift function sequence transform include image and audio processing, data compression, time series analysis, and feature extraction for machine learning algorithms. It can also be used in various mathematical and scientific fields for analyzing patterns and sequences.

5. Are there any limitations or challenges in developing a theory of a general shift function sequence transform?

One limitation of developing a theory of a general shift function sequence transform is that it may not be applicable to all types of data or may not yield meaningful results for certain types of data. Additionally, there may be challenges in determining the optimal function to use for a specific application and in determining the appropriate shift amount for a given sequence.

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