Helmet Safety - Measuring Force of Impact

In summary, my daughter is conducting an experiment to test various sporting helmets to determine which will protect the head best from a concussion. She is planning on dropping a 10 pound weight (approximate weight of human head) onto each side of the helmet. She is hoping to use simple formulas to determine the force impact. Can anyone help?
  • #1
My 12 year old daughter is conducting an experiment that includes testing various sporting helmets to determine which will protect your head best from a concussion. She is planning on dropping a 10 pound weight (approximate weight of human head) onto each side of the helmet. How can she determine the force impact? We don't have any measuring devices, so we are hoping to use simple formulas. Can anyone help?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
jdilla310 said:
How can she determine the force impact?
Search "impact force" on this forums or in Google. Short answer: There is no simple formula for the peak force that occurs. At best you can use a smart phone and try to measure the peak acceleration. But I doubt you will get meaningful results for helmet safety with home methods.
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  • #3
This is not so easy!

One low-tech method for estimating forces is to put a block of putty between the helmet and a hard object. Measure the thickness of the putty. Then, after the force is applied to the helmet, the putty will be squashed and you can measure the new thickness of the putty.

Afterwards, you can determine what force was applied by placing heavy weights on top of a similar block of putty until it is squashed by the same amount. At that point, you assume that the same force was required in both cases, so the force of impact must have been equal to the weight.

This approach isn't very accurate, but it's the only thing I can think of that doesn't require a high-speed camera or an accelerometer.
  • #4
I'm afraid there isn't a simple formula which deals with this sort of problem. There are a lot of parameters involved.
There are two aspects to the protection that a helmet needs to give. It needs to stop an object from getting to and penetrating your skull (obvious). But it also needs to spread the time of the impact as much as possible so that the force, slowing the projectile, can be lower. Helmets need a strong shell but they also need absorbent material to dissipate the energy slowly. A short duration, high value force can damage the brain inside (or neck), even though the skull is not penetrated.
The term "force of impact" is not a good one, although it is very frequently used in an attempt to explain / predict the likely damage. PF is full of questions about car accident, based on this misapprehension that it's all to do with force.

The 'putty' experiment could give some idea of comparative effectiveness / ranking of the helmets, although it would be difficult to 'calibrate' (meaningfully) the method against a static force, as suggested above. OF course, this could be a pretty expensive experiment because any helmet that is used in a meaningful (realistic) test (i.e. involving high stress) would not be suitable for future use. Most protective gear has a label which implies it should only be used once 'in anger'.
  • #5

I am glad to hear that your daughter is interested in conducting an experiment to test the effectiveness of different sporting helmets in protecting against concussions. The force of impact is an important factor to consider in helmet safety, as it directly relates to the potential for head injuries.

To determine the force of impact, your daughter can use the formula F= m x a, where F is the force, m is the mass of the weight (10 pounds in this case), and a is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2). By dropping the weight from a specific height and measuring the time it takes to hit the helmet, your daughter can calculate the acceleration and then use the formula to determine the force of impact.

It is important to note that this formula will provide an estimate of the force of impact, as there may be other factors at play such as the material and design of the helmet. To get a more accurate measurement, it would be best to use a force sensor or accelerometer. However, if those are not available, this formula can still provide valuable information for your daughter's experiment.

Additionally, I would recommend repeating the experiment multiple times and taking an average of the results to ensure accuracy. It would also be beneficial to compare the results of the different helmets to see which one provides the best protection against concussions.

I hope this helps and I wish your daughter the best of luck with her experiment!

FAQ: Helmet Safety - Measuring Force of Impact

1. What is helmet safety?

Helmet safety is the practice of using protective headgear, typically made of hard materials such as plastic or metal, to reduce the risk of head injuries during activities such as sports, cycling, and motorcycling.

2. How is the force of impact measured in helmet safety?

The force of impact in helmet safety is measured using a device called an accelerometer, which measures the acceleration or deceleration of an object. The accelerometer is placed inside the helmet and records the force of impact during a collision or fall.

3. What is the maximum force of impact that a helmet can withstand?

The maximum force of impact that a helmet can withstand varies depending on the type of helmet and the standards it meets. Generally, a helmet should not exceed a force of 300-400 G's (gravitational force) to provide adequate protection.

4. How does the force of impact affect the effectiveness of a helmet?

The force of impact directly affects the effectiveness of a helmet. A helmet that can withstand a higher force of impact will provide better protection for the wearer. It is important to choose a helmet that meets safety standards and can withstand the force of impact that may occur during the intended activity.

5. Are there any regulations or standards for measuring the force of impact in helmets?

Yes, there are regulations and standards for measuring the force of impact in helmets. In the United States, helmets are regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and must meet specific impact standards. In addition, there are also voluntary standards set by organizations such as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the Snell Memorial Foundation.
