Thermodynamics- work in a cylinder piston device with spring

If you don't want to use the graph, you can use that to find the equation.I think to solve this you need to make a simplifying assumption. For example, if you assume that the piston moves slowly enough that the gas remains near equilibrium at each point in the process, then you can use the work equation that you have written for the gas. But if the gas moves quickly then the work equation that you have written is not valid. You would have to use the full work equation which includes the kinetic energy of the gas. This makes the problem much harder. Does your text say anything about what assumptions you can make? In summary, the problem involves a horizontal frictionless cylinder piston device where the
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Homework Statement

Horizontal frictionless cylinder piston device- piston is forced againtst a spring which exerts a force directly propotional to the gas volume. Patm (101.13KPa) also acts on the outer face. Considering the gas as a system, calculate the work for the process from an initial state of 200Kpa, 0.1m^3 to a final volume of 0.3m^2. If the spring is taken as a system find the work for the same process.

Homework Equations

Work on spring=1/2kx^2
W= integral(PdV) (sorry don't know proper equation tools)
PV/T= constant

The Attempt at a Solution

I must be missing something easy, because it doesn't seem like enough info is given.
let x=distance the piston moves
V1= Ah = .1
V2=A(h+x)= .3
rearrange gives x=2h

sum of forces=0 at each state (can i do this?)
P1.A= Patm.A+kh
P2.A= Patm.A+k(h+x)
these 2 eqns gives: kx=P2.A-P1.A

use Work on spring:
W= .5*kx*x
W= .5*(P2.A-P1.A)*2h
use Ah=V1
W= P2.V1-P1.V1

this is as far as i have been able to get and i don't even know if I am on the right track. It appears i need to calculate final pressure, but I'm unsure how. the answers are given which are 59.74 and -39.48 so have thought about working backwards, but don't know how to go about it

Any help is greatly appreciated

(edited: typos)
Physics news on
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Welcome to the forums oneosix.

sum of forces=0 at each state (can i do this?)
P1.A= Patm.A+kh
P2.A= Patm.A+k(h+x)
these 2 eqns gives: kx=P2.A-P1.A

I think this is where you are getting stuck. The sum of the forces is obviously not 0 because the piston is moving. In order for them to be 0 you would have to consider the inertia of the piston which you did not. I think you started off on the right foot though.

I would approach this problem by first assuming that the gas in the piston is ideal and at constant temp. That is p1v1 = p2v2 along with no frictional affects. Then do a force balance approach, or Fgas = F spring. That relation will allow you to solve for x and you can use either of the equations for the gas force or spring force to determine the force as the piston moves, this will be a function of x. I think you know how to handle it from there.

I derived the final equations of this problem but won't be able to verify my answer unless you post the spring constant.
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Topher925 said:
I derived the final equations of this problem but won't be able to verify my answer unless you post the spring constant.

This is the problem- the spring constant is not given. I think it is based on it being directly proportional to the gas volume, however i do not know how to go from there. Thanks for your help, I'll see what i can get from your input
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Sorry for my brief laps in stupidity but, yes, you don't need the spring constant you only need to know that the force of the spring is linear. The first question of the problem is rather simple and it is only evaluating the work performed by the gas, however I can't seem to get the same answer that you posted. I found my answer by simply evaluating the integral

[tex]\textbf{W = }[/tex][tex]\int{p}[/tex][tex]\textbf{dV}[/tex]

But the answer I get is a little less than half of what you posted. Perhaps I am doing something wrong and someone can correct me.

As for the second answer, it is obviously based off the first. The work done by the spring should be the negative of the work done by the gas and should be less due to the atmospheric pressure that is against the piston.
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But the answer I get is a little less than half of what you posted. Perhaps I am doing something wrong and someone can correct me.

To solve this problem, you basically need an equation for the pressure vs volume and the easiest way to get it is with a graph. Since the forces acting on the gas are always:
Ftot = kV + Fatm ,
the graph will look like a straight line, intersecting the P axis at Patm and passing through the known point (V1, P1). Thus your equation ends up as:
P (MJ) = 0.987V + 0.1013.
This leads to the correct result when you integrate wrt volume. (W = 59.74 J)
And then as was stated, to find the work on the spring you can subtract the work due to atmospheric pressure, or just integrate the equation: P = 0.987V.
I think the idea of this problem was that the system was always in equilibrium so the forces are actually always balanced.

FAQ: Thermodynamics- work in a cylinder piston device with spring

1. What is thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat, work, temperature, and energy.

2. How does a cylinder piston device with spring work?

A cylinder piston device with spring works by converting the potential energy stored in the spring into kinetic energy, which is used to do work on the piston and move it up and down in the cylinder.

3. What is the role of work in this device?

The work in this device is done by the expanding or contracting spring, which exerts a force on the piston, causing it to move and do work on any objects attached to it.

4. How does the spring affect the work done in this device?

The spring's stiffness and compression or extension determine the amount of potential energy stored and thus the amount of work that can be done by the device.

5. What are the applications of a cylinder piston device with spring in thermodynamics?

A cylinder piston device with spring can be used in many applications in thermodynamics, such as in engines, refrigeration systems, and heat pumps, to convert heat into work or vice versa.

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