Diffuse Reflection: How is it Computed?

  • Thread starter floater2011
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In summary: Yes; fair enough. The point I was making is that the actual fraction of light emerging in a particular direction from a perfect diffuser (an infinitessimal) must be infinitessimal. Compare what would hit you in the eye from a laser beam, reflected in a clean mirror, and what you would end up in your direction if the beam hit a diffuse reflector. The 1/pi factor could not apply there. The integral over a hemisphere must be the same as the incident power in a 'single' direction.
  • #1

I'm confused as to how the diffuse reflection is computed as :

[tex]\frac{1} {\pi} * LightRadiance * cos(\theta)[/tex]

Where [tex]cos(\theta)[/tex] is the angle between the light and the surface normal, and accounts for the light projected onto the surface

When considering light reflecting at a point from some direction wi (on a diffuse surface), which is scattered in an infinite amount of directions, how can the BRDF function only mulitply the incoming by 1/pi?

Wouldnt the outgoing light in any direction be drastically smaller than the incoming light?

I don't understand why dividing it by ~3.14 works.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
IIRC, the factor 1/pi is used to normalize the total reflectance- integrating the BRDF over the 2*pi hemisphere should give '1', for non-absorbing materials.
  • #3
Where did you read about that? I've been looking for an explanation on google but can't seem to find one, all I find is the actual formula itself.

Do you know of any books that exlain it in depth?

  • #5
That diagram seems correct and so does the 1/pi factor but, on its own, that information is counter intuitive and needs to be put in context. When you have a diffuse reflection, light hits the observer from a wide area on the reflector , whereas with a specular reflection, only the light from a single point reaches the observer - it is only for an infinite / large reflector that the 1/pi factor tells you just how much light, in a particular direction, you will get from a diffuse reflection. If a rough bit of dust is the reflector then you will only get a tiny amount to the observer.
  • #6
sophiecentaur said:
That diagram seems correct and so does the 1/pi factor but, on its own, that information is counter intuitive and needs to be put in context. When you have a diffuse reflection, light hits the observer from a wide area on the reflector , whereas with a specular reflection, only the light from a single point reaches the observer - it is only for an infinite / large reflector that the 1/pi factor tells you just how much light, in a particular direction, you will get from a diffuse reflection. If a rough bit of dust is the reflector then you will only get a tiny amount to the observer.

The BRDF doesn't relate to detection- it simply computes how the scattered power is distributed in solid angle.

A Lambertian surface is a model of a perfect diffuse reflector (plain white paper is approximately Lambertian, so is the lunar surface). More complex models (Kubelka-Munk, Brown and Miller) exist as well:

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  • #7
Andy Resnick said:
The BRDF doesn't relate to detection- it simply computes how the scattered power is distributed in solid angle.

A Lambertian surface is a model of a perfect diffuse reflector (plain white paper is approximately Lambertian, so is the lunar surface). More complex models (Kubelka-Munk, Brown and Miller) exist as well:


Yes; fair enough. The point I was making is that the actual fraction of light emerging in a particular direction from a perfect diffuser (an infinitessimal) must be infinitessimal. Compare what would hit you in the eye from a laser beam, reflected in a clean mirror, and what you would end up in your direction if the beam hit a diffuse reflector. The 1/pi factor could not apply there. The integral over a hemisphere must be the same as the incident power in a 'single' direction.
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FAQ: Diffuse Reflection: How is it Computed?

1. What is diffuse reflection?

Diffuse reflection is a type of reflection that occurs when light hits a rough surface and is scattered in many different directions. This is in contrast to specular reflection, where light is reflected in a single direction.

2. How is diffuse reflection different from specular reflection?

As mentioned, diffuse reflection involves light being scattered in many different directions due to hitting a rough surface. Specular reflection, on the other hand, occurs when light hits a smooth surface and is reflected in a single direction, like a mirror.

3. How is diffuse reflection computed?

Diffuse reflection is computed using Lambert's cosine law, which states that the amount of light reflected from a surface is proportional to the cosine of the angle between the incident light and the surface normal. This means that surfaces at different angles will reflect different amounts of light, leading to the scattered appearance of diffuse reflection.

4. What factors affect the amount of diffuse reflection?

The amount of diffuse reflection is affected by several factors, including the roughness of the surface, the angle of incidence of the light, and the color and intensity of the incident light. Rougher surfaces will reflect more light in different directions, while smoother surfaces will have more specular reflection.

5. Why is diffuse reflection important in scientific research?

Diffuse reflection is important in scientific research because it is a fundamental principle in understanding how light interacts with different surfaces. It is also used in a variety of fields, such as computer graphics, remote sensing, and materials science, to accurately model and simulate the behavior of light in different environments.
