Community SciFi writing project proposal

In summary, the conversation is about a potential community writing project where contributors can write a story chapter by chapter based on a loose setting. The first question is directed towards the moderators about any potential issues, while the second question is to gauge interest from the community. The idea of the story revolves around a character named Greg who gets his consciousness transferred into the internet and must combat a villain named Evolina, a computer virus trying to erase all scientific knowledge. The challenges include fish slapping, cake eating contests, and a "Math test but forgot pants" challenge. However, there seems to be little interest in this project at the moment.
  • #1
Since there has been little activity on this part of the forum the past week I have a few questions to pose to those who visit

First a definition. A Community Writing project, is what it sounds like. Its a Story written by the community. normally the setting is based on the board it is posted on. It is written Chapter by chapter by different contributors.

My First question is to the Moderators. Is there any problems with this?

My second question is to the Community itself. Is there any interest?

If there is interest in this We can talk about rules and setting, Likely the setting will be very loosely defined with the writers creating the setting as it is written. It will be Soft(ish) SF
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  • #2

Good idea, not much interest though :( Maybe try again in a few months when this forum has "matured" a bit.
  • #3

Brainstorming time!

How about the main character is a guy named Greg who gets his consciousness transferred into the internet where he has to operate a forum for science with his thoughts?

The main villain is named Evolina, a computer virus gone rampant which is attempting to wipe out all scientific knowledge on the internet.

Greg, and his pet cyberdog, Phindsee, will have to best the evil Evolina in several challenges, including fish slapping, cake eating contests, and the dreaded "Math test but forgot pants" challenge!

FAQ: Community SciFi writing project proposal

1. What is a Community SciFi writing project proposal?

A Community SciFi writing project proposal is a collaborative project where members of a community come together to write a science fiction story or novel. It involves brainstorming, writing, and editing as a group to create a cohesive and engaging story.

2. How does a Community SciFi writing project work?

A Community SciFi writing project typically starts with a prompt or idea that is shared with the community. Members can then contribute their own ideas, characters, and plot points to the story. Once a general outline is agreed upon, individuals can take turns writing chapters or sections of the story. The group then edits and revises the story together to create a cohesive final product.

3. What are the benefits of participating in a Community SciFi writing project?

Participating in a Community SciFi writing project can have numerous benefits. It allows individuals to collaborate and learn from each other, as well as develop their writing skills. It also provides the opportunity to be part of a creative community and contribute to a larger project.

4. How can I get involved in a Community SciFi writing project?

There are many ways to get involved in a Community SciFi writing project. You can join an existing project or start your own within a community, such as a writing group or online forum. You can also reach out to other writers or communities who may be interested in collaborating on a project.

5. Are there any guidelines or rules for a Community SciFi writing project?

The guidelines and rules for a Community SciFi writing project may vary depending on the group or community organizing it. However, some common guidelines include respecting each other's ideas and contributions, communicating effectively, and being open to constructive criticism. It is important to establish these guidelines at the beginning of the project to ensure a positive and productive experience for all participants.

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