Thermodynamics: Cooling Superheated Water Vapor to Saturated Vapor

In summary, the initial temperature of the superheated vapor at 400 kPa, which is slowly cooled in a sealed rigid vessel until condensation first occurs at 115 centigrade, can be found using a standard saturated water vapor table. By finding the saturation temperature and pressure at point two, which is 115 centigrade and 169.18 kPa respectively, and using the ratio of pressure and temperature at each point, the initial temperature can be determined. However, it is important to make sure that the problem is in the ideal gas region for water and to consider non-ideal behavior if necessary.
  • #1
Superheated H20 at 400 kPa is slowly cooled in a sealed rigid vessel until the temperature is measured to be 115 centigrade, when condensation first occurs.

What is the Initial Temperature?

I know that the temperature and pressure at point two (saturated vapor) can be found in a standard saturated water vapor table. I found Tsat and Psat to be 115 Centigrade and 169.18 kPa respectively.

Is there enough information here to find the initial temperature of the superheated vapor? how do I proceed?
Science news on
  • #2
Is it a simple ratio of the Pressure and Temperature at each point?

i.e. P1/T1=P2/T2 ?
  • #3
afpskierx said:
Is it a simple ratio of the Pressure and Temperature at each point?

i.e. P1/T1=P2/T2 ?

Sure, but please check to make sure you are in the ideal gas region for water. The molar density is a constant in this problem (as is, of course, to mass density). You may be able to follow a constant density line for water on a published graph, or in the steam tables (I don't remember whether the steam tables give constant density data, although they probably don't). You can also use corresponding states info, virial equation parameters, or van der waals parameters to correct for non-ideal behavior, if that turns out to be significant.

FAQ: Thermodynamics: Cooling Superheated Water Vapor to Saturated Vapor

1. How does cooling superheated water vapor to saturated vapor work?

Cooling superheated water vapor to saturated vapor involves reducing the temperature of the vapor until it reaches its saturation point, at which it transitions from a gas to a liquid. This can be achieved by removing heat from the vapor through various cooling methods such as condensation or expansion.

2. Why is it important to cool superheated water vapor to saturated vapor?

Cooling superheated water vapor to saturated vapor is important because it allows for the vapor to be used in various applications, such as power generation or refrigeration. It also helps to prevent damage to equipment that may occur from exposure to high temperature and pressure vapor.

3. What factors affect the cooling of superheated water vapor to saturated vapor?

The cooling of superheated water vapor to saturated vapor is affected by several factors, including the initial temperature and pressure of the vapor, the cooling method used, and the surrounding environment. The rate of cooling can also be influenced by the properties of the vapor, such as its specific heat and enthalpy.

4. Can superheated water vapor be cooled to a temperature lower than its saturation point?

No, superheated water vapor cannot be cooled to a temperature lower than its saturation point. This is because at the saturation point, the vapor has reached its maximum density and any further cooling would result in condensation, not a decrease in temperature.

5. How is the cooling of superheated water vapor to saturated vapor used in real-world applications?

The cooling of superheated water vapor to saturated vapor is used in various industries and processes, including power generation, refrigeration, and air conditioning. It is also used in distillation processes to separate and purify liquids. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in the water cycle, where water vapor condenses into liquid water as it cools in the atmosphere.
