The Chicken or the Egg: A Philosophical Debate in Physics

  • Thread starter anne and ol
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In summary, according to the General Philosophy thread, the chicken came first, because eggs need to be laid by a chicken.
  • #1
anne and ol
Hey guys :wink:
I was lieing in bed this morning thinking about physics (as usual) mmmmmm physics and my boyfriend said you spend more time thinking about physics than me. This is putting serious strains on our relationship but i just can't stop thinking about the fasinating facts and theories that physics provides us with. Is there a recognised addiction/illness that covers my condition and where can i receive help (support groups for example). On a more serious note...what did actually come first? the chicken or the egg? This question is driving me insane and my boyfriend away! HELP! I can't cope without knowing! everytime i look at a chicken i want to scream! :confused:
any addvice on my illness or the question that's driving me crazy will be gratefully recieved.
Physics news on
  • #2
umm u better post that to General Philosophy there is a topics just right for u.

btw my thinking was that. chicken came first, cause egg must be lay by a egg
lay-able animal. right? =P

life begins with a single cell and it goes on transformaing or evloving into others until something was turn to be a chicken , and that chicken have the ability to lay eggs.

it's like apeman came from fish? sea mamals,who lay eggs? (not the one with shell but with a membrane... something like that) (i hope this is right. it's just my memory ) then it was [ evlove ] into human, and human born beautiful babies.
  • #3
i would have said the egg came first. Cos the chicken-like ancestor would have laid the egg in which NOWADAYS chicken has evolved into.
  • #4
Neither, the pre chicken single celled organsim split in two, making one the first "to be chicken".
  • #5
Well thanks a lot for your answer BUT one problem any solutions to my condition??
  • #6
Possible Solutions:

Educate yourself about physics.

What do you like better, physics or present boyfriend?

Get rid of boyfriend.

Get physicist for boyfriend. Warning: They are like mink.
  • #7
anne and ol said:
This is putting serious strains on our relationship but i just can't stop thinking about the fasinating facts and theories that physics provides us with. Is there a recognised addiction/illness that covers my condition and where can i receive help (support groups for example).
I don't think that appealing to physicists for advise about this is going to get you anywhere. You need to consult with resident PF Relationship Couselor, Ms. Evo. She is your only hope
  • #8
anne and ol said:
Hey guys :wink:
I was lieing in bed this morning thinking about physics (as usual) mmmmmm physics and my boyfriend said you spend more time thinking about physics than me. This is putting serious strains on our relationship but i just can't stop thinking about the fasinating facts and theories that physics provides us with. Is there a recognised addiction/illness that covers my condition and where can i receive help (support groups for example). On a more serious note...what did actually come first? the chicken or the egg? This question is driving me insane and my boyfriend away! HELP! I can't cope without knowing! everytime i look at a chicken i want to scream! :confused:
any addvice on my illness or the question that's driving me crazy will be gratefully recieved.

Ah, I have the same problem. I cannot stop talkig or thinking about science. It does have a tendency to annoy some people.
anywho, there was a thread on "which came first, the chicken or the egg?"
in general philosophy :


FAQ: The Chicken or the Egg: A Philosophical Debate in Physics

1. What is the role of a physicist?

A physicist is a scientist who studies and researches the laws and principles that govern the natural world, including matter, energy, space, and time. They use mathematical models, experimentation, and observation to understand and explain the physical phenomena around us.

2. What are the different fields of physics?

There are many different fields of physics, including astrophysics, biophysics, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and particle physics. Each field focuses on a specific aspect of the physical world and uses different theories and techniques to study it.

3. What kind of education is needed to become a physicist?

To become a physicist, you need at least a bachelor's degree in physics or a related field. Many physicists also pursue a master's or doctoral degree for more specialized and advanced research. Strong mathematical skills and a passion for understanding the natural world are essential for success in this field.

4. What career opportunities are available for physicists?

Physicists can work in a variety of industries, including academia, research institutions, government agencies, and private companies. They can also pursue careers in fields such as engineering, finance, and data science. Some physicists also become educators, sharing their knowledge and passion for physics with others.

5. How does physics impact our daily lives?

Physics has a significant impact on our daily lives, from the technology we use to the natural phenomena we experience. It helps us understand the behavior of matter and energy, the workings of the universe, and the laws that govern everything around us. Many modern innovations, such as electricity, computers, and medical equipment, are based on principles of physics.

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