Relative motion of the earth and an aeroplane held above the earth's surface

In summary, the plane can be expected to end up in some other continent after 12 hours if its velocity is greater than the rotational speed of the Earth.
  • #1
Imagine an Aeroplane held above the Earth's surface for 12 hours, having no contact with the surface of the earth. Suppose that the initial location at time t=0 is Asian continent. So after t = 12 hours, can we expect the aeroplane to be in some other continent or will it be in the same location.
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  • #2
shauns87 said:
Imagine an Aeroplane held above the Earth's surface for 12 hours, having no contact with the surface of the earth. Suppose that the initial location at time t=0 is Asian continent. So after t = 12 hours, can we expect the aeroplane to be in some other continent or will it be in the same location.
There is insufficient information to answer your question. We need the velocity of the plane relative to some reference point.
  • #3
Ok. Let's say the velocity of the plane faster than the rotational speed of the earth. I guess this should be enough.
  • #4
shauns87 said:
Ok. Let's say the velocity of the plane faster than the rotational speed of the earth. I guess this should be enough.
The velocity of the plane relative to what?
  • #5
Oh Sorry! The velocity of the plane is relative the Earth's surface.
  • #6
Well...Velocity = distance / time

Since you already gave the time (12 hrs), according to the above formula as long as the airplane's velocity is at least 1/12 the distance to "some other continent" then the answer is "yes". Assuming it's going in the right direction.

In other words...if "some other continent" is 12 km away, then as long as the airplane is flying that way at 1 km/ hour then will end up "in some other continent"

Is this really what you're asking?
  • #7
No, that's not what I meant. Let me pose it again. See, the plane is stationary and it is held above the surface of the earth. However, the Earth is rotating with respect to the stationary plane. So, the Earth will move but the plane will be stationary. So, can we expect an another place after 12 hours under the plane.
  • #8
shauns87 said:
See, the plane is stationary and it is held above the surface of the earth.
The plane isn't stationary with respect to the Earth and atmosphere. It's flying backwards.
  • #9
Sounds like he means stationary wrt a hypothetical nonrotating earth, with the actual Earth rotating underneath it.
  • #10
shauns87 said:
No, that's not what I meant. Let me pose it again. See, the plane is stationary and it is held above the surface of the earth. However, the Earth is rotating with respect to the stationary plane. So, the Earth will move but the plane will be stationary. So, can we expect an another place after 12 hours under the plane.

That's what I was wondering if you meant.

The short answer is "yes"...if you hold a plane stationary with respect to, say, the center of the earth, while the Earth is rotating beneath, then the plane will end up in another place.

Since the Earth is rotating at ~1000 mph at the equator, then you can actually move 1000 miles in one hour, holding the plane stationary.

BUT...since the natural tendency is for the airplane to be spinning along with the Earth and with the Earth's atmosphere, "holding" that airplane in place while the Earth spins at 1000 mph beneath it requires the exact same power input as flying at 1000 mph.

If we take your train of thought further, we can for instance propose that instead of making huge rockets to send spaceships far away we can simply "hold" them in place. After all, once you take the Earth's rotation (~1000 mph) and the Earth's movement around the sun (~70,000 mph) and the solar system's movement around the galaxy (400,000 mph) and the galaxy's movement (2,000,000 mph?) into account, you should be able to get to places very quickly. The issue is that in order to "hold" something in place, you first have to slow it down that 1000 or 70,000 or millions of mph, and the laws of physics make no distinction between slowing down or speeding up. It's all relative, and it all takes the same exact amount of energy.

FAQ: Relative motion of the earth and an aeroplane held above the earth's surface

What is relative motion?

Relative motion refers to the movement of an object in relation to another object. It takes into account both the speed and direction of the objects' movements.

How does the relative motion of the earth affect an aeroplane held above its surface?

The relative motion of the earth can affect an aeroplane held above its surface in several ways. The rotation of the earth can cause changes in wind patterns, which can impact the plane's flight path. The earth's gravitational pull also affects the plane's trajectory and speed.

Why does an aeroplane appear to move differently when viewed from the ground compared to when viewed from another plane?

This is due to the relative motion between the two objects. The plane on the ground is stationary in relation to the earth's surface, while the other plane is in motion. This creates a difference in perspective and makes the plane appear to move differently.

How does the altitude of the aeroplane affect its relative motion to the earth?

The altitude of the aeroplane can affect its relative motion in several ways. The higher the altitude, the less impact the earth's rotation will have on the plane's movement. However, changes in wind patterns and air density at different altitudes can also affect the plane's relative motion.

How do scientists study and measure the relative motion of the earth and an aeroplane?

Scientists use various tools and techniques to study and measure the relative motion of the earth and an aeroplane. These include radar, GPS systems, and mathematical calculations. They also conduct experiments and simulations to better understand the effects of relative motion on flight.

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