Why is my body so sensitive to a van de graaff generator

In summary, the person experienced pain from the generator that was similar to shocks. They were not able to be in the same room as the generator while it was running because of the pain.
  • #1
my husband has a van de Graaff generator and one day he decided to bring it out and show me since i had never seen one. well after about 5 minutes of it running i could not even be in the same room as it while it was running because it caused me physical pain. now i want to know why did this happen. what caused my body to be so sensitive to it if someone could please help me answer that it would be great! thank you!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You are sensitive to Ozone.
  • #3
if you could elaborate a bit that would be appreciated! thank you!
  • #4
What kind of pain?
Were you hit by sparks?
  • #5
I think it could well be a psychological effect. This is no to dismiss it in any way. Psychological discomfort is a very valid phenomenon.
To be sure it is nothing more than this, he would have to operate it (making the noise) behind a screen (hidden from you) and with ear defenders / loud music on earphones (so you couldn't hear anything) and in the conditions with the dome earthed (keeping his hand on top would do) and unearthed. If there is a physical effect then you should be able to tell the difference without looking or hearing.
It would be interesting for us to know the result of this experiment. You could also do the experiment out of doors to see whether the smell is the reason.

That'll give you a happy Saturday afternoon investigation.
  • #6
Deamonisi, we're all speculating wildly, since we don't know exactly what pain you were experiencing.

Describe the pain in detail. What part of your body? Ears? Nose? Skin?
How did the pain manifest? Gradually? The moment you stepped in the room?
Sharp? Dull?
  • #7
so the pain i was experiencing was like little electric shocks under my skin. there were no visible sparks hitting my skin i was about 5/6 feet from the generator. sorry i was not more specific before i hope this will clarify things for you if not please feel free to ask more questions! i would love to figure out why this happened. thank you! :smile:
  • #8
oh the pain started almost immediately after i stepped into the room.. it did not come on gradually. to sophiecentaur that would be interesting to try i will run it by the husband and we could try that experiment will let you know what the results are..

FAQ: Why is my body so sensitive to a van de graaff generator

1. Why does my hair stand up when near a van de graaff generator?

When a van de graaff generator is turned on, it creates a high voltage electric field around it. This field causes your hair to become charged with the same polarity as the generator. Since like charges repel each other, your hair strands repel each other and stand up.

2. Why do I feel a tingly sensation when I touch a van de graaff generator?

The high voltage electric field created by a van de graaff generator can also induce a small current in your body when you touch it. This current can cause a tingling sensation, similar to when you touch a static-charged object.

3. Why do some people feel a stronger shock from a van de graaff generator than others?

Some people may feel a stronger shock from a van de graaff generator due to differences in their body's conductivity. For example, if your skin is dry, you may feel a stronger shock compared to someone with moist skin.

4. Can a van de graaff generator be dangerous to my health?

No, a van de graaff generator is not dangerous to your health as long as it is used properly and not modified in any way. The shocks it produces are not strong enough to cause harm, and the electric field around it is not strong enough to cause any damage to your body.

5. Why does my body become charged after touching a van de graaff generator?

When you touch a van de graaff generator, the electric field around it induces a small amount of charge in your body. This charge can stay on your body for a short period of time, but it will eventually dissipate as the charge equalizes with the surrounding environment.

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