Find Eigenfunctions & Eigenvalues for Momentum Operator p

In summary, the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the momentum operator are real, but the constant k has to be real for the wavefunction to be in an eigenstate.
  • #1
How would I go about finding eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for the momentum operatro p?

Is it just a case of stating Ae^i(kx-wt) is a eigenfunction and kh/2Pi is a eigen value? would (2/a)¹/²sin(kx-wt) also be a eigenfunction?

PS. This is not homework, but revision.
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  • #2
Lee said:
How would I go about finding eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for the momentum operatro p?

Is it just a case of stating Ae^i(kx-wt) is a eigenfunction and kh/2Pi is a eigen value? would (2/a)¹/²sin(kx-wt) also be a eigenfunction?

PS. This is not homework, but revision.
Teh eigenfunctions are the solutions of the differential equation [itex] -i \hbar {\partial \over \partial x} f(x,t) = k f(x,t) [/itex]. The solution is clearly any function of time multiplied by [itex] e^{i k x} [/itex].
There is nothing else you can say about the function of time. And there is nothing you can say about the eigenvalue "k". It could be any real number.

As for sin(kx-wt), apply the momentum operator on this. Do you get a constant times the function back? No! So it is NOT an eigenstate of the momentum operator.
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  • #3
Does the constant k have to be real? I would presume not but a real eigenvalue is probably more usefull than a complex one.
  • #4
Lee said:
Does the constant k have to be real? I would presume not but a real eigenvalue is probably more usefull than a complex one.
It has to be (otherwise measuring the momentum of a particle could give a complex result! Which is physically nonsensical). The mathematical reason is that the momentum operator is hermitian, as are all observables, so its eigenvalues are real (things are actually a bit more tricky than this but that is usually the way it is presented in introductory QM courses).
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  • #5
Along the same lines, what is ment by the periodc boundry coundition?
  • #6
It means the geometry of the system is in such way as to insure that the wavefunction obeys certain symmetry property. That's what "periodic" refers to: the wavefunction is a periodic function.

As with "bounday", it definitely refers to the fact that the physical system under discussion is confined to a finite spatial extension, therefore exitibing "boundary conditions" .

  • #7
nrqed said:
It has to be (otherwise measuring the momentum of a particle could give a complex result! Which is physically nonsensical). The mathematical reason is that the momentum operator is hermitian, as are all observables, so its eigenvalues are real (things are actually a bit more tricky than this but that is usually the way it is presented in introductory QM courses).

That's actually false. Under special conditions, the momentum operator is selfadjoint. Selfadjoint operators do indeed have a completely real spectrum.

  • #8
dextercioby said:
That's actually false. Under special conditions, the momentum operator is selfadjoint. Selfadjoint operators do indeed have a completely real spectrum.

I know that. This the reason for the statement next after.
I di dnot think it would help the OP to get into that. But if you think it is something that needs to be gotten into at this level of introductory QM then why don't you explain carefully to the OP the distinction between hermitian and self-adjoint operators and show why it matters?:devil:

EDIT: And I suggest that you e-mail David Griffiths and tell him to rewrite his book if you are so insistent on making the distinction at the introductory QM level.
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FAQ: Find Eigenfunctions & Eigenvalues for Momentum Operator p

1. What is an eigenfunction and eigenvalue for momentum operator p?

An eigenfunction for a momentum operator p is a function that, when multiplied by the operator, gives back the same function multiplied by a constant number. This constant number is known as the eigenvalue and represents the momentum value of the system.

2. How do you find eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for momentum operator p?

To find the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for momentum operator p, we need to solve the eigenvalue equation: pΨ = λΨ. This involves using mathematical techniques such as linear algebra or differential equations to find the functions and their corresponding eigenvalues.

3. What is the significance of finding eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for momentum operator p?

Finding eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for momentum operator p allows us to describe the momentum of a quantum system in terms of a set of discrete values. This is important in quantum mechanics as it helps us understand the behavior of particles at the microscopic level.

4. Can there be more than one set of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for momentum operator p?

Yes, there can be multiple sets of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for momentum operator p depending on the system and the boundary conditions. Each set corresponds to a different physical state of the system and represents the possible momentum values that the system can have.

5. How are eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for momentum operator p used in real-life applications?

Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for momentum operator p are used in various areas of physics and engineering, such as quantum mechanics, signal processing, and quantum computing. They help in solving complex mathematical equations and understanding the behavior of particles at the subatomic level, which has numerous practical applications in technology and research.
