Does an asteroid impact change a planet's day length?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving the rotation of a planet after an asteroid impact. The equation used to solve the problem is given and then revised. The final result is that the day is shorter due to the impact.
  • #1
This is regarding that planet question. I set up the equation as:
[tex]L_{pi} = L_a + L_{pf} = L_a + I_p \omega_{pf} \Longleftrightarrow \omega_{pf} = \frac{L_{pi} - L_a}{I_p}[/tex]
where [tex]I_p = \frac{2 M R^2}{5}[/tex]
so [tex]\omega_{pf} = \frac{L_{pi} - L_a}{\frac{2 M R^2}{5}}[/tex]

In the original problem, we're given T = 13 hours, so
[tex]T_i = \frac{13 "hours"}{"rev"} \cdot \frac{60 "min"}{1 "hour"} \cdot \frac{60 "sec"}{1 "min"} = \frac{46800 "sec"}{"rev"}[/tex]

Using the final [tex]\omega[/tex] I came up with [tex]T_f = \frac{46801.3 "sec"}{"rev"}[/tex] - isn't that a longer day? Yet the question states "But, thanks to the asteroid's angular momentum, the planet rotates faster after the imapact than it did before."
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  • #2
am I just being stupid? I've done this a few times now and I keep coming up with the same answer. If it takes longer to make a revolution, the day would be longer.
  • #3
I guess I set up the equation wrong. Using this:
[tex]L_{pi} + L_a = L_{pf} = I_p \omega_{pf} \Longleftrightarrow \omega_{pf} = \frac{L_{pi} + L_a}{I_p}[/tex]
where [tex]I_p = \frac{2 M R^2}{5}[/tex]
so [tex]\omega_{pf} = \frac{L_{pi} + L_a}{\frac{2 M R^2}{5}}[/tex]

[tex]T_i = \frac{13 "hours"}{"rev"} \cdot \frac{60 "min"}{1 "hour"} \cdot \frac{60 "sec"}{1 "min"} = \frac{46800 "sec"}{"rev"}[/tex]

Using this new method (and adding the mass of the asteroid to the mass of the planet), I got [tex]T_f = \frac{46798.7 "sec"}{"rev"}[/tex] which means a day is shorter.

Thanks for letting me figure it out! (I finally got the right answer!) Ya'll are great.
  • #4
You're quite welcome.

FAQ: Does an asteroid impact change a planet's day length?

1. How does the planet's day length change?

The planet's day length can change due to natural factors such as changes in the planet's rotation rate, changes in its axial tilt, and changes in the speed of its orbit around the sun. It can also be affected by human activities such as climate change and land use changes.

2. What causes the planet's rotation rate to change?

The planet's rotation rate can be affected by a variety of factors, including gravitational interactions with other celestial bodies, changes in the planet's internal structure, and the redistribution of mass on the planet's surface. These changes can cause the planet's rotation rate to speed up or slow down, resulting in a change in its day length.

3. Can changes in the planet's day length have an impact on its climate?

Yes, changes in the planet's day length can have a significant impact on its climate. The amount of sunlight a planet receives is directly related to its day length, so a change in day length can affect the planet's temperature, weather patterns, and overall climate.

4. How do scientists measure changes in a planet's day length?

Scientists use a variety of methods to measure changes in a planet's day length, including satellite observations, ground-based telescopes, and historical records. These measurements are used to track any changes in the planet's rotational speed and axial tilt over time.

5. Is there a way to predict future changes in a planet's day length?

Yes, scientists use mathematical models and simulations to predict future changes in a planet's day length. These predictions take into account known factors that can affect the planet's rotation rate and axial tilt, such as gravitational interactions with other celestial bodies and changes in the planet's climate. However, predicting future changes in a planet's day length is still a complex and ongoing area of research.

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