Reality: Dream, Loop or Absolute?

  • Thread starter wtfc
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In summary: I just don't know what to make of this. In summary, people believe that reality is anything that interacts with us. Dreams can provide us with knowledge about our reality, but it is ultimately up to us to determine if that knowledge is real or not.
  • #1
When you wake up from a dream...sometimes you are sad as you woke up and suddenly realized that you were dreaming and it was not true. Sometimes you wake up to realize..."thank god it was just a dream"..
So what is the reality here...Is the so felt reality for real or its just coming out from one internal loop(dream) to an outer loop (so called reality...) Is there a loop outside this reality which we will realize when we wake up one fine day. Imagine waking up from a dream called life to something else.. and find yourselves in the next outer loop...where does this end and how many loops have we before we finally meet the reality... Is there a reality that is absolute...[?]
Physics news on
  • #2
you're not the first to ponder about this. you should meet an austrailian aboriginie (don't know if i spelled that right).

but as interesting as it may be, this world is all we got. we may as well focus on it and attempt a bit of an understanding before we go on to the waking world. so dream on! (oh,and you'd better hope you're a morning person when you wake up from this life)
  • #3
When you were sleeping or dreaming did you fell pain, joy, etc... These things affected you did they not? You have all the tools to answer any qustion you need. No one can answer this, but you, I certainly would not expect one of these forum members to answer it for you or any other for that matter. Your question is original and I am afraid regardless of what others say. Responses like the ones you will receive on this forum are human tools to attempt to take the zest out of your question, experiences/searches etc... You will find them on this forum and in life. If your questions are real, no one can stop you. You must do one thing here to accomplish what you desire, ask yourself a true question. Do you know what a true question is? I will not reply to this thread again.
  • #4
Yeah, I saw the Matrix too. Good flic.
  • #5
but it does make you wonder, could a situation like the matrix be true. i mean do we and this world really exist. and ponder this. i think therefore i am. well in matrix situation you would think you were thinking, so you would possiably be! but are you really thinking, and do you really exist. humm difficult.[?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?]
  • #6
Originally posted by wtfc
When you wake up from a dream...sometimes you are sad as you woke up and suddenly realized that you were dreaming and it was not true. Sometimes you wake up to realize..."thank god it was just a dream"..
So what is the reality here...Is the so felt reality for real or its just coming out from one internal loop(dream) to an outer loop (so called reality...)
Some philospher (I can't remember which one) said the we know somethings real if we kick it and it kicks back. Basicallyreality is anything that interacts. Can you think of a better deffiniton of reality? If not, well, why don't we stick with this one?
Is there a loop outside this reality which we will realize when we wake up one fine day. Imagine waking up from a dream called life to something else.. and find yourselves in the next outer loop...where does this end and how many loops have we before we finally meet the reality... Is there a reality that is absolute...[?]
  • #7
Hehe what a crazy possibility, I don't think to many people thought of this before the (im my opinion excellent) movie. I guess its the same kind of thing as having a complex (some sort of physcological condition?) something u are suffering from but don't know it, if you knew you had it it would not exist!
  • #8
Originally posted by DR OF DEATH
but it does make you wonder, could a situation like the matrix be true. i mean do we and this world really exist.
I exist. You on the other hand exist only on my computer screen and have no physical manifestation. Sorry.
  • #9
"Reality" is the only word in the English language that should always be used in quotes.

-- My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult
  • #10
I'm not sure about the source...I think it was Tzang Tsu:

"I once dreamt that I was a butterfly. But then I awoke and wondered if I was a butterfly dreaming he is a man."

Also, the matrix is just a play on Descarte.

Many people claim to obtain objective knowledge through dreams that is later born out.

I have solved math, chemistry, physics, and toplogical problems in my sleep.

Many people claim to have "encounters" in their sleep. e.g angels, demons, spirit guides, aliens, incubus, succubus, etc etc.

Just a few thoughts...
really no point; just observations.
  • #11
Life and reality seems to me, a large program of some sort. The Laws that govern it are complex and interesting. All of us are just trying to decipher the program in order to find our way out or to create autonomy. That is why we love physics, because it is the closest thing we have to the origional program, and our best shot at truly understanding it. What is interesting is that the laws allow us to create our own versions of reality or perceptions which we can clame as reality as we please. We look for true reality but the fact is you can create your own to live in. Depends on what you want to do with your life? Better hurry cause time is ticking
  • #12
Originally posted by wtfc
When you wake up from a dream...sometimes you are sad as you woke up and suddenly realized that you were dreaming and it was not true. Sometimes you wake up to realize..."thank god it was just a dream"..
So what is the reality here...Is the so felt reality for real or its just coming out from one internal loop(dream) to an outer loop (so called reality...) Is there a loop outside this reality which we will realize when we wake up one fine day. Imagine waking up from a dream called life to something else.. and find yourselves in the next outer loop...where does this end and how many loops have we before we finally meet the reality... Is there a reality that is absolute...[?]

First to understand the dream, is to know what a dream is made of. What it is made of is simple: Thought.

To understand thought, and its relationship to dreams is to understand the dreamer.

You are the dreamer. This is your dream. But do you realize it, or is it something that stands without reason?

Reality is a dream. I won't stray from that fact. And I won't stray from the facts that once realized, its apparent and obvious in everything you will ever experience. Until then, it is to be realized, that is all.

For every dream, there is a dreamer. Some dreams are subjective, others are universal. Its the universal dreams that you will learn to seek in time as the definitive answer to the realities you will conclude within states of self-realization.

So, enjoy them. Everyone that you become fully realized in. Including this one.

The Dream.
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  • #13
Shouldn't this be in the philosophy forum?
  • #14
Originally posted by Jonathan
Shouldn't this be in the philosophy forum?

Perhaps not. I think this idea that reality is a dream needs to be debunked once and for all. Reality is not a dream! If reality were a dream, it would be impossible to dream, and the question would never occur to anyone. The fact that the question can be asked necessarily implies that the answer is no, unless you define "dream" and "reality" in such a convoluted way that the words lose their meaning.
  • #15
Originally posted by confutatis
Perhaps not. I think this idea that reality is a dream needs to be debunked once and for all. Reality is not a dream! If reality were a dream, it would be impossible to dream, and the question would never occur to anyone. The fact that the question can be asked necessarily implies that the answer is no, unless you define "dream" and "reality" in such a convoluted way that the words lose their meaning.

Reality... It begs the bigger question, what is reality?

The answer for that question is two fold. Subjective, and objective.

In a metaphorical self-realized context.

As a subject of the *subjective* nature of this objective reality. I reason that its existence is in part, realized in a system of Universal truths. In these truths, we see in the fabric of time and space with the unfolding dream. And in that, the subject for whom which truth is realized.

To a human, reality is that human lifetime. A series of consicous experiences and thoughts reflecting back inwards to some force we call the self.

To reality, it is the humans which observe it, and eternity.

Reality is... there is no arguing that fact.

But what is it.

What is it really.

This is the question we must ask. And each of us knows there must be an answer worth answering to.

So let's stay on target.

Dreams, thoughts... existence as a consicousness.

What is the relationship between consciousness and reality.

Is there a relationship? Yes.

Can us as humans understand it? Yes.

But do most of us realize it? I like to think so, as I see it is the statement of their very existence. What they are and the thoughts that drive them to the lives they express.

Is the dream a part of this? Yes.

So what about dreams, I know we talk a lot about reality and we know that we live, and we die. But in that we think in patterns so amazing that they themselves are reality. Dreams are proof of this.

But is Reality a Dream?

If you can realize it... then you are doing better then most. I'll say that it is.

Reality and the Dream is one.

Is oneness something that we as human can realize?

Until the next dream.

"I" am reality. "I" am the dreamer. "I" am the dream.
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  • #16
I think my life is a dream because I spend most of my energy thinking, and paying attention to those thoughts, instead of experiencing what's is around me. I eat too fast without really tasting the food, don't pay very close attention when I watch TV, pay minimun needed attention when driving, don't sit up straight, that sort of thing. What I do is think, speculate, ponder. It gets to the point your whole life becomes a gedanken experiment.

FAQ: Reality: Dream, Loop or Absolute?

1. What is the nature of reality?

The nature of reality is a complex and ongoing philosophical debate. Some argue that reality is objective and independent of human perception, while others believe it is subjective and constructed by our minds. Some theories propose that reality is a combination of both objective and subjective elements.

2. Are dreams a part of reality?

Dreams are often considered a part of our subjective experience, and therefore not a part of objective reality. However, some theories suggest that dreams may be a reflection of our subconscious mind and can reveal deeper truths about ourselves and the world around us.

3. Is reality a continuous loop?

The idea of a continuous loop in reality is a concept explored in science fiction and philosophy. Some theories suggest that time and reality may be cyclical, with events repeating themselves in an endless loop. However, this is currently only speculation and has not been scientifically proven.

4. Can reality be proven?

The concept of absolute proof in relation to reality is a subject of debate among scientists and philosophers. While we can gather data and evidence to support our understanding of reality, it is ultimately a subjective experience that cannot be definitively proven.

5. How do different perceptions of reality affect our understanding of the world?

Perceptions of reality can vary greatly between individuals and cultures, leading to different interpretations and understandings of the world. This can impact how we interact with our surroundings and shape our beliefs and values. It is important to recognize and respect diverse perspectives in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of reality.

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