Steam Tables for Water - Specific Volumes & Enthalpies

In summary: Can anybody post a link for the steam tables of water? Any would work that have specific volumes of the gas and liquid phases at all temperatures, and also have the specific enthalpies of each phase at each temperature.Thanks.The age of steam tables is over! The age of EES is here!
  • #1
Can anybody post a link for the steam tables of water? Any would work that have specific volumes of the gas and liquid phases at all temperatures, and also have the specific enthalpies of each phase at each temperature.

Engineering news on
  • #2
The age of steam tables is over! The age of EES is here!

Seriously, you never have to interpolate in thermodynamics again.
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  • #3
Thanks, Tom!
EES was developed by two professors, Dr. William Beckman and Dr. Sanford Klein, both of the University of Wisconsin. Their experience in teaching mechanical engineering thermodynamics and heat transfer showed that students were spending too much time looking up property information and solving equations for their homework problems, tasks that did not help the students master the subject material.
No kidding!

Instead we should have been learning the correlations and inter-relationships. In grad, my colleagues and I spent a lot of time building property models from scratch.

Meanwhile - Water Properties.pdf (British units :rolleyes:)
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  • #4
If you google "saturated steam table", you get thousands of useful hits...

I was introduced to EES but didn't spend much time with it. I'm a little unsure of this issue (sorry about the hijack...). For simple problems, being able to use a table can provide very fast answers. I think like with calculators, they are a good tool, but it is still an open question where the line should be drawn when cutting out unnecessary subjects to teach kids.

That said, I recently found a "table" while doing a problem at work that was form-based: you enter in one property and it gives you the rest. Very slick (sorry, don't have the link on my home comp).

And what about my Psych chart!?
  • #5
psychometric charts are certainly mad, although they are really useful when calculating humidities.
  • #6
One of these days I'm going to need a lot of thermodynamic properties for a couple of working fluids, and that will be the day I talk my employer into buying me a copy of RefProp:"

For now though, if I need some thermo properties I either look them up in my Thermo book, or the free" .

In my opinion, familiarity with T-S and H-S diagrams (as old-fashioned as they may be) can be very useful in the visualization of power and refrigeration cycles, something that simply looking up single properties using a piece of software wouldn't really help with... Still, it is true that a large chunk of my time in Thermo 1 & 2 was spent looking up properties of air, steam, and R-144a.
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FAQ: Steam Tables for Water - Specific Volumes & Enthalpies

What are steam tables for water and why are they important?

Steam tables for water are tables that provide data on the specific volumes and enthalpies of steam at various temperatures and pressures. They are important because they allow scientists and engineers to easily determine the properties of steam in different conditions, which is crucial for designing and operating steam-based systems such as power plants and boilers.

What is specific volume and how is it related to steam?

Specific volume is the volume occupied by a unit mass of a substance. In the case of steam, it is the volume occupied by one kilogram of steam at a particular temperature and pressure. It is related to steam because it is used to determine the state of steam and its properties, such as density and enthalpy.

How does enthalpy affect the behavior of steam?

Enthalpy is the total energy of a substance, including its internal energy and the energy required to overcome its pressure and volume. In the case of steam, enthalpy plays a critical role in its behavior, as it determines its ability to do work and transfer heat. Changes in enthalpy can also indicate changes in the state of steam, such as when it changes from liquid to vapor.

What are the units of measurement used in steam tables for water?

The units of measurement used in steam tables for water are typically metric units, such as kilojoules per kilogram (kJ/kg) for enthalpy and cubic meters per kilogram (m3/kg) for specific volume. However, some tables may also include imperial units, such as British thermal units per pound (BTU/lb) for enthalpy and cubic feet per pound (ft3/lb) for specific volume.

How accurate are steam tables for water?

The accuracy of steam tables for water depends on the source and the method used to create them. In general, they are considered to be highly accurate for practical engineering purposes, with errors of less than 1%. However, for more precise calculations, it is important to use tables that are specific to the particular type of steam being studied and to consider factors such as temperature and pressure variations.
