Conservation of energy involving spring and friction

In summary, the conversation is about finding the coefficient of kinetic friction between a wood block and a table based on the given information of the block-spring system. The solution involves using the equation for potential energy and equating it to the kinetic energy and energy lost due to friction. The final equation has two unknown variables that can be solved for.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 0.62 kg wood block is firmly attached to a very light horizontal spring (k = 180 N/m) . This block-spring system, when compressed .05 m and released, stretches out 0.023 m beyond the equilibrium position before stopping and turning back.

What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the table?


The Attempt at a Solution

This is how far I've gotten:

At x = -.05, there is 0 kinetic energy, and potential energy = 1/2 kx2.


1/2 kx2 = 1/2 mv22 + [tex]\mu[/tex]mg(energy lost due to friction)

But this has 2 unknown variables.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
Nevermind, figured it out.

1/2 kxinitial2 = 1/2 kx2final + [tex]\mu[/tex]mg(abs((xfinal - xinitial))
  • #3

Your approach is correct so far. In this problem, conservation of energy can be applied to find the unknown coefficient of kinetic friction. As you have correctly identified, at the compressed position of -0.05 m, the block has no kinetic energy but has potential energy stored in the spring. At the equilibrium position, the block has both kinetic and potential energy. However, as the block moves beyond the equilibrium position, it will lose some of its energy due to friction with the table. This energy loss can be accounted for in the equation you have set up.

To solve for the coefficient of kinetic friction, you will need to use the fact that at the maximum displacement (0.023 m), the block has come to a stop and has no kinetic energy. This means that all of the energy it had at the equilibrium position has been lost due to friction. Therefore, you can equate the potential energy at the equilibrium position to the energy lost due to friction at the maximum displacement:

1/2 k(0.023)^2 = \mu mg(0.023)

Solving for the coefficient of kinetic friction, we get:

\mu = (1/2 k(0.023)^2)/(mg(0.023))

Substituting in the given values, we get:

\mu = (1/2 * 180 * (0.023)^2)/(0.62*9.8*(0.023))

\mu = 0.071

Therefore, the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the table is approximately 0.071. This means that the friction between the two surfaces is relatively low, allowing the block to travel a considerable distance beyond the equilibrium position before coming to a stop.

FAQ: Conservation of energy involving spring and friction

1. How is energy conserved in a spring system?

According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. In a spring system, the potential energy stored in the spring is converted into kinetic energy as the spring is compressed or extended. This kinetic energy is then converted back into potential energy as the spring returns to its original shape.

2. How does friction affect the conservation of energy in a spring system?

Friction is a force that opposes motion and can cause energy to be lost as heat. In a spring system, friction between the spring and its surroundings can reduce the amount of kinetic energy that is converted back into potential energy. This results in a loss of energy and a decrease in the amplitude of the spring's oscillations over time.

3. Can energy be conserved in a spring system with no friction?

Yes, as long as the system is isolated and there are no external forces acting on the spring, the conservation of energy can still be observed even without friction. In this case, the spring will continue to oscillate with the same amplitude and energy will be continually transferred between potential and kinetic forms without any loss.

4. How does the mass of an object affect the conservation of energy in a spring system?

The mass of an object attached to a spring can affect the amount of kinetic and potential energy present in the system. Generally, a heavier object will have a greater potential energy when the spring is compressed or extended, and a greater kinetic energy when the spring is in motion. However, the total energy in the system will still remain constant.

5. Is the conservation of energy always applicable to spring systems?

Yes, the law of conservation of energy is a fundamental principle of physics and applies to all systems, including those involving springs and friction. However, in real-world situations, energy may be lost to other factors such as air resistance or heat, leading to a slight deviation from the ideal conservation of energy.
