Consistency of Crank Nicolson method

In summary: Taylor series expansion that f_n+1 is dependent on u_n+1, which means we need to know u_n+1 first before we can calculate f_n+1. This does not affect the consistency of the method, as long as we are using the correct values for u_n+1 and f_n+1 in our calculations.I hope this helps clarify the consistency of the Crank Nicolson method for you. Good luck with your studies!
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Homework Statement

Analyze the consistency of the Crank Nicolson method:

u_n+1 = u_n + h/2[f_n + f_n+1]

where f_n = f(t_n, u_n)

Homework Equations

How does this method work if you have to have u_n+1 to calculate f_n+1, and vice versa? Which comes first?

The Attempt at a Solution

I have worked other consistency analysis problems with simpler approximations, such as Forward Euler Method, but I'm still struggling with this question in general (order, stability, consistency). I know (I think) that we want to see that the difference (error) between the approximation of the method and the actual solution goes to zero as h(the fixed interval size) goes to zero, which says the method is consistent. I have been doing that by deriving the value of f from a Taylor series expansion of u around x_n. So,

y_n+1 = y_n + hf_n + (h^2/2)*f'_n + (h^3/6)*f''_n + . . .

and by assuming the method is true for actual y:

(y_n+1 - y_n)/h = (1/2)*[f_n+1 + f_n]

Not sure where to go from there. Any help appreciated.
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  • #2

Thank you for your question about the consistency of the Crank Nicolson method. This is a very important aspect to consider when evaluating the accuracy and reliability of any numerical method.

As you correctly stated, the goal of consistency analysis is to show that the error between the approximation and the actual solution decreases as the step size h goes to zero. In order to do this, we need to look at the Taylor series expansions for both f(t_n, u_n) and u_n+1.

Starting with the Taylor series expansion for f(t_n, u_n), we have:

f(t_n, u_n) = f_n + h*f'_n + (h^2/2)*f''_n + (h^3/6)*f'''_n + . . .

Now, for the Taylor series expansion for u_n+1, we have:

u_n+1 = u_n + h*u'_n + (h^2/2)*u''_n + (h^3/6)*u'''_n + . . .

Since we are using the Crank Nicolson method, we know that u_n+1 = u_n + h/2[f_n + f_n+1]. Substituting this into the Taylor series expansion for u_n+1, we get:

u_n+1 = u_n + h*u'_n + (h^2/2)*u''_n + (h^3/6)*u'''_n + (h/2)*[f_n + f_n+1]

= u_n + h/2[f_n + f_n+1] + (h^2/2)*u''_n + (h^3/6)*u'''_n + (h/2)*[f_n + f_n+1]

= u_n + h*f_n + (h^2/2)*[f'_n + u''_n] + (h^3/6)*[f''_n + u'''_n] + . . .

Now, we can compare this to the Taylor series expansion for u_n+1 that we derived earlier, and we can see that they are consistent up to terms of order h^2. This means that as h goes to zero, the error between the approximation and the actual solution will also go to zero, and the method is consistent.

To answer your question about which comes first,

FAQ: Consistency of Crank Nicolson method

1. What is the Crank Nicolson method?

The Crank Nicolson method is a numerical method used to solve partial differential equations. It is a combination of the implicit and explicit methods, making it a more accurate and stable approach for solving these equations.

2. How does the Crank Nicolson method ensure consistency?

The Crank Nicolson method ensures consistency by using a central difference approximation for the time derivative and a weighted average of the forward and backward difference approximations for the spatial derivative. This results in a second-order accurate method, providing a more accurate solution compared to other numerical methods.

3. What are the advantages of using the Crank Nicolson method?

One major advantage of the Crank Nicolson method is its stability. It is unconditionally stable, meaning the time step size can be chosen freely without affecting the stability of the solution. Additionally, it is second-order accurate, making it more accurate than other numerical methods.

4. Are there any limitations to the Crank Nicolson method?

The Crank Nicolson method has a limitation in that it requires more computational resources compared to other methods. This is due to the fact that it uses a larger stencil (more neighboring points) to calculate the solution, resulting in more computations per time step.

5. In what situations is the Crank Nicolson method most useful?

The Crank Nicolson method is most useful when dealing with time-dependent partial differential equations, particularly those with diffusion and convection terms. It is also a good choice for problems with highly oscillatory solutions, as it provides a more accurate solution compared to other methods.
