Whats the Concept behind change of electric/magnetic flux ?

In summary, the concept behind "change of electric/magnetic flux" is the increase or decrease in the number of electric lines passing through some body.
  • #1
Whats the Concept behind "change of electric/magnetic flux"?

What i mean to say is that, i understand the concept of "change of distance", "change of time" and other changes and other time rates...

but the "time rate of change of electric flux" really confuses me. Does change of flux mean increase or decrease in the number of electric lines passing through some body? or does it mean the "movement" electric lines through it?...

i mean, if a conductor, say a rod moves thru a UNIFORM magnetic field, there would be transient polarization of the rod. (one end would get slightly positive, the other negative)...So its obvious that there was some instantaneous induced emf in the rod, if so, then the concept of changing magnetic flux as the increase or decrease in the number of lines of magnetic induction (which my teacher provided) fails here...Because faraday's law states

emf= -N (change of flux)/ (time)

so my teacher's concept would say that emf should be zero( because there is no increase or decrease in the number of lines of magnetic induction ,since the magnetic field is uniform)...but still we have said that instantaneous emf existed.

so what's the point here?...if my teacher's concept about the change of magnetic/electric flux is wrong...which is the right concept?

so if u apply the i
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  • #2

When you move the rod in a B field. That is the Lorentz force F=qvB .
The Lorentz force will push the free electrons to one side of the rod creating a hall voltage. If instead you had a square metal frame when the first electron started to move due to the Lorentz force, the E field of the electron would push the e- in front of it and a current would start to flow.
  • #3

i asked for the explanation of the "concept" of change in electric flux?...

does it mean increase or decrease in number of lines intersecting a body?
  • #4

You could change the field strength or the area .
  • #5

I think you have the wrong idea about "number of lines". What changes is the only thing that exists at a point- the strength of the magnetic flux. "Number of lines" is purely ficticious- a way of visualizing field strength.
  • #6

khamaar said:
does it mean increase or decrease in number of lines intersecting a body?

It can mean either one. If the the flux of the field through a surface increases, then the number of field lines intersecting the surface increases. If the the flux of the field through a surface decreases, then the number of field lines intersecting the surface decreases.
  • #7

so does this mean that if a a body moves thru a uniform magnetic field, there would be no change of flux through it?...if there is no change of flux, then where does that instantaneous emf come from which i explained in my first post?
  • #8

The emf come from the Lorentz force which I explained in post 2.
  • #9

faraday's law is applied to LOOPs.(you can only say electric flux through loop instead of line)
so you need be aware of what LOOP that you consider(choice).

if you choice loop IN the rod, then the LOOP's emf really is zero.
//you explained it right, and another interpretation is -E+E=0

if you choice another PROPER loop, you also can get the result in post 2.

FAQ: Whats the Concept behind change of electric/magnetic flux ?

1. What is electric/magnetic flux?

Electric/magnetic flux is a measure of the flow of electric/magnetic field lines through a given area. It is represented by the symbol Φ and is measured in units of webers (Wb).

2. How is electric/magnetic flux related to change?

According to Faraday's law of induction, a change in the magnetic/electric field through a closed loop will induce an emf (electromotive force) in that loop. This emf is directly proportional to the rate of change of electric/magnetic flux through the loop.

3. What is the concept behind change of electric/magnetic flux?

The concept behind change of electric/magnetic flux is based on the idea that a changing magnetic/electric field can induce an emf in a closed loop. This can be seen in Faraday's law of induction, which states that the induced emf is equal to the rate of change of magnetic/electric flux through the loop.

4. What factors affect the change of electric/magnetic flux?

The change of electric/magnetic flux can be affected by factors such as the strength of the magnetic/electric field, the size of the area through which the field lines pass, and the orientation of the area relative to the field. Additionally, the rate of change of the field also plays a role in the change of electric/magnetic flux.

5. How is the change of electric/magnetic flux used in practical applications?

The change of electric/magnetic flux is an important concept in many practical applications, such as generators, transformers, and electric motors. It allows for the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa, making it a crucial concept in the functioning of many modern technologies.

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