Particle Acceleration: 99.99% Light Speed & Mass

In summary, particle accelerators are able to accelerate small particles to 99.99% the speed of light. As a particle's speed increases, its mass also increases. However, if an object with mass were to reach the speed of light, its mass would become infinite and would require infinite energy to accelerate it further. Therefore, it is not possible for anything with mass to reach the speed of light. It is also suggested to ignore the concept of relativistic mass and instead use 4 vectors to describe relativity. If a proton were to reach 99.99% the speed of light, its mass would be comparable to that of Earth's.
  • #1
Particle accelerator?

I've read that we have accelerated small particles to 99.99% the speed of light.

Now, if I understand this correctly, a particles mass increases as its speed increases.

Also, if an object "having mass" was moving at the speed of light, it would have infinite mass, and therefore would require infinite energy to accelerate it to the speed of light, and since infinite energy does not exist, this is why anything having mass cannot reach light speed.

So my question is, how much more massive is small particle when it is moving at 99.99% light speed?

It seems like if it was so close to actual light speed, its mass would be huge, perhaps as much as the Earth's, and accelerating an object that close to light speed could knock the planet right out of orbit or something?
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  • #2
It seems to be a good idea (and is increasingly more popular) to just ignore the idea of relativistic mass altogether. You may want to find a book that describes relativity in terms of 4 vectors, such as Griffiths E&M (ch. 12 I believe).
  • #3
Holocene said:
if it was so close to actual light speed, its mass would be huge, perhaps as much as the Earth's
Assume the particle was a proton. Come back once you've done the (trivial) maths and compared the numbers.

FAQ: Particle Acceleration: 99.99% Light Speed & Mass

What is particle acceleration?

Particle acceleration is the process of increasing the speed of charged particles, such as protons or electrons, to very high energies using electromagnetic fields.

How does particle acceleration work?

Particle acceleration works by using electromagnetic fields to transfer energy to charged particles, causing them to increase in speed. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as through circular accelerators or linear accelerators.

How fast do particles accelerate?

Particles can be accelerated to very high speeds, with some reaching 99.99% of the speed of light. This means they are traveling at around 299,792,458 meters per second.

What is the relationship between particle acceleration and mass?

The speed of a particle is directly related to its mass. As particles are accelerated to higher speeds, their mass increases due to the effects of relativity. However, the increase in mass is very small and not noticeable in most cases.

What are the applications of particle acceleration?

Particle acceleration is used in a variety of fields such as particle physics, medical imaging, and industrial applications. It allows scientists to study the fundamental building blocks of matter and can also be used for medical treatments and creating new materials.
