What was on the menu at my dinner with Sarah Palin?

  • Thread starter Jimmy Snyder
  • Start date
In summary, Jimmy went to dinner with Sarah Palin and found the food to be more expensive than usual and the company depressing. The appetizer was sour grapes in whine sauce and the main course was crow, which was eaten with zest. For dessert, Half-baked Alaska was served. Jimmy found the dance club dancing to be more enjoyable than the dinner itself.
  • #1
Jimmy Snyder
I just got back from my dinner with Sarah Palin. Everything is more expensive in Alaska and dinner with unemployed drifters is no different. When I got there in my new Levi's it looked more like a tea party than a dinner, but once I sat down, things started looking up. The appetizer was sour grapes in whine sauce. This was followed by Russian Peasant soup which you could smell from Canada. The main course was crow which was eaten with zest. And for dessert, Half-baked Alaska of course. After dinner we danced the Bristol Stomp and then I left. Not worth the price.
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  • #2
Were you in a country or a continent?
  • #3
How long have you been working on that? Topical humar really has a short shelf life...
  • #4
russ_watters said:
How long have you been working on that? Topical humar really has a short shelf life...

I think jimmy somehow ended up as the dinner date with the woman who won http://www.alaskadispatch.com/blogs/palin-watch/2013-going-to-extremes-for-a-dinner-with-palin" . Yikes, jimmy, watch for low-flying frying pans when you get home!

So tell me...what's "the dude" (he's no longer first dude) really like?
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  • #5
jimmysnyder said:
I just got back from my dinner with Sarah Palin. Everything is more expensive in Alaska and dinner with unemployed drifters is no different. When I got there in my new Levi's it looked more like a tea party than a dinner, but once I sat down, things started looking up. The appetizer was sour grapes in whine sauce. This was followed by Russian Peasant soup which you could smell from Canada. The main course was crow which was eaten with zest. And for dessert, Half-baked Alaska of course. After dinner we danced the Bristol Stomp and then I left. Not worth the price.
Alaska? I thought you were traveling in France, jimmy.
  • #6
jimmysnyder said:
I just got back from my dinner with Sarah Palin. Everything is more expensive in Alaska and dinner with unemployed drifters is no different. When I got there in my new Levi's it looked more like a tea party than a dinner, but once I sat down, things started looking up. The appetizer was sour grapes in whine sauce. This was followed by Russian Peasant soup which you could smell from Canada. The main course was crow which was eaten with zest. And for dessert, Half-baked Alaska of course. After dinner we danced the Bristol Stomp and then I left. Not worth the price.

Made me smile.
  • #7
Do they really eat crows in Alaska?
  • #8
Did you ask her who's the prime minister of Canada?
  • #9
Dinner with Sarah? Surely they were serving bull that night.
  • #10
Ivan Seeking said:
Dinner with Sarah? Surely they were serving bull that night.
Fish heads! Fish heads! Eat 'em up, YUM!
  • #11
jobyts said:
Did you ask her who's the prime minister of Canada?
Better yet, ask her who's the president of Africa. According to McCain's handlers, she thinks Africa is a country.
  • #12
Did you see how she is wearing her hair lately? And how can she wear *that* top with those shoes!
  • #13
I once tried having dinner with Sarah Palin but she got up haflway through the first course and left. How rude!

Now, Obama is great to have dinner with. He ordered everything on the menu and told me not to worry about paying because he'd put it all on his credit card.
  • #14
jimmy, did you get a chance ask her what stocks to buy?
  • #15
As a former Alaskan resident for 22 years, I roll my eyes.
  • #16
Too soon...

FAQ: What was on the menu at my dinner with Sarah Palin?

1. What did you talk about during dinner with Sarah Palin?

During my dinner with Sarah Palin, we discussed a variety of topics including politics, current events, and our personal backgrounds.

2. Did you find Sarah Palin to be approachable and friendly?

Yes, I found Sarah Palin to be very approachable and friendly. She was easy to talk to and showed genuine interest in our conversation.

3. How was the food at the dinner with Sarah Palin?

The food at the dinner with Sarah Palin was delicious. We had a variety of dishes, including some Alaskan specialties, and everything was prepared to perfection.

4. Did Sarah Palin share any interesting stories or insights during the dinner?

Yes, Sarah Palin shared some interesting stories and insights during our dinner. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience, and it was fascinating to hear her perspectives on various issues.

5. How did you feel about the overall experience of having dinner with Sarah Palin?

I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of having dinner with Sarah Palin. It was an honor to get to know her on a personal level and engage in meaningful conversation.
