New Skin Update: Get Ready to Rave!

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, the new skin is ready to be released. There are some minor issues with postbit conditionals not working but they will be fixed soon. Loading speed is a concern and feedback is welcome. The new skin is designed for 1024x768 screens and is much more intense and exciting.
  • #1
The new skin is ready to be released. I'll most likely activate it tonight, I just need to optimize some graphics. Overall it's a complete overhaul of the current skin so don't be shocked and run away when you see it. All forum functions and layout for the most part stay the same, so you won't have to learn how to use anything new, it's merely a graphical and color change. Feedback is always welcome, however I will ask you to give the skin atleast a week before you rant and rave. It always takes time to get acustom to something new especially since the old skin was so loyal to us. For those who really prefer the old skin it will still be available and you can switch between the old and new skin via your usercp, so it should be the best of both worlds.
Physics news on
  • #2
At long last! I can't wait for the "big reveal!" :biggrin:

I hope everyone is's a BIG change, but it's really fun and exciting, and now that the mentors have had a chance to sneak preview it for a few days, this blue forum is already looking old and boring.
  • #3
  • #4
Greg Bernhardt said:
Feedback is always welcome, however I will ask you to give the skin atleast a week before you rant and rave. It always takes time to get acustom to something new especially since the old skin was so loyal to us.


Great tactics, man. I always tell this to people if i have a new girlfriend or haircut.

  • #5
:smile: Marlon, that's too funny, because that was the analogy Greg used when introducing the new skin to us mentors, that it's like having a new girlfriend. :smile:

So, what happened Greg? I thought I'd arrive to PF's completed makeover this morning, and it's still the flat, blue Smurf bribing you to keep the blue skin?
  • #6
Seems like a pretty seamless transition to me, but it will be hard to get used to. I'm going to miss those modifiable titles of "Radio Wave, ElectroMagnetic Wave", etc below the username.

Umm, that was the change, right? :rolleyes:
  • #7
Moonbear said:
So, what happened Greg?

For some very frustrating and weird reason some postbit conditionals aren't working in the new skin, such as the contributor badge and medals. So until I can fix them I won't release it, so you'll just have a wait a little longer. Hopefully I can figure out a solution today.
  • #8
Something I am concerned about is loading speed, so if you can all give me feedback on that it would be helpful.
  • #9
Greg Bernhardt said:
For some very frustrating and weird reason some postbit conditionals aren't working in the new skin, such as the contributor badge and medals. So until I can fix them I won't release it, so you'll just have a wait a little longer. Hopefully I can figure out a solution today.
Well, that was quick! How exciting! I almost didn't realize something was different, I'd gotten so used to it already in the mentor's forum. :biggrin: Woo hoo!
  • #10
Greg Bernhardt said:
Something I am concerned about is loading speed, so if you can all give me feedback on that it would be helpful.
I haven't noticed any issues with loading on the new skin...actually, all the problems I had been experiencing with that seemed to vanish about the same time you introduced the new skin to the mentors...don't know if it was in any way related. :rolleyes:
  • #11
Wow, totally unexpected, I'm loving it, thanks guys!
  • #12
Holy s***. Its like PF just got launched into outer space. Way cool. :approve:

Bringing PF into the 21st Century :biggrin:.
  • #13
YAY! The new skin is here. :approve:
  • #14
I'll go for the curmudgeon award: What a ghastly face-lift; reminds me of Liz Taylor's 11th..
  • #15
Overall it's a complete overhaul of the current skin so don't be shocked and run away when you see it.

I was about to do that! :biggrin: Nice work.
  • #16
I'm going to have to go with on this one. :biggrin:
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  • #17
Btw, is the new format designed for 1024x768 screens? Although I can reach all the buttons, links etc without (horizontal) scrolling, I don't have a complete view of the forum in my 800x600 monitor.
  • #18
Looks great. Very intense. I must say that I was shocked when I just logged on. But I'll stick with the old skin.
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  • #19
Its really big! I now half to scroll side to side to view the page. It loaded just fine. Nice little details added.
  • #20
This will be as effective as MJ's 5th nose lift operation..
  • #21
very nice, nice work.
  • #22
I like it but, for me, the text is hard to read with the grey background. Can you make the background white to improve the contrast?
  • #23
Tide said:
I like it but, for me, the text is hard to read with the grey background. Can you make the background white to improve the contrast?

I tried white, but I actually thought the contrast was too high and it hurt my eyes after awhile.
  • #24
Then how about a lighter grey? Or a bolder font?
  • #25
Tide said:
Then how about a lighter grey? Or a bolder font?

It's already very close to white. Is it possible to make a small screen shot of how it looks on your monitor so I can see what it looks like to you?
  • #26
Wow! That's a huge change. It has a hard machine-like edge to it. The older skin has a softer feel.
  • #27
I'll have to give this a week before evaluating it. As of right now, it looks like a whole lot of bells and whistles with no increased functionality. I'm not having any trouble loading or anything (in fact, it's actually loading faster), but the graphics are a little distracting.
  • #28
I haven't given it a week - I switched back to the old graphics. The gray text seems depressing (the blue text seems more cheerful). Also the text seems harder to read with the new layout, has the size changed any, or is it just the lack of color that I'm reacting to?
  • #29
Seriously, you will get used to it quickly and I prefer the new skin, it's easier on my eyes.
  • #30
Greg Bernhardt said:
It's already very close to white. Is it possible to make a small screen shot of how it looks on your monitor so I can see what it looks like to you?

Here's a copy.


  • GregBernhardt.png
    10.7 KB · Views: 446
  • #31
Tide said:
Here's a copy.

It seems like great contrast to me, the gray is nearly white, it's definitely higher contrast than the old skin.
  • #32
Nice new skin.

I’m very new to this board so I’ve only been looking at the old skin for a few weeks.
I like this new skin much better. (just personal preference.)
It has a hi-tech edge look to me. Nice work and Good luck with it.

It loads fast. I think faster than the old skin.

The only thing I’d like to see is another button next to log out, called ABOUT US:

I always like sites that have an about us button or a about this forum button just
to allow a new member or potential member to get up to speed on how the board works and
what it’s all about.

Not a biggie.

Back on topic. I think the new skin is great.


  • #33
the new skin looks really nice.
  • #34
It looks great, awesome job!

I do have one question though. It seems like there is this silver/blue bar every 15 posts, is this a mistake? Here is a screenshot:
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  • #35
Another thing, how does one open/close a section on the main page with all the forums?

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